Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

That's awful!!

Now where did capitalism kill 5 million from lack of clean water?
The failure to meet basic human needs for water is widely acknowledged to be a major development failure of the 20th century. Yet efforts to provide universal coverage for water and sanitation continue to be largely rhetorical and piecemeal. The price for this failure will be paid by the poorest populations of the world in sickness, lost educational and employment opportunities, and for a staggeringly large number of people, early death. Even if the official United Nations Millennium Goals set for water are met – which is unlikely given the current level of commitments by national governments and international aid agencies – as many as 76 million people will die by 2020 of preventable water-related diseases. This is morally unacceptable in a world that values equity and decency, but at the present time, it appears unavoidable unless we rethink our approach to providing water and sanitation services and redouble international efforts to aid those lacking this most basic of human needs.
You can't rely on government, but you want them 100% in control?
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
Only the "ignorant, hypocritical morons on the right-wing" keep alleging that while insisting on the Big Government, nanny-Statism of alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
The failure to meet basic human needs for water is widely acknowledged to be a major development failure of the 20th century. Yet efforts to provide universal coverage for water and sanitation continue to be largely rhetorical and piecemeal. The price for this failure will be paid by the poorest populations of the world in sickness, lost educational and employment opportunities, and for a staggeringly large number of people, early death. Even if the official United Nations Millennium Goals set for water are met – which is unlikely given the current level of commitments by national governments and international aid agencies – as many as 76 million people will die by 2020 of preventable water-related diseases. This is morally unacceptable in a world that values equity and decency, but at the present time, it appears unavoidable unless we rethink our approach to providing water and sanitation services and redouble international efforts to aid those lacking this most basic of human needs.

Where did capitalism kill 5 million from lack of clean water?
The meaning of "they would use force if unrestrained" means you try to prevent their use of force.

So which capitalists used force? When?

One of the techniques Bill Gates used is known as buying self space.

Buying shelf space? He didn't take it by force?

Another thing Microsoft did was try to destroy the web browser competition by giving away their web browser for free

Free? That doesn't sound like force either.

Yes, buying shelf space is the use of illegal force.
It is done with money instead of weapons, but when it comes down to it, it is using the guns carried by police, to enforce an illegal policy.
All anti trust, monopolies, union busting, offshoring slave labor, child labor, etc., is illegal use of force.
When you but companies under by illegal dumping, so that you can then double the price after the competition is bankrupt, that is the illegal use of force.
Learn something about law.
Lower prices? You can't just force them to pay your higher prices?

Yes you can.
Illegal low prices temporarily, in order to put the competition out of business is entirely criminal.
Look up "dumping", how it is used to commit crimes, and is inherently illegal as well as violations of US law.
You can't rely on government, but you want them 100% in control?
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Socialism does not put government into control.
In a democratic republic, the people control the government.
And the reason the people do not control the government now is the same reason the people lost control over the government in Germany in 1933.
The wealthy elite put so much money into false political propaganda, the people lost control.
If we had more socialist industry, there would be less funds in the hand of the corrupt, wealthy, elite.
They corrupt, wealthy, elite controlling government is the problem, not the government itself.
Yes, buying shelf space is the use of illegal force.
It is done with money instead of weapons, but when it comes down to it, it is using the guns carried by police, to enforce an illegal policy.
All anti trust, monopolies, union busting, offshoring slave labor, child labor, etc., is illegal use of force.
When you but companies under by illegal dumping, so that you can then double the price after the competition is bankrupt, that is the illegal use of force.
Learn something about law.

Yes, buying shelf space is the use of illegal force.


It is done with money instead of weapons, but when it comes down to it, it is using the guns carried by police, to enforce an illegal policy.

How are the cops enforcing it?

When you but companies under by illegal dumping, so that you can then double the price

Who did that? Post specifics.

Learn something about law.

I will!!
As soon as I stop laughing at your idiocy.
Yes, buying shelf space is the use of illegal force.


It is done with money instead of weapons, but when it comes down to it, it is using the guns carried by police, to enforce an illegal policy.

How are the cops enforcing it?

When you but companies under by illegal dumping, so that you can then double the price

Who did that? Post specifics.

Learn something about law.

I will!!
As soon as I stop laughing at your idiocy.

You have a lot to learn.
You could start with this:

Yes you can.
Illegal low prices temporarily, in order to put the competition out of business is entirely criminal.
Look up "dumping", how it is used to commit crimes, and is inherently illegal as well as violations of US law.

Yes you can.

No you can't.

Illegal low prices temporarily, in order to put the competition out of business is entirely criminal.

Were Walmart low prices illegal?
After their competition went out of business, did Walmart raise prices? Link?

Look up "dumping", how it is used to commit crimes

Dumping is a violation of fair trade practices, involving selling of goods in the U.S. market at prices lower than the prices at which comparable goods are sold in the domestic market of the exporter. These sales must cause or threaten material injury to a competing U.S. industry.

Doesn't sound like Walmart......or Microsoft. Try again?
The failure to meet basic human needs for water is widely acknowledged to be a major development failure of the 20th century. Yet efforts to provide universal coverage for water and sanitation continue to be largely rhetorical and piecemeal. The price for this failure will be paid by the poorest populations of the world in sickness, lost educational and employment opportunities, and for a staggeringly large number of people, early death. Even if the official United Nations Millennium Goals set for water are met – which is unlikely given the current level of commitments by national governments and international aid agencies – as many as 76 million people will die by 2020 of preventable water-related diseases. This is morally unacceptable in a world that values equity and decency, but at the present time, it appears unavoidable unless we rethink our approach to providing water and sanitation services and redouble international efforts to aid those lacking this most basic of human needs.
Our government isn't trying to provide clean water for every shithole in AFrica. That's not its job.
Socialism does not put government into control.
In a democratic republic, the people control the government.


And the reason the people do not control the government now is the same reason the people lost control over the government in Germany in 1933.
The wealthy elite put so much money into false political propaganda, the people lost control.
If we had more socialist industry, there would be less funds in the hand of the corrupt, wealthy, elite.
They corrupt, wealthy, elite controlling government is the problem, not the government itself.

Yes you can.

No you can't.

Illegal low prices temporarily, in order to put the competition out of business is entirely criminal.

Were Walmart low prices illegal?
After their competition went out of business, did Walmart raise prices? Link?

Look up "dumping", how it is used to commit crimes

Dumping is a violation of fair trade practices, involving selling of goods in the U.S. market at prices lower than the prices at which comparable goods are sold in the domestic market of the exporter. These sales must cause or threaten material injury to a competing U.S. industry.

Doesn't sound like Walmart......or Microsoft. Try again?

Walmart illegally was dumping Chinese goods at below legal mark up levels.
Microsoft did the same thing with its software.
Walmart illegally was dumping Chinese goods at below legal mark up levels.
Microsoft did the same thing with its software.

Walmart illegally was dumping Chinese goods at below legal mark up levels.

Cool story. Post the case.

Microsoft did the same thing with its software.

Software dumping? Is that even a thing?

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