Candidate's political ads


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Jan 7, 2014
I thought it might be fun to start a thread of champaign ads. I was researching the Alaskan Senate race and came across one for Dan Sullivan. He is polling to win the Republican primary although the incumbent Democrat, Mark Begich, holds a significant lead against Sullivan for the Alaskan Senate seat.

[ame=]Super PAC TV Ad Touts Dan Sullivan in Alaska - YouTube[/ame]

(Presumably one could just look up any ad on YouTube but then where's the flame, er, I mean, fun in that? ;) )
OK, this is not actually a political ad and I hope no one finds it extremely offensive in some way. I thought it was pretty funny myself.

[Sorry if you missed it. I dropped the video in the name of good taste, more of less.]
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In the name of sanity, or not, here is an actual Matt Bevin radio ad. Bevin is running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the Republican Kentucky primary.

[ame=]Matt Bevin Radio Ad: Kentucky Common Sense - YouTube[/ame]

(Apparently one can run a whole minute ad on Obamacare alone.)
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A few ads from the North Carolina Senate race, 2 from Tillis and 1 from Brannon.

[ame=]Let's Clean Up Her Mess - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]How Many? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Real Change - YouTube[/ame]
A few ads from the North Carolina Senate race, 2 from Tillis and 1 from Brannon.

Interesting that both Tillis ads had nothing but Obamacare attacks while the TEA Party candidate named several topics which were important to him.

These are the poll numbers from that NC Senate race. The difference between PPP and Rasmussen is pretty big. Don't know why.
Poll Date Sample Tillis (R) Hagan (D) Spread
RCP Average 1/22 - 2/9 -- 44.5 40.0 Tillis +4.5
PPP (D) 2/6 - 2/9 708 RV 42 40 Tillis +2
Rasmussen Reports 1/22 - 1/23 500 LV 47 40 Tillis +7
RealClearPolitics - Election 2014 - North Carolina Senate - Tillis vs. Hagan
The NC US Senate Republican primary candidates:
Dem poll: Hagan trails GOP challengers | TheHill
Tillis leads the way with 20 percent of the GOP electorate, with Brannon and former nurse Heather Grant (R) at 13 percent apiece, former Shelby Mayor Ted Alexander (R) at 10 percent and Rev. Mark Harris (R) at 10 percent. Tillis has a big cash lead on his primary opponents, but they've begun to take shots at him in forums and Web ads.

If no candidate wins 40 percent of the vote in the May primary, the top two vote-winners will face off in a July runoff.
Election threads are going every which way these days. I don't know if they will get more or less mixed up as the season progresses.

This website seems pretty much a Democratic mouthpiece. The argument has ramifications in several different angles all the same.

BOR: GOP Congressman John Carter: Republican Elections More Important Than Passing Immigration Reform
The Republican House Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee shared some very candid thoughts with Roll Call as to why he now suddenly opposes passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year.

U.S. Congressman John Carter, (R - Round Rock), who last year was part of the House Group of Eight -- a bipartisan group of House Representatives working on an immigration reform bill -- now says Republican primaries and elections are more important than passing immigration reform.

"I personally think this is the wrong time from our standpoint to go forward on immigration," Carter said. "It's an election year. I mean Texas is in the middle of primaries right now."

Carter, who is a critical figure from the Republican side in pushing for immigration reform, is putting politics and his own re-election before one of Texas' biggest social and economic interests -- fixing our broken immigration system. Carter is afraid of potential retaliation from Tea Party voters if immigration reform passes this year.
[ame=]"Buildings" (MS-Sen) - YouTube[/ame]

Brutal ad from Clubforgrowth in Mississippi attacking Thad Cochran and promoting Chris McDaniel.
[ame=]Tom Cotton Invites President Obama to Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]

I am not posting this so much for the video but for the comments on the video. Might just be my warped sense of humor but gave me a good laugh. Cotton says, "Obamacare" so many times in two minutes I had to slap the side of my laptop because I thought it was skipping. Published Dec 6, 2013.
Here is something quite interesting in South Dakota. Democrat Senator Tim Johnson is retiring. For his seat - Republican Mike Rounds is going up against Democrat Rick Weiland. Former Republican Mike Rounds was one of the five most popular governors in the country and is currently polling up double digits. I am including two videos of Mike Rounds and one of Rick Weiland. The first first and last are the candidates talking to a small audience in a small hotel conference room setting. The middle is Rounds speaking in support of a candidate of another race. South Dakota gave Romney almost 60% of the vote in 2012. This is not a question of who will win but of strategy.

[ame=]2 17 13 Mike Rounds at Republican Ambassadors - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Mike Rounds talks about Dennis - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rick Weiland on Inequality - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Thom Tillis U.S. Senate: Paper Route - YouTube[/ame]

Solid new ad by Thom Tillis.

I like it. Please North Carolina, don't choose Greg Brannon in the primary. Any guy who loses a $250K lawsuit like that can't beat an incumbent Democrat.
Solid new ad by Thom Tillis.

I like it. Please North Carolina, don't choose Greg Brannon in the primary. Any guy who loses a $250K lawsuit like that can't beat an incumbent Democrat.

I watched it and then watched it again. He didn't say 'Obamacare' once. That ad is about as much of a 180 as I have seen for a Republican candidate. From the party that is, not from himself. Presumably that is moderate of the other primary candidates. If he wins the primary how does he play his position against Senator Hagan? Most interesting.
And just to throw this on the end of that. I have watched some YouTube video of Sen. Collins and some Senate floor speeches. I just don't see any way in the world Sen. Collins can win. After Sen. Harkins gave that absolutely empassionate speech about the blocked confirmation of Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Sen. Collins stood up to talk about the 'IRS scandal' like nothing had ever happened. Sen. Collins is a clueless individual.
And just to throw this on the end of that. I have watched some YouTube video of Sen. Collins and some Senate floor speeches. I just don't see any way in the world Sen. Collins can win. After Sen. Harkins gave that absolutely empassionate speech about the blocked confirmation of Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Sen. Collins stood up to talk about the 'IRS scandal' like nothing had ever happened. Sen. Collins is a clueless individual.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » 2014 Senate


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