Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

It was caused by the government, turd. Government forced banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.

The facts are indisputable.
The Great Recession started as a big Ponzi scheme.
"Liar loans" were illegal frauds and the triple-A rating bestowed on those illegal frauds by private for-profit ratings corporations was part of a criminal cover-up.
The role government played in enabling those private, for-profit frauds was done at the behest of private corporations and Wall Street parasites you so slavishly parrot.
The Great Recession started as a big Ponzi scheme.
"Liar loans" were illegal frauds and the triple-A rating bestowed on those illegal frauds by private for-profit ratings corporations was part of a criminal cover-up.

The only ones who lost money on "liar loans" were the lenders who issued them, you fucking moron.
The role government played in enabling those private, for-profit frauds was done at the behest of private corporations and Wall Street parasites you so slavishly parrot.

In other words, the government is at fault. You admit that, but you want government to take over the banks.

You're a fucking moron.
President Trump was like a flashlight, he exposed our supposed “democracy” and showed everyone it’s an oligarch and Washington Establishment that runs everything
Trump is an oligarch; he's the corrupt crony-capitalist who found a way to cut-out venal middlemen like Clinton, Bush, and Biden. His administration was the most corrupt in recent US History.

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

"Here’s what you need to know:​

"As president, Donald Trump has flouted all kinds of norms, starting with his decision not to divest from his business interests while in office.

"That set the stage for an administration marked by self-interest, profiteering at the highest levels and more than 3,700 conflicts of interest."
Wasn't capitalism supposed to be replaced by now?
What happened to the workers of the world uniting and losing their chains?
“Capitalism, Marx said, never went beyond those economic models where a few dominate a majority. Capitalism just replaced the dichotomies of master/slave and lord/serf with a new one. A dominating and exploiting minority was still there, but it had a new name: employers.”

― "Richard D. Wolff, Understanding Marxism"

NOVEMBER 5, 2021

Capitalism is Dying, But Don’t Expect the Patient to Accept the Diagnosis

The government would do much better if it owned all the shares.
Just look how well that worked in the Soviet Union.
The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"...this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)"
Trump is an oligarch; he's the corrupt crony-capitalist who found a way to cut-out venal middlemen like Clinton, Bush, and Biden. His administration was the most corrupt in recent US History.

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

"Here’s what you need to know:​

"As president, Donald Trump has flouted all kinds of norms, starting with his decision not to divest from his business interests while in office.

"That set the stage for an administration marked by self-interest, profiteering at the highest levels and more than 3,700 conflicts of interest."
That's a flat-out lie, of course. Trump is 100 times cleaner than any Democrat politician we've had in the last 100 years.
rump and his siblings inherited $35 million each. You obviously believe that parents shouldn't be able to decide who gets their money when they die. What a fucking Stalinist.
"The department typically refers findings to the state attorney general’s office.

"The Times says the Trump family hid millions of dollars of transfers from the father to his children through a sham company owned by the children called All County Building Supply & Maintenance.

"Set up in 1992 ostensibly as a purchasing agent to supply Fred Trump’s buildings with boilers, cleaning supplies and other goods, the father would pad invoices with markups of 20 percent or even 50 percent, thereby avoiding gift taxes, the newspaper reports.

"The Times says that before Fred Trump died in the late 1990s, he transferred ownership of most of his real estate empire to his four living children.

The value of the properties in tax returns summed up to $41.4 million, vastly less than the Times says they were worth.."

Donald Trump received more than $400M from father through dubious tax dodges: NYT - National |
"The department typically refers findings to the state attorney general’s office.

"The Times says the Trump family hid millions of dollars of transfers from the father to his children through a sham company owned by the children called All County Building Supply & Maintenance.

"Set up in 1992 ostensibly as a purchasing agent to supply Fred Trump’s buildings with boilers, cleaning supplies and other goods, the father would pad invoices with markups of 20 percent or even 50 percent, thereby avoiding gift taxes, the newspaper reports.

"The Times says that before Fred Trump died in the late 1990s, he transferred ownership of most of his real estate empire to his four living children.

The value of the properties in tax returns summed up to $41.4 million, vastly less than the Times says they were worth.."

Donald Trump received more than $400M from father through dubious tax dodges: NYT - National |
The Times says they were worth?"

You have no proof that his heirs received any more than $35 million. The times is even less credible than CNN, so why should anyone believe their claims?

The bottom line: people have a right to pass on their wealth to whomever they like. Government has no right to the money.
“Capitalism, Marx said, never went beyond those economic models where a few dominate a majority. Capitalism just replaced the dichotomies of master/slave and lord/serf with a new one. A dominating and exploiting minority was still there, but it had a new name: employers.”

― "Richard D. Wolff, Understanding Marxism"

NOVEMBER 5, 2021

Capitalism is Dying, But Don’t Expect the Patient to Accept the Diagnosis

Marxism already died, why are you still quoting the Marxist economist?
“Capitalism, Marx said, never went beyond those economic models where a few dominate a majority. Capitalism just replaced the dichotomies of master/slave and lord/serf with a new one. A dominating and exploiting minority was still there, but it had a new name: employers.”

― "Richard D. Wolff, Understanding Marxism"

NOVEMBER 5, 2021

Capitalism is Dying, But Don’t Expect the Patient to Accept the Diagnosis

With a labor force increasingly atomized and pushed to the brink, and a Democratic Party unable and unwilling to address the very dire material conditions decimating vast swaths of the population.......

But you just said......

Perhaps you’ve noticed something. There have been massive staffing shortages throughout the US and elsewhere. Workers are walking out or just not showing up.

How dire can their situation be if millions are sitting out the work force?

Maybe the commie economist is missing something, eh?
Socialists simply can't comprehend the importance of efficient resource allocation. I saw a great presentation, some 25 years ago, from a former high ranking Soviet economic planner. He understood this principle very well - because, for years, it was his job to make the decisions that investors make in a free market: ie deciding which projects should be funded and how much funding they should get. There was simply no way a centralized authority could make these decisions in a way that actually satisfied consumers. Thus the USSR became infamous for people waiting in line for products and services that the government didn't sufficiently fund and warehouses full of shit no one wanted.

Socialist have a much BETTER handle on resource allocation than capitalists ever could.
First of all, both have the exact same source of information, the people stocking shelves, who know what is moving and what is not.
Second is that the socialist can do what is necessary to create not only the needed products, but the infrastructure to keep it most efficient.
While capitalists don't care, will switch to what ever is most profitable instead of useful, and will sell bad products if they can get away with it.
Capitalists are automatically extremely inefficient because their goal is to put every other producer out of business, costing the society huge amounts of money, as people then have to be fired and plants closed.

The USSR has NOTHING to do with socialism, but was Stalinist state capitalism, where oligarchs try to gain wealth by forcing inferior products on people.
"The New Yorker is a left-wing propaganda rag. It's about as left as you can get.

When did the NAZIs ever adopt the free market?

When were the Nazis ever NOT free market?
Under Hitler in the 1930s and 40s, there was no state control of any markets.
About the only real thing Hitler did was good, which was to prevent wealth from leaving the country.
Lots of US companies like GM, Std Oil, etc., thrived in the ultra capitalism of the German fascists.
Fascists are the wealthy elite, and the exact opposite of communists or socialists.
Second is that the socialist can do what is necessary to create not only the needed products,

MOSCOW -- The Soviet Union marched still closer to complete economic collapse yesterday as bread lines grew longer and the government reportedly edged toward bankruptcy.

The situation is so serious, the head of the Russian KGB said, that rioting could erupt across Russia within weeks.

"A revolt would be most likely in December," Maj. Gen. Viktor Ivanenko told the weekly newspaper Argumenti i Fakti. "The main danger today is a series of directed social explosions. The people are exasperated, rumors are flying around about prices being freed very soon."

The mayor of Moscow announced a coupon rationing system on the most basic foods -- bread, meat, butter and eggs -- calling it an interim measure to "create some stability in regard to prices," according to the New York Times.

Like bread, that's needed, right?
Just look at the success of Venezuela.
Or East Germany.
The USSR is going gangbusters, of course.

Venezuela is a imperial colonial possession, with a long traditions of rule by the wealthy elite, who actually still run the country now.
East Germany was occupied by the USSR, and the USSR was about the most extreme capitalist oligarchy in the world, under Stalin.

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