Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

All Adjustable Rate Mortgages likely are deceptive and should be illegal.
But the buyers are told that the adjustable rate will be based on the economy, and they were lied to.
When the economy tanked, the adjustable mortgage rates close to doubled.
No one could afford that.
It was outright fraud and theft by the banks.
Nor did the banks have to foreclose.
The rate did not have to increase.
There was no new expense to the banks.
They could have kept things at the same profitable rates, without foreclosing.
But they wanted the defaults.
Then they got all the previous payments for free, and the buyer lost everything, including down payment.

But I would NEVER take an ARM.
They are foolish and deceptive.

All Adjustable Rate Mortgages likely are deceptive and should be illegal.

What's wrong, did the wording in the contract confuse you?
Was the addition too difficult?

But the buyers are told that the adjustable rate will be based on the economy,

Show me. Post a contract that mentioned the economy, not an index rate.

When the economy tanked, the adjustable mortgage rates close to doubled.

When did the economy tank? What was the original rate? The new rate?
Without specifics, your whining is unconvincing.

It was outright fraud and theft by the banks.
Nor did the banks have to foreclose.

You think the banks wanted to foreclose between 2007-2009?

You think the banks made money on foreclosures between 2007-2009?

The rate did not have to increase.
There was no new expense to the banks.

If the banks financed the mortgage with short-term money (deposits),
why don't they have a new expense when rates increase?
But beyond that, you got a lower rate with the adjustable. If you wanted
a fixed rate, get a fixed rate mortgage. Or understand the risk you took
and stop whining.

But I would NEVER take an ARM.
They are foolish and deceptive.

So why are you whining about the people who did?
If they were too stupid to understand what they signed, they should be renters.
Of course they still need to read their lease, eh?
The standard deduction is less than a third of what it actually cost to live.
That is totally unfair.

The standard deduction is less than a third of what it actually cost to live.

Depends on where/how you live.

That is totally unfair.

If the banks financed the mortgage with short-term money (deposits),
why don't they have a new expense when rates increase?

The US Prime decreased, not increased.
That is basic to understanding at all what happened, so then clearly you don't have a clue or are deliberately lying.
The sequence of events started with Bush borrowing too much for his wars, the economy tanked, the LIBOR shot up as the US Prime went down, mortgage payment almost doubled, and the banks started foreclosing when they did not have to.
That lead to all bank assets devaluing to the point the banks then needed to be bailed out.
But the banks did it to themselves.
If they had not foreclosed, then the real estate would not have devalued.
The US Prime decreased, not increased.
That is basic to understanding at all what happened, so then clearly you don't have a clue or are deliberately lying.
The sequence of events started with Bush borrowing too much for his wars, the economy tanked, the LIBOR shot up as the US Prime went down, mortgage payment almost doubled, and the banks started foreclosing when they did not have to.
That lead to all bank assets devaluing to the point the banks then needed to be bailed out.
But the banks did it to themselves.
If they had not foreclosed, then the real estate would not have devalued.

The US Prime decreased, not increased.

You're not going to post any actual numbers, are you?
Start with a real mortgage before and after the reset.
And why are you conflating deposit rates with the Prime Rate?
Is it because you don't have a clue?

That is basic to understanding at all what happened, so then clearly you don't have a clue or are deliberately lying.

Pointing out your errors isn't a lie.

the LIBOR shot up as the US Prime went down

When? Be specific. Was it before or after the real estate bubble started to deflate in 2007?
Before or after the Fed Funds rate went from 1% in 2004 to 5.25% in 2006?
You think that hike in Fed Funds caused any adjustable mortgages to reset higher?


Was it this 6 week spike, 9 months after the recession started, that was to blame?

What about the 2 point drop in Libor in the 9 months before that spike?

If they had not foreclosed, then the real estate would not have devalued.

Stop're killing me!!!!
As a form of government, democracy sucks.
You sound like a Democrat:stir:

Democrats’ Betrayals Are Jeopardizing American Democracy

"American democracy is in the midst of a meltdown — the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and Republicans’ intensifying crusade to limit voting rights and deny election results make that abundantly clear.

"Conflict-averse Democrats in Washington, D.C., are on the verge of letting this turn into a full-fledged nightmare.

"Torn between their corporate donors and the electorate, they are studiously avoiding the two key questions: What is really fueling this crisis? And how can it be stopped?"
As a form of government, democracy sucks.
Indeed it does. It should be our last resort, not our first choice.

Democracy is the majority forcing its will on everyone else. That should only be allowed when it's absolutely necessary for everyone to be on the same page. In most cases, it's not.
LOL, what do you think?
My first impression is she doesn't want the job:eek:

Biden’s Nominee Omarova Has a Published Plan to Move All Bank Deposits to the Fed and Let the New York Fed Short Stocks

"This month, the Vanderbilt Law Review published a 69-page paper by Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal regulator of the largest banks in the country that operate across state lines.

"The paper is titled 'The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy.'"

How would democratize money?
Indeed it is. It allows for a market that attends to the needs of everyone, not just the majority.
Any market based on ability to pay as opposed to human needs is destined to fail in any number of ways:
MARKETS AND MARKET FAILURE IN HEALTH SERVICES Health Economic Course Series - ppt download

"Defining Market Failure​

"Market failure occurs when the price mechanism fails to account for all of the costs and benefits necessary to provide and consume a good"

Introducing Market Failure | Boundless Economics
I would insist on equal protection of the at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States.

The reason being is the more people we get off means tested social services and onto unemployment compensation, the greater the multiplier effect will be. For comparison and contrast, means tested welfare generates a multiplier of around 0.8 where unemployment compensation generates a multiplier of around 2.0.

Thus, a three trillion dollar stimulus could generate six trillion dollars worth of economic activity.

Only right-wingers have a problem helping out the Poor.

These persons know that economic activity must go somewhere:

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.
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"This month, the Vanderbilt Law Review published a 69-page paper by Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal regulator of the largest banks in the country that operate across state lines.

"The paper is titled 'The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy.'"

How would democratize money?

Giving government even more control over our money would be a terrible mistake.
Technology helped more skilled people earn more.
Unskilled people, not so much.
FIRE sector parasites put an end to the New Deal and shifted the tax burden off oligarchs and onto skilled and unskilled productive Americans:

"Abstract: Conflation of real capital with finance capital is at the heart of current misunderstandings of economic crisis and recession. We ground this distinction in the classical analysis of rent and the difference between productive and unproductive credit."

Finance is Not the Economy | Michael Hudson
Compared to what?
Voluntary interaction.
In the wake of WWII, it's likely a majority of voters in Greece, Italy, and Korea would have elected communists to run their governments.

Are you arrogant enough to believe White America knew better?
White America??? Listen you ignorant motherfucker - if you are implying I'm a racist, you can go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork. In the ass. Hard.

Go on. Hop to it. What are you waiting for?

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