Capitalism: The Holy Grail of Economics

. China also has some of the worst quality in the world, which has a lot to do with why so many electronics concerns are abandoning China for Mexico and Latin America.

totally stupid!! Foxconn and Apple( largest electronics concern in human history!) are there and the economy is growing at 6.7% a year!!

Where do you get your bullshit from?

dear, so why say what the lie is??????????????????????????????

people are flooding back to the country side to be subsistence farmers???

Idiot...I already told you about the owner of my local Chinese restaurant.
You're just a fucking bloated egoistic lying asshole try to sell a book that gets bad reviews.
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?

Of course they are Eddie.


What Will Become Of China's Ghost Cities?

dear, so why say what the lie is??????????????????????????????

people are flooding back to the country side to be subsistence farmers???

Idiot...I already told you about the owner of my local Chinese restaurant.
You're just a fucking bloated egoistic lying asshole try to sell a book that gets bad reviews.
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance

Ooh, big words.
Did you massage your inner thigh when you hit the "Post Reply" button?

dear, so why say what the lie is??????????????????????????????

people are flooding back to the country side to be subsistence farmers???

Idiot...I already told you about the owner of my local Chinese restaurant.

I understand completely,
people are flooding back to the country side to be subsistence farmers rather than work the high paying jobs at Foxconn?

You're a schmuck!
They CAN'T go back...they're slaves and you're just another single sound bite sociopath.
$13.00/hour and they work till they drop.
And the last time you lied and said they were making $20.00/hour.
What's money worth if you're a slave working 36 hours at a clip?
You're so stupid in the face of facts; you need psychotherapy real bad.
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?

Of course they are Eddie.


What Will Become Of China's Ghost Cities?

so 100's of millions are not flooding into the cities to make Iphones they are staying in the country side as subsistence farmers??
100 million Chinese farmers to move to city by end of decade › ... › Asia › China
The Daily Telegraph
Oct 10, 2011 - China is expecting more than 100 million farmers to move from the ...massive upheaval as rural peasants migrate to the cities to find work Photo: GETTY ...The risk that China might 'grow old before it grows rich' and fall into ..
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?

Of course they are Eddie.


What Will Become Of China's Ghost Cities?

so 100's of millions are not flooding into the cities to make Iphones they are staying in the country side as subsistence farmers??
100 million Chinese farmers to move to city by end of decade › ... › Asia › China
The Daily Telegraph
Oct 10, 2011 - China is expecting more than 100 million farmers to move from the ...massive upheaval as rural peasants migrate to the cities to find work Photo: GETTY ...The risk that China might 'grow old before it grows rich' and fall into ..

I love the way you pull an article from 2011 out of your ass.
And by the way, the farmers don't MOVE; they're taken by FORCE!
Farmers already know what's in store for them is they go to a FoxxConn and they DON'T WANT TO GO!

How old are you?
Are you senile?
It is the Right's preferred moral solution when they quote a Bible out of context and out of sufficient moral of goodwill toward men.

we are no longer in Iron Age times; now, socialism may even bailout the least wealthy as well in the name of social equality whenever capital equality may be lacking.

Again, you have literally no knowledge at all of the subjects under discussion. You ignorantly misidentify socialism. You've read neither "Capital" nor "Man, Economy, And State," nor anything in between. You have no more grasp of the Keynesian model than you do the Chicago model.

In short, the invisible hand should slap the shit out of you.
Not at all dear; socialism starts with a social contract. you merely have nothing but fallacy to work with.
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?

Of course they are Eddie.


What Will Become Of China's Ghost Cities?

so 100's of millions are not flooding into the cities to make Iphones they are staying in the country side as subsistence farmers??
100 million Chinese farmers to move to city by end of decade › ... › Asia › China
The Daily Telegraph
Oct 10, 2011 - China is expecting more than 100 million farmers to move from the ...massive upheaval as rural peasants migrate to the cities to find work Photo: GETTY ...The risk that China might 'grow old before it grows rich' and fall into ..
dear, just our form of socialism bailing out capitalism, like usual:

The GeoSpring suffered from an advanced-technology version of “IKEA Syndrome.” It was so hard to assemble that no one in the big room wanted to make it. Instead they redesigned it. The team eliminated 1 out of every 5 parts. It cut the cost of the materials by 25 percent. It eliminated the tangle of tubing that couldn’t be easily welded. By considering the workers who would have to put the water heater together—in fact, by having those workers right at the table, looking at the design as it was drawn—the team cut the work hours necessary to assemble the water heater from 10 hours in China to two hours in Louisville.

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