Bernie Sanders condemns speech to Congress by ‘war criminal’ Netanyahu

Jewish Voice for Peace.
Wiki, which is written mostly by post-pubescent school girls, sez --

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Jewish Voice for Peace - Wikipedia

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP; Hebrew: קוֹל יְהוּדִי לַשָּׁלוֹם, romanized: Qōl Yəhūḏī la-Ššālōm) is an American anti-Zionist left-wing Jewish advocacy organization that is critical of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, and supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

Why is it that anything that is SHIT, anything that is scummy, anything that supports people who cut the breasts off of young Israeli girls so they can toss them around like toys to play with, anything that supports the murder by burning alive, infants in their cribs, that supports an organization like Hamas, who uses rape as a terror-weapon, and a myriad other primitive crimes against humanity.....

Why is it that when those people appear, we can always, not sometimes but -- Always, find scum Of the Earth dimocrap FILTH like you singing their praises?

I know, do you?

Because you are human debris. You are the unflushed toilet of humanity. You are filled with hate for everything good and decent in this world and see murdering terrorists and rapists as Fellow Travelers

Because you, personally, are scum.
You just want a genocide.

Tommy, like the rest of the Left, thinks that if Israel were destroyed, along with the US, there would be world wide utopia!!
Israel was created because, back when Europe wanted to get Jews out of Europe, they had nowhere to go.

In the 30's, FDR, that scion of American leftism, got a law passed that limed the number of refugees we'd take in from EASTERN Europe. It was aimed directly at Jews.

Hitler stepped up the program to rid Europe of Jews. He was fine with deporting them but......... Nobody would take them. Including the dimocrap FDR.

So Israel stepped up its acceptance of Displaced Jews even though it meant angering the Arabs.

But they had no where to go. And Arabs don't need a reason to get angry. They have no other reason to exist.

In 1948, Arabs went to War and tried to eliminate Israel. The USSR was the ones that helped them. The USA, under dimocrap leadership, sat on their hands.

Israel just wants a place for Jews to live. Not in Germany, not in Russia, not in the USA. They want their own home.

What's wrong with that? The Arabs weren't doing anything with the land anyway. Plus, it wasn't really theirs. It belonged to Britain at the time. I don't think it ever really was theirs. It belonged to Greece for 400 years, then to Rome, then to Byzantium, and only after Mohammed the Child Rapist (he consummated his Marriage to Aisha when she was 9 (nine) years old) did it become Arabic. Europeans kicked the shit out of them and took it back but -- Nobody want to live there. So Arabs, like insects, moved in and took it back.

I'm not going to bore people with my interpretation of how and why Israel came to be. Look it up for yourselves but, for God's sake don't use the usual bullshit for your information. Gotta dig deeper.

BTW, I am not Jewish, don't have any Jews in my Family and don't have close Jewish friends. This is just observation and deduction. Some of it is -- If dimocrap SCUM are for something, it's got to suck.

The Arabs, Hamas, all the rest... All they know how to do is murder and butt-fuck young boys. They're all buggerers. Every one of them. If ever there was a useless race of people, it is them. AFAIC, Israel can kill every. fucking one of them
A hate group called themselves Weather Underground, they weren't talking about the weather.

Geez Tommy....
These guys are Jewish and protesting for peace. They should have more sway than fascists like netanyahu who is just keen on keeping his job and avoiding arrest.
Geez Struth !!
These guys are Jewish and protesting for peace. They should have more sway than fascists like netanyahu who is just keen on keeping his job and avoiding arrest.
Geez Struth !!
They spread hate and propaganda and helped organize the attacks on Jews at college campuses

You are clueless or party to the hate, likely both
A hate group called themselves Weather Underground, they weren't talking about the weather.

Geez Tommy....
That group was founded by Barack Obama's (aka; The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis) pal Bill Ayers. Who should be executed for murder. But....... His daddy is rich; and he's also a dimocrap piece of shit. That description is redundant. Sorry
Thoughts on today's geo-political exhibitionism from one of the very, very few true conservative members in Congress...

Screen Shot 42.jpg

As an aside, there is, in my own view, nobody better in Congress.
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As usual Bernie is the voice of reason in a sea of madness. This is a sign of maga foreign policy. The US decline in the world starts here.

Bomb a school and a hospital. Kill thousands of children. Come and speak to congress. For shame.
Who next Putin ?

Are you sad when a Hamas terrorist is killed?

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