Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

ust FYI, the top 1% earn about 20% of income, blowing your talking points out of the water on that. Yes, their taxes are extremely high.
In fact, they're not.
Rich parasites paid 90% of their marginal income in taxes will into the Eisenhower administration, and that doesn't begin to account for today's top economic scum who live by the maxim "Buy, Borrow, Die"
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The IRS. The top 20% pay virtually all taxes
They pay virtually all INCOME taxes.
Poor and middle-class workers pay a far greater percentage of their income in ALL forms of taxes.

Dems Somehow Pretend This Mostly Helps The Middle Class
Economic systems, like capitalism, socialism, and communism, are not systems of government, but choices as to how government revenue should be spent.
Possibly it's more useful to think in terms of political economy which seek to study the relations between production and trade with the law and government?

As someone who grew up during the Cold War I was brainwashed into believing socialism required government ownership of the means of production which isn't all that different from capitalism's belief that a small rich minority of society should decide what to make, where to make it, and how to distribute any surplus.

One point I'm trying to make in this thread is neither USSR type socialism of US style capitalism is based on economic democracy:
Table 4 : Range of Economic Democracy Profits
In fact, they're not.
Rich parasites paid 90% of their marginal income in taxes will into the Eisenhower administration, and that doesn't begin to account for today's top economic scum who live
In fact, they didn't. I'd wager that no one, ever, actually paid anything close to 90% of their income in taxes. That was populist horseshit to satiate ignorant socialists.

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In fact, they're not.
Rich parasites paid 90% of their marginal income in taxes will into the Eisenhower administration, and that doesn't begin to account for today's top economic scum who live by the maxim "Buy, Borrow, Die"

I cited IRS STATISTICS you stupid lying fuck. Stop making up shit. And I was talking about today, not the Eisenhower administration
It is why equality matters.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
Very little scares conservatives more than equality of opportunity:

Political Economy

"1. Liberalism​

"The liberal ideology stems from the concept of labor and exchange and the use of land, labor, and capital to produce durable goods. Liberal economists believe that economics can benefit everyone and that society can progress with the improvement in the standard of living.

"They think that the wants of the community rather than of individuals are most important for decision-making. They also believe in equal opportunity for everyone and are concerned with the structure of civil society."
Very little scares conservatives more than equality of opportunity:

Political Economy

"1. Liberalism​

"The liberal ideology stems from the concept of labor and exchange and the use of land, labor, and capital to produce durable goods. Liberal economists believe that economics can benefit everyone and that society can progress with the improvement in the standard of living.

"They think that the wants of the community rather than of individuals are most important for decision-making. They also believe in equal opportunity for everyone and are concerned with the structure of civil society."
Is that why our Founding Fathers gave us a Constitution?
Organized crime is capitalist in nature since criminals largely pursue self-interest instead of public duty.

Capitalism also generates massive economic inequality and poverty which translate into higher crime rates.

There is no better example of a "dog-eat-dog society" than drug cartels (or Big Pharma) which ruthlessly pursue bigger and bigger PRIVATE profits at the expense of society as a whole.

The Marxist Perspective on Crime
Organized crime existed long before capitalism. Georgie can't get anything right.. I swear to God, you say stupid bullshit simply for attention.
If I've given you the impression that I would do anything except cut off the right hand of the king, I apologize. I see today's world as a continuation of the Divine Right of Kings, and I have no intention of supporting our current (corporate) lords and masters:

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly

"All societies have world views, the 'unconscious mental habits' we use to make sense of the world – so deep, so pervasive as to be invisible.

"Aristocratic society in feudal times based its membership on property ownership. Back then, it was land. Today it’s wealth, or financial assets..."

Today, our worldview has a bias – that stockholders are to be paid as much as possible, while employees are to be paid as little as possible. 'Income for one group is declared good, and income for another group is declared bad.'"
You won't support our current, society? You are full of shit and now delusional. Seriously, you are an idiot
Since government charters corporations and corporations drive the global economy, capitalism would not even exist in its current incarnation without the state.

Your property rights would be considerably more expensive to defend without government providing courts, police, and fire services.
Yea, it is called the constitution of our republic.
Capitalism poisons the planet for profit by plundering global resources, worsening pollution, and magnifies "natural disasters" It has already created an existential threat to human civilization we have never seen before.

Capitalism's Core Problem: The Case for Universal Property

"They found that natural ecosystems generate a global flow of benefits — including fresh water supply, soil formation, nutrient cycling, waste treatment, pollination, raw materials and climate regulation — worth between $25 trillion and $87 trillion a year.

"That compares with a gross world product of about $80 trillion.

"These calculations are precise enough to suggest that we are greatly confused about where our wealth today comes from.

"We think it comes from the fevered efforts of today’s businesses and workers, but in fact they merely add icing to a cake that was baked long ago."
Moron, is the only logical reply to anything you post
I asked you nicely to quit lying and yet you keep doing it,,

food and rent are not the cost of doing business for an employee because hes not doing business,, he working a job and going home, the employer is doing the business,,

All employees are doing business.
They do labor and are paid for it.
You are only supposed to be taxed on your profit after overhead expenses.
Rent is a valid overhead expense, but they don't let workers deduct that.
Post the part that mentions rent, food, transportation, etc. , as a deductible expense.

The point is only profit is supposed to be taxed.
The cost of living is not profit.
It should not be taxed.
To tax the cost of living would violate the survival rights of the individual.
Like I said, the teaser reset had squat to do with a 3 week LIBOR spike, after the bubble already burst.

Does not matter if the bubble had already burst or not.
The teaser should not have been able to increase by so much, so quickly, and the LIBOR did spike, greatly increasing the defaults.
Then the home buyers should have been bailed out, not the banks.
Possibly it's more useful to think in terms of political economy which seek to study the relations between production and trade with the law and government?

As someone who grew up during the Cold War I was brainwashed into believing socialism required government ownership of the means of production which isn't all that different from capitalism's belief that a small rich minority of society should decide what to make, where to make it, and how to distribute any surplus.

One point I'm trying to make in this thread is neither USSR type socialism of US style capitalism is based on economic democracy:
Table 4 : Range of Economic Democracy Profits

I agree, "neither USSR type socialism of US style capitalism is based on economic democracy", but I believe both the USSR and the US are oligarchies of the wealthy elite capitalists.

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