How will Biden compare among the great presidents?

Where will Biden be ranked among Presidents?

  • Top 10

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Second tier 11-25

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Average 16-30

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bottom Tier 31-40

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Trump level bad 41-45

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
Trumps were lower and without covid they were virtually equal with each other. Trump had virtually the same GDP as the Obama economy that he claimed was terrible. Big Fing Deal. Trump was a clown who only knows how to con people like you into believing dumb shit.

Post each year's number, I'll show you your error.
Truly, it depends on how you measure "great."

O'Bama and Biden have embarked on a campaign to destroy America, and they are almost there. November will go a long way toward stopping them.

Just ponder the following things: They have INVITED more than 20 million third world wretches into our country, with the promise of free health care, free food, free education, and so on. Their follow-up campaign, as clearly stated by K. Harris, is "a path to citizenship." In a nation that is evenly divided politically this is a blatant attempt to "fix" every national election for at least the next generation. After that, it will be too late. It is almost too late now.

Both O'Bama and Biden are "great" in that context. That is why they have to be stopped. It makes no difference who the Democrat nominee is this November. The party has been taken over by Leftist radicals.
You have a cult of Trump vs moderates and liberal Americans. Cant wait to see the results. Please do not burn down our capitol if you lose again.
Over 7,000,000 jobs created.

Inflation under 4%.

Best economy in 50-Years.

By siging the Inflation Reduction Act he lowered the price of insulin.

He walked a picket line, showing his support for Union Workers.
Americans are not yet feeling this year’s inflation rate of under 4% because the overall inflation since Biden took office is 17%. Even Biden knows it has been bad as he falsely claimed Inflation was at 9 percent when he took office when it was actually 1.4%.

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