Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

Fractured is very accurate. It has been fun comparing the thoughts of the day and being able to fast forward to see the results. The art of debate has been lost, at least IMO.

The word of the FF was personal and up front, visible and aural, not one of visualization, imagery, sound bytes, and so forth. Discounting race and sex, Obama and Clinton would have made it back then along with Boehner and George Will, among others. Bachmann, Palin, Sharpton, Hannitty, and others would not. Maybe Schultz and Limbaugh would. Who know?
You just had to ruin the moment of understanding didnt you? Mentioning the empty suit Obama is over the top.

He is the worst I have seen in my lifetime and clearly his admin is more corrupt then Nixon could have ever dreamed of.

We are talking about the world in which the FFs lived. Obama had skills for that world. Karl Rove, that evil man, would have done very well in that world.

You make far more sense, by the by, than that homer, CeCelie, who talks but says nothing who listens but does not hear what she does not like. She would not survive in that world. I think you would.
Simple. The Tea Party does not have a list of unfathomable and ridiculous demands.

Neither does OWS.

Such as "the forgiving of ALL debt"...$20 minimum wage. Elimination of fossil fuels. An automatic $1trillion ( from where this money will come is a mystery) for infrastructure.

These are not demands of OWS. You have been misled.

The rampant unionization of labor....

This might be something most OWS protesters would support and so would I, and is indeed a difference between the two movements. They are not identical. However, they do have many points in common.

Tea Party rallies did not "Occupy public space. Did not block traffic and applied and received all required permits for large gatherings.

I'm quite certain that isn't true, but if it is true it only means the TP activists didn't know how to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience. That requires breaking the law (without hurting people, of course) and inviting arrest.
of course cantnor's upset. Thats where he, and many other politicians feed-at-the-trough and write bills to benefit those 1%'ers :)
First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?


Although there is a growing concern here in NY by the anti semetic sentiment...not a "muffled" word on a recording that may be the "N" word as was heard at a tea party ralley.

Furthermore, I dont think the tea party ralleys over the 2 years had a total of over 800 arrests....meaning that these ralleys are in less control of themselves.

But they have a right to be heard...and I support their efforts.

But I am curious....Pelosi knocked the tea party ralleys when they started....yet applauds the wall street protests.

DO you not agree that that, too, is hypocrisy?

Have you viewed the tapes , These people are being harrassed by some of the white shirt( means they are higher ups) cops.

How many tea party people were maced for standing behind a barracade as instructed?
NIce try dummy.
The ranked officers are doing their duty. Which is to surgically cull out the troublemakers, those who are breaking the law.
Tough shit.
The protestors are the real imitators of the Tea Party of 1773.
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Have you viewed the tapes , These people are being harrassed by some of the white shirt( means they are higher ups) cops.

How many tea party people were maced for standing behind a barracade as instructed?

TM...when you know what you are talking about, I will gladly respond to you.

In the meantime, I am here in NYC......our local news have been accurately reporting on the protests and they do not have an agenda like your national "news" does.

The "white shirts" as you inaccurately referred to them as did not do anything out of normal procedure.

The macing was warranted.

Whoa....I disagree with you here. I watched tape (last week mind you), that showed a "white shirt" macing a female who was doing nothing more than standing behind an orange barricade erected by the very cops that maced her. It seemed a little out of line to me...
Typical...You're viewing edited content not raw video.
Whoa....I disagree with you here. I watched tape (last week mind you), that showed a "white shirt" macing a female who was doing nothing more than standing behind an orange barricade erected by the very cops that maced her. It seemed a little out of line to me...

Yes, but what you are not aware of is why they were penned in..

Now, if you take into consideration that they were penned in for acting unruly and inciting others to act unruly..and continuing to incite others to act unruly while they were penned in, you may see it in a different light.

Sometimes, when one that is being detained continues to do what they were being detained for, the officer must be pro-active and take charge.

The NYPD is one of the best in the world. Sure, you have a few bad apples.....but this situation is a classic example of a video going viral without all of the facts attached to it.

I cannot access YouTube from here, but I am certain the tape is out there that I am refrencing. I would LOVE for you to explain how the woman who was penned in, was acting in any way "inciting" anything? She was a peaceful protester. When did that become illegal?
HUH?...Your statement is a speculative conclusion.
You admit you've not seen video. And youtube is not reliable enough to present THE WHOLE incident.
Unless you can find unedited raw video of the entire incident from beginning to end, your conclusion that "something MUST have been wrong" is bullshit.
You are free to render an opinion. You are not permitted to draw conclusions when you do not have the facts.
The word of the FF was personal and up front, visible and aural, not one of visualization, imagery, sound bytes, and so forth. Discounting race and sex, Obama and Clinton would have made it back then along with Boehner and George Will, among others. Bachmann, Palin, Sharpton, Hannitty, and others would not. Maybe Schultz and Limbaugh would. Who know?
You just had to ruin the moment of understanding didnt you? Mentioning the empty suit Obama is over the top.

He is the worst I have seen in my lifetime and clearly his admin is more corrupt then Nixon could have ever dreamed of.

We are talking about the world in which the FFs lived. Obama had skills for that world. Karl Rove, that evil man, would have done very well in that world.

You make far more sense, by the by, than that homer, CeCelie, who talks but says nothing who listens but does not hear what she does not like. She would not survive in that world. I think you would.

To me Jake, Obama is nothing but a parrot, a smooth talking guy being fed what to say.

I dont think Obama could out debate most on this board let alone those who had a true vision of the future.

The one thing I have realized in catching up again on intent. Is we are following the founders intent. We knew we would make mistakes, so we provided the remedies. They predicted we would add amendments and take them away. It is expected that the federal government would over reach. The remedies for that once again become fractured.
From what I have read, the protesters are told repeatedly that this is to be a peaceful demonstration. It seems anti-establishment demonstrations always attract a few anarchist see to always take it to the extreme.
The thing is, Main Street America is getting screwed over. It wasn't always that way. Through the the late70's people actually saw their income grow faster than inflation. The Middle Class was booming and contributing to the economy. Main Street America saw their fair share of the National Income. People were working. This was the era when capitalism was at it's finest. And taxes were higher during that time period than they are now.
Then the Global Economy arose. Profits took more of a meaning and the growth of wages at a rate faster than inflation stopped and reversed itself. The wealth gap grew, working Americans so their share of the National Income shrink.
We have some people sitting on their hands accepting this down-wards spiral, we have people defending those who brought all of this down on themselves and Main Street America. But we also have a growing number of people who are sick of living check to check and losing wealth due to economic injustice.
Big Money has put a lot of effort in demonizing those who want their share of the economy. Naturally, there are people eating up what the distracters are telling them. We see that on these boards.
But the fact remains, Main Street America has been sliding downhill for the last three decades and there are reasons and Main Street America is recognizing these reasons.
These people aren't socialist, they just want to save capitalism from greed and dishonesty by using accountability. Has anyone even had their hands slapped in light of their lack of ethics and morals that brought on the Great Recession. And why are a small about of the US's citizenry profiting hugely, while the rest are forced to keep on taking steps backwards?
You just had to ruin the moment of understanding didnt you? Mentioning the empty suit Obama is over the top.

He is the worst I have seen in my lifetime and clearly his admin is more corrupt then Nixon could have ever dreamed of.

We are talking about the world in which the FFs lived. Obama had skills for that world. Karl Rove, that evil man, would have done very well in that world.

You make far more sense, by the by, than that homer, CeCelie, who talks but says nothing who listens but does not hear what she does not like. She would not survive in that world. I think you would.

To me Jake, Obama is nothing but a parrot, a smooth talking guy being fed what to say.

I dont think Obama could out debate most on this board let alone those who had a true vision of the future.

The one thing I have realized in catching up again on intent. Is we are following the founders intent. We knew we would make mistakes, so we provided the remedies. They predicted we would add amendments and take them away. It is expected that the federal government would over reach. The remedies for that once again become fractured.

I am not an Obama guy, at all, but I disagree with you on his person to person and up front skills. Behind the scenes may be another thing altogether, I admit.

Judicial Review by SCOTUS is a fact and will not be overturned (certainly not by a majority Roberts court of Hard Right conservatism).

We may see a new Tea Party movement of the 40 to 40 yard lines, left of center to right of center, taking it all away from the Hard Right and the Hard Left.
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

I'm concerned that Cantor isn't doing his job. He'd rather see us go through another year of stagnation than lift a finger to help America for fear that it would also help Obama.

I would just LOVE to see Congress get their paychecks cut by about 30% as part of the deficit reduction plan. Cut back on the amount of money they get to hire staff workers, as well.

Then require Congress to spend more time in session to actually EARN the money they get paid.

Additionally, don't allow Congressmen, or Senators, or Governors to collect a paycheck when they're running for another office and spending so much time away from their current elective office. Either resign your office, or take an unpaid leave of absence.
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR


Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

The difference is that they're squatting for weeks and that they're Marxists with no other goal than to destroy capitalism...

Occupy Sacramento Protesters Get Angry With CBS Reporter | Video |

The Tea Party protests for a few hours, cleans up their protest site and then goes home to their families - these motherfuckers are a bunch of squatters...
We are talking about the world in which the FFs lived. Obama had skills for that world. Karl Rove, that evil man, would have done very well in that world.

You make far more sense, by the by, than that homer, CeCelie, who talks but says nothing who listens but does not hear what she does not like. She would not survive in that world. I think you would.

To me Jake, Obama is nothing but a parrot, a smooth talking guy being fed what to say.

I dont think Obama could out debate most on this board let alone those who had a true vision of the future.

The one thing I have realized in catching up again on intent. Is we are following the founders intent. We knew we would make mistakes, so we provided the remedies. They predicted we would add amendments and take them away. It is expected that the federal government would over reach. The remedies for that once again become fractured.

I am not an Obama guy, at all, but I disagree with you on his person to person and up front skills. Behind the scenes may be another thing altogether, I admit.

Judicial Review by SCOTUS is a fact and will not be overturned (certainly not by a majority Roberts court of Hard Right conservatism).

We may see a new Tea Party movement of the 40 to 40 yard lines, left of center to right of center, taking it all away from the Hard Right and the Hard Left.

Jake both sides of the court are big government advocates. Doing anything else is a conflict of interest. Sure they will go back and forth on the rules. People will scream activism and at the end of the day the government has taken more power.
I'm concerned that Obama is giving the OWS crowd aid, comfort and support

They're not "the enemy," Frank. And it's not an impeachable offense.

They're certainly the enemy...

Right, taking over a company just to bailout your voting base while watching stockholders lose everything is not an impeachable offense?

Obama is guilty of treason...

I think there is enough evidence that would suggest Obama is knowingly doing harm to the US economy.. "Knowingly" being the key word in all this..

You better believe he will be arrested for treason the second real Americans take the power back in November of 2012.

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