Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

MOSCOW -- The Soviet Union marched still closer to complete economic collapse yesterday as bread lines grew longer and the government reportedly edged toward bankruptcy.

The situation is so serious, the head of the Russian KGB said, that rioting could erupt across Russia within weeks.

"A revolt would be most likely in December," Maj. Gen. Viktor Ivanenko told the weekly newspaper Argumenti i Fakti. "The main danger today is a series of directed social explosions. The people are exasperated, rumors are flying around about prices being freed very soon."

The mayor of Moscow announced a coupon rationing system on the most basic foods -- bread, meat, butter and eggs -- calling it an interim measure to "create some stability in regard to prices," according to the New York Times.

Like bread, that's needed, right?

Obviously the USSR was ultra state capitalism and that is why it failed.
When has government existed without war and debt?

War is 10,000 years old, yet you blame it on capitalism?

You're a special kind of stupid.

War and capitalism are about 9,000 years old, and that is very recent.
Humans are over 2 million years old.
Before capitalism, humans were more hunter/gatherer, and did not have mercenaries because there was no currency to pay them.
That is silly.
It is capitalists who hate competition and try to create monopolies instead.
When there is no competition, that is a capitalists ideal.
It is a monopoly.

It is capitalists who hate competition and try to create monopolies instead.

They try, but they can't succeed unless the government outlaws competition.
Like in the USSR, East Germany and Venezuela
You're the one supporting it, you tell me why they do that.

The people would not do that, so if the inefficient companies are winning, it is because of capitalists deliberately trying to destroy the better products for higher profits. There is no profit motive in socialism, so there is no inherent corruption like there is with capitalism.
It is capitalists who hate competition and try to create monopolies instead.

They try, but they can't succeed unless the government outlaws competition.
Like in the USSR, East Germany and Venezuela

The USSR, East Germany, and Venezuela are capitalist, not socialist, otherwise the people would have total say.
Do the people have ANY say in those countries?
The USSR, East Germany, and Venezuela are capitalist, not socialist

You're got the strangest definition of capitalist. Or you're stoned. Drunk?

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday that 34 supermarket managers had been jailed on charges of hiding food and gouging prices, in the leftist government’s latest crackdown on businesses as the country struggles under a severe economic downturn.

How is the above capitalist?
When did the German people decide to make Trabants?
When did they decide to stop?

Since the Trabants were made by capitalist East Germans, then the people never had any say.
But I think the Trabant was an excellent car solution.
Rust proof plastic fenders, fuel efficient 2 stroke engine, etc.
Ummm...the inefficient companies aren't winning, they don't have better products or higher profits.

When capitalists are not restrained, they use force to destroy competition while remaining inefficient.
Never have the best products ever won because capitalists always cheat.
For example, Microsoft never had the best products, but they simply cheated.
Since the Trabants were made by capitalist East Germans, then the people never had any say.
But I think the Trabant was an excellent car solution.
Rust proof plastic fenders, fuel efficient 2 stroke engine, etc.

Since the Trabants were made by capitalist East Germans, then the people never had any say.

The people have no say under capitalism? How many Trabants did the people demand last year?
When capitalists are not restrained, they use force to destroy competition while remaining inefficient.
Never have the best products ever won because capitalists always cheat.
For example, Microsoft never had the best products, but they simply cheated.

When capitalists are not restrained, they use force to destroy competition while remaining inefficient.

Walmart became the largest retailer while remaining less efficient than Kmart?
How does a smaller retailer use force to destroy a larger retailer?
You're got the strangest definition of capitalist. Or you're stoned. Drunk?

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday that 34 supermarket managers had been jailed on charges of hiding food and gouging prices, in the leftist government’s latest crackdown on businesses as the country struggles under a severe economic downturn.

How is the above capitalist?

You just have no idea at all what capitalism or socialism is.
You think that capitalism is the little entrepreneur, trying to make a market niche.
And you think socialism is central planning.
Both are totally wrong.
Capitalism is the aristocracy pulling strings.
Socialism is local pooling of resources to created needed products under popular and local control.
When you have central control, that is to the capitalist aristocracy can take over.

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