Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

There is no communist country, but countries like Sweden do have large socialist investment by government into enterprise, and they the whole population of the country benefits from the dividends from these investments.
It would be like in the US, instead of selling oil leases to private companies, if the feds drilled, refined, and sold it, with the taxpayers getting all the profits.

There is no communist country

I didn't say there were.

countries like Sweden do have large socialist investment by government into enterprise, and they the whole population of the country benefits from the dividends from these investments.

Benefits equally?

It would be like in the US, instead of selling oil leases to private companies, if the feds drilled, refined, and sold it, with the taxpayers getting all the profits.

Or like Venezuela, where the government can't even make a profit with the
largest oil reserves on the planet.

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners.

"Capitalism is not democratic, democracy not capitalist.

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise."

Reagan's tax cuts facilitated low interest rates and financial bubbles to promote US financial expansion by making real estate speculation and junk-bond corporate takeovers effectively exempt from income taxation.

This set in motion a chain-reaction of asset price inflation that is still polarizing this economy today.

The primary mode of accumulation has become financial, enabling investment bankers to replace government planners.
Heil Marx!
n the real world we see socialism in NK, and capitalism just across the border in SK…night and day
Because US war crimes included bombing North Korea into the stone age 70 years ago while US capitalists backed a military dictator in South Korea none of which would have happened if the US army had not blocked free elections in Korea in 1945.

United States Army Military Government in Korea - Wikipedia

"Popular discontent stemmed from the U.S. Military Government's support of the Japanese colonial government; then once removed, keeping the former Japanese governors on as advisors; by ignoring, censoring and forcibly disbanding the functional and popular People's Republic of Korea (PRK); and finally by supporting United Nations elections that divided the country.[2]"
I saw the evidence free claim, I want details.
Where did capitalism kill 5 million from lack of clean water?
"Why is capitalism the culprit here? All of humanity’s resources have been divided amongst one percent of the world’s population. These people hoard more than 50 percent of the world’s wealth.

"Because of this massive inequality, the one percent are able to control the means of production, value, and distribution of goods. If the top 5 wealthiest business people gave only 10 percent of their net worth to ending world hunger, or only 3 percent to provide clean water everywhere on the planet, then these issues would be more than eradicated."

Tallying Capitalism’s Death Toll
Because US war crimes included bombing North Korea into the stone age 70 years ago while US capitalists backed a military dictator in South Korea none of which would have happened if the US army had not blocked free elections in Korea in 1945.

United States Army Military Government in Korea - Wikipedia

"Popular discontent stemmed from the U.S. Military Government's support of the Japanese colonial government; then once removed, keeping the former Japanese governors on as advisors; by ignoring, censoring and forcibly disbanding the functional and popular People's Republic of Korea (PRK); and finally by supporting United Nations elections that divided the country.[2]"
haha yeah it was the USthat keep NK from being successful

if socialism was so great, a weak capitalist country wouldn’t stop it…and in 70 years that’s more the. enough time to rebuild
Because US war crimes included bombing North Korea into the stone age 70 years ago while US capitalists backed a military dictator in South Korea none of which would have happened if the US army had not blocked free elections in Korea in 1945.

United States Army Military Government in Korea - Wikipedia

"Popular discontent stemmed from the U.S. Military Government's support of the Japanese colonial government; then once removed, keeping the former Japanese governors on as advisors; by ignoring, censoring and forcibly disbanding the functional and popular People's Republic of Korea (PRK); and finally by supporting United Nations elections that divided the country.[2]"
NOrth Korea brought that on itself. All it had to do to prevent it is not invade South Korea.
There is no communist country, but countries like Sweden do have large socialist investment by government into enterprise, and they the whole population of the country benefits from the dividends from these investments.
It would be like in the US, instead of selling oil leases to private companies, if the feds drilled, refined, and sold it, with the taxpayers getting all the profits.
That isn't working to well for Venezuela, is it?
War and capitalism are about 9,000 years old, and that is very recent.
Humans are over 2 million years old.
Before capitalism, humans were more hunter/gatherer, and did not have mercenaries because there was no currency to pay them.
Capitalism is about 200 years old, numskull. Humans are about 200,000 years old. They were hunter/gatherers until about 9000 years ago. Money wasn't invented until about 2500 years ago.
You just have no idea at all what capitalism or socialism is.
You think that capitalism is the little entrepreneur, trying to make a market niche.
And you think socialism is central planning.
Both are totally wrong.
Capitalism is the aristocracy pulling strings.
Socialism is local pooling of resources to created needed products under popular and local control.
When you have central control, that is to the capitalist aristocracy can take over.
Everything you believe is a lie.
Since the Trabants were made by capitalist East Germans, then the people never had any say.
But I think the Trabant was an excellent car solution.
Rust proof plastic fenders, fuel efficient 2 stroke engine, etc.
The East Germans were capitalists!?

For there to be communism or socialism, the people who are producing the excess production that can go into public enterprise, then have to equally share the rewards. Did that happen in the USSR? No, so then it was not communism or socialism.
So communism is like a triangle with four sides. It can never exist.
There is no communist country, but countries like Sweden do have large socialist investment by government into enterprise, and they the whole population of the country benefits from the dividends from these investments.
It would be like in the US, instead of selling oil leases to private companies, if the feds drilled, refined, and sold it, with the taxpayers getting all the profits.
Sweden stopped doing that because their standard of living was going down the tubes.
When were the Nazis ever NOT free market?
Under Hitler in the 1930s and 40s, there was no state control of any markets.
About the only real thing Hitler did was good, which was to prevent wealth from leaving the country.
Lots of US companies like GM, Std Oil, etc., thrived in the ultra capitalism of the German fascists.
Fascists are the wealthy elite, and the exact opposite of communists or socialists.
Germany wasn't a free market even before the NAZIs took over, and afterwards the NAZIs had their own 5 year plans, social planning, the whole nine yards. One thing they definitely did not have is a free market. Fascism isn't capitalism, moron. It's socialist.
Because US war crimes included bombing North Korea into the stone age 70 years ago while US capitalists backed a military dictator in South Korea none of which would have happened if the US army had not blocked free elections in Korea in 1945.

United States Army Military Government in Korea - Wikipedia

"Popular discontent stemmed from the U.S. Military Government's support of the Japanese colonial government; then once removed, keeping the former Japanese governors on as advisors; by ignoring, censoring and forcibly disbanding the functional and popular People's Republic of Korea (PRK); and finally by supporting United Nations elections that divided the country.[2]"

Because US war crimes included bombing North Korea into the stone age 70 years ago

We bombed Japan into the stone age almost 80 years ago. Why is North Korea still in the stone age?

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