Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

"The people" are always government. That's why it sucks to high heaven.

When have you last been forced to trade?

No, government is always the most aggressive and assertive, and they always try to prevent any power sharing with the majority.

Everyone is always forced to trade and would otherwise prefer not to.
We are forced to pay rent, spend all day at a job, buy food, etc.
Primitives spend less than 2 hours a day on survival, compared to 11 hours a day for us.
The Russians dropped the Iron Curtain in order to prevent western capitalists from invading their homeland as had happened twice in the 20th century.
Those were sovereign countries they invaded and imprisoned, dipshit.
Those were sovereign countries they invaded and imprisoned, dipshit.

I am not at all a fan of the USSR, but they did have a value excuse for being a little paranoid and wanting not only a buffer, but economic allies.
They did not "invade" the Warsaw Pact countries, but liberated them from the Fascists.
To the Germans, these countries were just Lebensraum. ( the territory that a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development, especially associated with Nazi Germany. )
I am not at all a fan of the USSR, but they did have a value excuse for being a little paranoid and wanting not only a buffer, but economic allies.
They did not "invade" the Warsaw Pact countries, but liberated them from the Fascists.
To the Germans, these countries were just Lebensraum. ( the territory that a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development, especially associated with Nazi Germany. )
Liberated, my ass. We liberated France. We gave them their country back.

Life under the USSR was as bad as life under the Nazis.
If and when the people are government, then government can't have too much power.

Since when has any trade been voluntary?
First there was feudalism, then imperialism, colonialism, monopolies, illegal trusts, slavery, etc.

The people are never the government. That's a fantasy.
If and when the people are government, then government can't have too much power.

Since when has any trade been voluntary?
First there was feudalism, then imperialism, colonialism, monopolies, illegal trusts, slavery, etc.

All trade is voluntary. Otherwise, it's not trade.
When I say "democratic control" I mean public regulation designed to enhance long term economic goals that benefit the 99% of Americans instead of the short term speculation favored by brokers, bankers, investors, and capital markets. How much more economic inequality do you think this country needs?
You mean fascism.
Since when has any trade been voluntary?

I just voluntarily bought some beer.

All trade is voluntary. Otherwise, it's not trade.

Sure it is.
A monopoly, extortion, blackmail, etc. is not voluntary, but is still trade.
It is not what you want or deserve, but you take the best deal you can get.

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners.

"Capitalism is not democratic, democracy not capitalist.

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise."

Reagan's tax cuts facilitated low interest rates and financial bubbles to promote US financial expansion by making real estate speculation and junk-bond corporate takeovers effectively exempt from income taxation.

This set in motion a chain-reaction of asset price inflation that is still polarizing this economy today.

The primary mode of accumulation has become financial, enabling investment bankers to replace government planners.
without money you have zero freedom try taking a vacation or doing anything when your ass is broke
The New Deal created the greatest middle class in history after capitalism collapsed the global economy in 1929. Central planning won both world wars in the 20th century. By early 2020 when the MAGA pandemic first began shutting down the world economy, 87 million US residents lacked adequate healthcare and 40% could not afford an unexpected $400 expense.

In the richest country in history 40 million people were poor, half of all workers lived paycheck to paycheck, and 12% of the population had experienced food insecurity at some point during the preceding year.

That's what capitalism does.
It consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.
Only slaves call that freedom.
the new deal did nothing but world war 2 ended the depression dumbass
You mean fascism.

No, fascism is an alliance of the wealthy elite, the businessmen, military, aristocracy, and religion, to control the rest.
When the majority instead creates regulations to prevent the wealthy elite from dictating, that is the opposite of fascism.
Liberated the shit out of them, eh comrade?

The Russians eventually removed all controls, once they were less paranoid.
At one point the Russians thought the US was going to attack them as well.
They just wanted a buffer and a means of resisting future attacks.
The Russians eventually removed all controls, once they were less paranoid.
At one point the Russians thought the US was going to attack them as well.
They just wanted a buffer and a means of resisting future attacks.

The Russians eventually removed all controls, once they were less paranoid.

When did they get less paranoid? LOL!

Biggest nation in the world, worst inferiority complex.

They just wanted a buffer and a means of resisting future attacks.

Poor Russia. You think Stalin regretted splitting Poland with his ally, Hitler?

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