Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Capitalism is an economic system and democracy is a political system. Comparing the two as if they are competing ideologies is the height of indoctrinated naivety.
Capitalism and democracy are prime factors of political economy, a discipline that began in 18th century moral philosophy as an attempt to study production and trade and their relations with law, custom, and government.

The former relies on a top-down, authoritarian, one dollar-one vote ideology designed to enrich a small minority of society at the expense of a much larger majority.

Democracy, on the other hand, relies on one person-one vote to organize society for the benefit a majority of its members.

Can you spot the inherent competition between one dollar-one vote and one person-one vote or does your indoctrination blind you?

Political economy - Wikipedia
How are western capitalists forcing 3rd world countries to adopt socialist policies?
Capitalism and democracy are prime factors of political economy, a discipline that began in 18th century moral philosophy as an attempt to study production and trade and their relations with law, custom, and government.

The former relies on a top-down, authoritarian, one dollar-one vote ideology designed to enrich a small minority of society at the expense of a much larger majority.

Democracy, on the other hand, relies on one person-one vote to organize society for the benefit a majority of its members.

Can you spot the inherent competition between one dollar-one vote and one person-one vote or does your indoctrination blind you?

Political economy - Wikipedia
The former does a lot better job and promotes freedom wherever it is observed. The later promotes organized plunder.
Government is socialism.

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
"Socialism is an economic and political system where workers own the general means of production (i. e. farms, factories, tools, and raw materials).

"This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership or centralized state-ownership of the means of production.

"This is different from capitalism, where the means of production are privately owned by capital holders"

Socialism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first sentence is correct, but how does it reflect positively on either government nor socialism? Both are founded on coercion.

"By now, it is well established that capitalism is fundamentally built upon threats of force.

"As libertarian philosophers Robert Nozick and Matt Zwolinski have explained, the only way to turn unowned natural resources (such as land, minerals and other goods) into privately owned property is by violently preventing all others from using them.

"This one-sided exclusion destroys freedom of movement and cuts many people off from the things that they need to survive."

"By now, it is well established that capitalism is fundamentally built upon threats of force.

"As libertarian philosophers Robert Nozick and Matt Zwolinski have explained, the only way to turn unowned natural resources (such as land, minerals and other goods) into privately owned property is by violently preventing all others from using them.

"This one-sided exclusion destroys freedom of movement and cuts many people off from the things that they need to survive."
All government is built on force, dumbass. Government is nothing more than the monopoly on force. How can anyone who supports communism be opposed to the use of force?
"Socialism is an economic and political system where workers own the general means of production (i. e. farms, factories, tools, and raw materials).

"This can be achieved through decentralized and direct worker-ownership or centralized state-ownership of the means of production.

"This is different from capitalism, where the means of production are privately owned by capital holders"

Socialism - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I may need to argue the definition on that site.

Socialism is about power not capital. Capitalism is about capital not power. Thus, Government is socialism.
Walmart illegally was dumping Chinese goods at below legal mark up levels.

Cool story. Post the case.

Microsoft did the same thing with its software.

Software dumping? Is that even a thing?

Europe have a better legal system than the US, so Microsoft was sued in European courts and required to not build their web browser into the OS.
But they tried.
Never been a company as criminal as Microsoft.
I may need to argue the definition on that site.

Socialism is about power not capital. Capitalism is about capital not power. Thus, Government is socialism.

definition of socialism:

{... a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ...}

So anyone claiming socialism requires everything to be government owned, is wrong.
The US has trade regulations on all means of production, so then is socialist.
We just are not very good at it, and we need more collective enterprise, like oil and health care.
Europe have a better legal system than the US, so Microsoft was sued in European courts and required to not build their web browser into the OS.
But they tried.
Never been a company as criminal as Microsoft.

No Walmart case?
No case against Microsoft for software dumping?

Man, you're overwhelming me with all the evidence for your claims.
No Walmart case?
No case against Microsoft for software dumping?

Man, you're overwhelming me with all the evidence for your claims.

The European case against MS building the web browser into Windows was a proven dumping case.
MS was going to give the browser away until the competition was dead, then charge for it again.

With Walmart, I don't know there has ever been a court case to prove it?
How would we know if China was dumping or not?
I believe they have been, especially over solar, but that is not proof.
Europe have a better legal system than the US, so Microsoft was sued in European courts and required to not build their web browser into the OS.
But they tried.
Never been a company as criminal as Microsoft.
"Criminal" for building a web browser into their OS? Those bastards! They should all get life sentences.
"Criminal" for building a web browser into their OS? Those bastards! They should all get life sentences.

By James Kanter
  • March 6, 2013
BRUSSELS — The European Union fined Microsoft $732 million on Wednesday for failing to respect an antitrust settlement with regulators. But in a highly unusual mea culpa, the European Union’s top antitrust regulator said that his department bore some of the responsibility for Microsoft’s failure to respect a settlement that caused the fine.
Joaquín Almunia, the European Union competition commissioner, said the bloc had been “naïve” to put Microsoft in charge of monitoring its adherence to the deal it agreed to in 2009, when his predecessor let the company escape a fine in exchange for offering users of its Windows software a wider choice of Internet browsers.
Mr. Almunia insisted that the enforcement of settlements could be sufficiently strengthened to ensure that companies abide by their pledges, and he signaled that he would not retreat from his goal to use such deals to avoid lengthy legal battles with major companies in swiftly evolving technology markets.
Settlements “allow for rapid solutions to competition problems,” Mr. Almunia said. “Of course such decisions require strict compliance” and the “failure to comply is a very serious infringement that must be sanctioned accordingly.”

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