Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

What do shareholders do to "earn" their economic rewards?

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly

"Marjorie Kelly’s The Divine Right of Capital is one of those mind-bending books that deserves to be read by a large audience.

"It tells a behind-the-scenes story of capitalism that we don’t often hear; one that shows how our preoccupation with shareholder 'primacy' distorts capitalism in ways that generate serious harm for society and the planet.

"Kelly shows how our current problems with capitalism are not necessarily intrinsic to market forces or even capitalism itself, but to the particular version of it that we have today."
What do shareholders do to "earn" their economic rewards?

Anyone who asks a question like that is too stupid to argue with. What did they do? They put their hard earned money down and bought shares, you fucking moron.
Did you ever find where capitalism killed 5 million from lack of drinking water?
What do shareholders do to "earn" their economic rewards?

Anyone who asks a question like that is too stupid to argue with. What did they do? They put their hard earned money down and bought shares, you fucking moron.

Socialists simply can't comprehend the importance of efficient resource allocation. I saw a great presentation, some 25 years ago, from a former high ranking Soviet economic planner. He understood this principle very well - because, for years, it was his job to make the decisions that investors make in a free market: ie deciding which projects should be funded and how much funding they should get. There was simply no way a centralized authority could make these decisions in a way that actually satisfied consumers. Thus the USSR became infamous for people waiting in line for products and services that the government didn't sufficiently fund and warehouses full of shit no one wanted.
Capitalists own every government on the planet.
Every social and economic problem "government" gets blamed for stems from privatizing profits and socializing costs.

Tallying Capitalism’s Death Toll

"Capitalism has ruled contemporary society since the dawn of the industrial revolution.

"Capitalism organizes the means of production to generate profit for the few, rather than meeting the needs of the many.

"Capitalism has wreaked havoc on our planet, and our worth as individuals.

"Capitalism will not satisfy the needs of the vast majority, simply because it is not profitable to do so."
So Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea are doing a great job of satisfying the needs of the vast majority?

How can you post this stuff with a straight face?
Any market based on ability to pay as opposed to human needs is destined to fail in any number of ways:
MARKETS AND MARKET FAILURE IN HEALTH SERVICES Health Economic Course Series - ppt download

"Defining Market Failure​

"Market failure occurs when the price mechanism fails to account for all of the costs and benefits necessary to provide and consume a good"

Introducing Market Failure | Boundless Economics

The market does a lot better job than government does. Why isn't the term "government failure" in your vocabulary?
FIRE sector parasites put an end to the New Deal and shifted the tax burden off oligarchs and onto skilled and unskilled productive Americans:

"Abstract: Conflation of real capital with finance capital is at the heart of current misunderstandings of economic crisis and recession. We ground this distinction in the classical analysis of rent and the difference between productive and unproductive credit."

Finance is Not the Economy | Michael Hudson

Marxist economist. DURR!
Progs are the only ones whoever called anyone a "useless eater."
The New Deal put millions of unemployed men back to work after capitalism crashed:

Putting People Back to Work []

"The first such initiative began in March 1933. Called the CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS, this program was aimed at over two million unemployed unmarried men between the ages of 17 and 25...."

"In the fall of 1933, Roosevelt authorized the CIVIL WORKS ADMINISTRATION. Also headed by Hopkins, this program employed 2.5 million in a month's time, and eventually grew to a multitudinous 4 million at its peak.

It's normal for unemployment to decrease after a recession. However, normally it goes back to the prerecession rate within a couple years

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