Capitalism/Communism: Satanism(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Capitalism is a political ideology (endorsed by the majority of the people of the free world today) endorsing free enterprise, peaceful trade enforcement(!), and competitive economics. Communism is a more-or-less non-mainstream political ideology (endorsed by only a few nations today such as Cuba) endorsing social control over production and labor and teamwork-based standardized 'customs.' Satanism is a non-Christian religious approach to Biblical folklore/proverbs advocating an alternative to standard 'Christian governance' (e.g., the Holy Trinity). Which is more heretical/Satanic (capitalism or communism)?

Capitalism is more-or-less based on Game Theory economics which espouses a rewards-based approach to economic and political decision-making. Capitalism was expounded and formally 'elucidated' by the economist-philosopher Adam Smith in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations.

Communism is the political realization of Socialism Theory which espouses a network-based approach to political control --- central government, controlled citizenry, federally-supervised production, etc. Communism was expounded and formally 'elucidated' by the economist-philosopher Karl Marx in his seminal works Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto.

Capitalism is considered an individualism-based political system and therefore promotes natural competitiveness in the free market. Communism is considered a nation or network-based political system and therefore promotes teamwork as an ideal higher than individual success.

Capitalism has been criticized for being an advocacy-system for pirates and profiteers, while Communism has been criticized for promoting dictatorships, cruel governance, and even censorship.

Since Capitalism sort of 'won the war' of ideologies (after all, the dominant nations of the West are pro-capitalist), the liberal media does not really 'demonize' capitalism as much as communism. However, modern social critics often focus on all the ills and human 'vices' capitalism does promote --- e.g., piracy, tycoon-corruption, corporate malfeasance, gambling, etc.

When we watch a movie like Doctor Zhivago, we're invited to be sceptical about Communism, but when we watch a movie like Casino, we're invited to be sceptical about Capitalism(!).

If you're a staunch advocate of democracy and its values such as free-speech, Communism may seem too 'non-mainstream' or even Satanic(!) to you, but if you're a scholar of the 'evolution of political systems,' then Capitalism (and all its 'human vices') may seem more 'Satanic' to you(!).

That's the real question --- which political ideology/system promotes more unchecked human weakness?

Answering this question can help our arguably commerce-biased 'TrumpUSA' deal with Communism-relevant new age treaty-speculation challenges (i.e., North Korea).



GOD: Karl Marx is considered a visionary.
SATAN: Adam Smith was a real scholar...
GOD: People criticize Capitalism because it promotes gambling.
SATAN: We all read the news report of the terrible Vegas shooting [2017].
GOD: That occurred during the first year of Trump's presidency.
SATAN: Yes, George Bush (Jr.) dealt with 9/11, and Trump dealt with Vegas and North Korea.
GOD: It's a very commerce-oriented 'modern world.'
SATAN: Communism sometimes feels just downright boring.
GOD: Capitalism sometimes does not feel like a political ideology at all!
SATAN: That's because Wall Street 'intellectualizes' profiteerism.
GOD: So is Marx considered more 'incendiary' than Adam Smith?
SATAN: Well, Communism has been demonized for being less 'practical.'
GOD: Yes, communist governments have hoisted unscrupulous dictators (Stalin).
SATAN: Capitalism-corruption is often 'ignored' (e.g., Enron, Watergate, etc.).
GOD: Capitalism is much more difficult to regulate/manage (e.g., NATO).
SATAN: Perhaps Marx will be remembered as Merlin!



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