Can't prove it (maybe) but do you believe vote fraud was rampant in some states b4 2020?

do you believe vote fraud was rampant in some states b4 2020?

  • N

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • probably

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • wouldn't surprise me at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something weird like that is definitely going on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • uncertain (or..?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
do you believe vote fraud was rampant in some states b4 2020?

Math was never my favorite subject, but a 10 year old (who could say the same) can see that things vis a vis voting do not add up in certain states (last 20 years or thereabouts).

Example: I keep wondering why the Newsom recall failed... assuming it did!

And I could go on and on...
Voter Fraud is the defense of Crybaby Losers who can’t admit their candidates are offensive to voters
Voter fraud is a fact and Incest Joe told us organized fraud was bigger and better than ever before.

Yet, you have no actual proof of any actual voter fraud

Just the rants of a Crybaby Loser who can’t admit that Biden kicked his ass
Yet, you have no actual proof of any actual voter fraud

Just the rants of a Crybaby Loser who can’t admit that Biden kicked his ass
There is plenty of proof a corrupt government and corrupt courts has simply denied. I do not want to engage in your fantasy that Biden actually won the election. Now run along.
There is plenty of proof a corrupt government and corrupt courts has simply denied. I do not want to engage in your fantasy that Biden actually won the election. Now run along.

I accept your concession
Voter fraud is a fact and Incest Joe told us organized fraud was bigger and better than ever before.
where did he say that?

I know about the video in which he admitted to the dims have a vast vote fraud organization

is that what u mean?
There is plenty of proof a corrupt government and corrupt courts has simply denied. I do not want to engage in your fantasy that Biden actually won the election. Now run along.
A R never being able to win, even though a popular candidate

is a form of evidence, if not proof
do you believe vote fraud was rampant in some states b4 2020?

Math was never my favorite subject, but a 10 year old (who could say the same) can see that things vis a vis voting do not add up in certain states (last 20 years or thereabouts).

Example: I keep wondering why the Newsom recall failed... assuming it did!

And I could go on and on...
Here in New Mexico going back least to the 1980's, it is amazing in how many really close elections, at the last minute they seem to find one more box of overlooked ballots that puts the one that was behind over the finish line. I'm not saying there is any hanky panky going on, but I can't recall a single election that the 'found ballots' pushed a Republican over the finish line.
There is always some sort of sleazy wrongdoing and sometimes incompetence in all elections in the U.S.A. since the first vote count. A research study will turn up all sorts of wrongdoing. Was any of it an organized conspiracy?
Here in New Mexico going back least to the 1980's, it is amazing in how many really close elections, at the last minute they seem to find one more box of overlooked ballots that puts the one that was behind over the finish line. I'm not saying there is any hanky panky going on, but I can't recall a single election that the 'found ballots' pushed a Republican over the finish line.

I rest my case

And NM Republicans sent a 2nd slate of electors to Washington at the end of the 2020 presidential election (which btw never seemed to end...), along w/ about 6 other states

so good for the Rs in NM!

too bad Pence didn't seem to give a rip about conflicting electors, confusing election results.. just rubber stamped the whole mess. He could have called for an audit... could have sent the electors back to their states to come up with ONE

he has a lot of nerve running for pres...
There is always some sort of sleazy wrongdoing and sometimes incompetence in all elections in the U.S.A. since the first vote count. A research study will turn up all sorts of wrongdoing. Was any of it an organized conspiracy?

without a doubt

Mollie Hemingway agrees... Read her book. All Americans should read it
How do Crybaby Losers respond when they lose an election BIG LEAGUE?

1. Analyze what they did wrong and what needs to be changed by the next election.

2. Cry and claim they were cheated
do you believe vote fraud was rampant in some states b4 2020?

Math was never my favorite subject, but a 10 year old (who could say the same) can see that things vis a vis voting do not add up in certain states (last 20 years or thereabouts).

Example: I keep wondering why the Newsom recall failed... assuming it did!

And I could go on and on...
2018 that put Nancy Piglosi in power over Congress.


I rest my case

And NM Republicans sent a 2nd slate of electors to Washington at the end of the 2020 presidential election (which btw never seemed to end...), along w/ about 6 other states

so good for the Rs in NM!

too bad Pence didn't seem to give a rip about conflicting electors, confusing election results.. just rubber stamped the whole mess. He could have called for an audit... could have sent the electors back to their states to come up with ONE

he has a lot of nerve running for pres...
I won't rag on VP Pence. I think he is basically a good man caught in an impossible situation. I believe he is correct that he did not have constitutional or any other authority to override the will of Congress and had he done so it would have set a precedent for future elections that would haunt us into the next century. If he had don't you think the odds are good that Kamala would refuse to certify the 2024 election if the Republican wins?
I won't rag on VP Pence. I think he is basically a good man caught in an impossible situation. I believe he is correct that he did not have constitutional or any other authority to override the will of Congress and had he done so it would have set a precedent for future elections that would haunt us into the next century. If he had don't you think the odds are good that Kamala would refuse to certify the 2024 election if the Republican wins?

If the exiting Vice President gets to override the states and pick the next President, you would never see another Republican

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