Capital Mirrors: Democracy-Trolley


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a 'commerce-vigilante' fable inspired by the modernism-cheer film Career Opportunities.

Signing off,


Red Ninja was a patriotic and valiant soldier-assassin working for the brave American paramilitary crusaders in America known as 'G.I. Joes.' Red Ninja believed consumerism could lift the spirits of the world through commerce-based culture-exchange (e.g., sushi, Starbucks, satellite-television, etc.). Red Ninja was a big fan of the imaginarium-toyshop film Alice in Wonderland and wanted to promote consumerism 'design democracy' in America on behalf of the G.I. Joes (when he wasn't busy serving in vital anti-terrorism missions in Iran and Russia!).

Red Ninja woke up every morning and looked at his reflection in the mirror and said a quiet prayer about the value of self-control and modesty in a world 'governed' by capitalism. However, one morning Red Ninja saw the image of a completely different man in the mirror when he looked at what was supposed to be his own reflection! The man he saw in the mirror was a red-and-black ninja-assassin warrior (like him) but flashier and seemingly more intemperate. Red Ninja asked the image in the mirror (thinking he was dreaming perhaps) who he was, and the image replied, "Call me...Deadpool!"

Red Ninja went to his G.I. Joe office that morning (as usual), but he couldn't get the idea out of his mind that he saw his 'polar-opposite' in the mirror --- an 'imaginary man' apparently named 'Deadpool.' Red Ninja reasoned that Deadpool was a name signifying a complete apathy towards self-control and hence an embracing of pure anarchy, which was very dangerous to capitalism rhetoric and consumerism homeostasis --- e.g., 'cholesterol-culture.' Red Ninja started reading books about the Eastern Yin-Yang symbol and its philosophy of the dualism in the universe --- between order and chaos, light and darkness, illumination and mystery.

Red Ninja concluded that Deadpool was the darkness if Red Ninja himself represented light (since he was clearly an advocate of pro-socialization democracy beneficial to peaceful networking in the modern 'Wall Street world'). Red Ninja guessed that Deadpool would carry out some terrorist attack on Wall Street after 'leaping' out of the pages of the imagination (from the 'realm' of mirrors) and into the labyrinths of 'normal' human life. Red Ninja assumed Deadpool would infiltrate the Wall Street trading-floor and/or NASDAQ terminals to create havoc and hysteria after the Opening Bell of trading the following Monday morning (the first day of the regular work-week and commerce-period of the civilized world).

Red Ninja decided to 'negotiate' with Deadpool before there was irrevocable damage done to Wall Street. Red Ninja once again stood in front of his mirror (and this time he only saw his own regular reflection), but this time, he called out to Deadpool and entreated him to debate about the 'moral value' of self-control in a world dependent on commerce-based monuments and capital institutions and consumerism-based 'totems' such as Burger King and Wal-Mart. You see, Red Ninja believed in the defense of democratic liberties as the method to achieve 'socialization sanity.' To his relief, Red Ninja saw that Deadpool once again appeared in the mirror.

DEADPOOL: Why did you call me?
RED NINJA: I realize you're my polar opposite!
DEADPOOL: So what?
RED NINJA: What are your intentions?
DEADPOOL: Why should I tell you?
RED NINJA: I know you're an adversary of capitalism...
DEADPOOL: I suppose you're its' special knight!
RED NINJA: That's correct; and I want to debate with you about commerce.
DEADPOOL: I care nothing for merchandising.
RED NINJA: I'm not talking about toys; I'm talking about peace-promoting goods-exchange.
DEADPOOL: You're referring to Wall Street?
RED NINJA: Precisely; how can I convince you not to harm Wall Street?
DEADPOOL: You have to prove that trade creates optimism...
RED NINJA: When you trade goods, you think clearly about patents!
DEADPOOL: Very well, perhaps commerce facilitates property-respect, but does it cure greed?
RED NINJA: When kids play with toys (together), they think about the peace of adults.
DEADPOOL: In that case, I will not harm Earth if humans think more about education...
RED NINJA: Agreed; I will promote intellectual property securities in the world!



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