Capitalism: The Holy Grail of Economics

Certain aspects of the Chinese economy have some elements of capitalism,

yes dear all economies are mixed( Econ 101) and since China's is now mixing heavily toward capitalism it has eliminated 40% of the world's poverty whereas before 60 million slowly starved to death. Next.
Ain't Chinese "Capitalism" great?

yes instantly eliminating 40% of the planet's poverty is a great great miracle!!!

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty

In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.

Is this in your book that gets 2 out of 5 stars?
If we depend on a Totalitarian nation, we're in deep shit.
It is the Right's preferred moral solution when they quote a Bible out of context and out of sufficient moral of goodwill toward men.

we are no longer in Iron Age times; now, socialism may even bailout the least wealthy as well in the name of social equality whenever capital equality may be lacking.

Again, you have literally no knowledge at all of the subjects under discussion. You ignorantly misidentify socialism. You've read neither "Capital" nor "Man, Economy, And State," nor anything in between. You have no more grasp of the Keynesian model than you do the Chicago model.

In short, the invisible hand should slap the shit out of you.
China is Capitalist for the elites who live in Shanghi.
I don't agree. They have their position at the pleasure of the party. They are fascist, agents of the state and the economic goals of the state.

Chinese citizens who opt to become business owners lose the right to vote for life.
If they botch something up, they get the death penalty.
If their business fails, they receive no soclal aid and starve to death.
Ain't Chinese "Capitalism" great?

It is fascism - real fascism as defined by Mussolini. It remains a centrally managed economy.
yes instantly eliminating 40% of the planet's poverty is a great great miracle!!!

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty

In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.

Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy.
Ain't Chinese "Capitalism" great?

yes instantly eliminating 40% of the planet's poverty is a great great miracle!!!

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty

In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.

By who's definition of poverty?
What did they have to surrender to achieve this?
Are you willing to live forever in a FoxConn Plant working on demand?
Of course not.
yes dear all economies are mixed( Econ 101) and since China's is now mixing heavily toward capitalism it has eliminated 40% of the world's poverty whereas before 60 million slowly starved to death. Next.

China has a centrally planned and managed economy.

You have not read the books you lean on for credibility. Lardy makes no claim that China is a market economy.
China is Capitalist for the elites who live in Shanghi.
I don't agree. They have their position at the pleasure of the party. They are fascist, agents of the state and the economic goals of the state.

Chinese citizens who opt to become business owners lose the right to vote for life.
If they botch something up, they get the death penalty.
If their business fails, they receive no soclal aid and starve to death.
Ain't Chinese "Capitalism" great?

It is fascism - real fascism as defined by Mussolini. It remains a centrally managed economy.

Maybe you should watch an outlet other than FoxNews once in a while.
I already destroyed that "best price/quality" bullshit lie.

so people all over the world buy Chinese stuff because they feel it is the highest priced lowest quality in the world???

See why we are positive that a liberal will be slow? Is another conclusion possible.
I already destroyed that "best price/quality" bullshit lie.

so people all over the world buy Chinese stuff because they feel it is the highest priced lowest quality in the world???

See why we are positive that a liberal will be slow? Is another conclusion possible.

Lowest Price/Low to Moderate Quality for Middle Class Americans and Europeans.
Lowest Price/Best Quality AFFORDABLE for the POOR.

You see the DIFFERENCE when honest ADJECTIVES are used rather than YOUR rolled-up deceptive bullshit buzz phrases?
Maybe you should watch an outlet other than FoxNews once in a while.

What would a news source have to do with economic systems?

The Chinese economic development zones are the classical definition of fascism. Centrally planned and state regulated, allowing a profit motive to induce efficiency and productivity. Foxconn is a perfect example of this in action.

According to Hong Kong-based Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, students as young as 16 have been forced into Foxconn’s plants through a triangle partnership between the company, Chinese authorities and vocational schools. Students who refuse to comply, including those studying unrelated vocations, are told they cannot graduate unless they become Foxconn interns.

In order to meet increased demand, some students are forced to work between three and six months, often for 60-hour weeks, seven days a week. During the summer of 2010, for instance, 100,000 students from Henan were employed at Foxconn’s largest plant in Shenzhen. While the FLA report claims that Foxconn provides interns with health insurance for work-related injuries, the students have no official protection under existing Chinese labour laws.}

China: Two hundred Foxconn workers threaten suicide - World Socialist Web Site

Forced labor at the behest of government?

Yep, that's fascism alright.
you mean China exports $billions each month that people all over the world buy when it is not the best price/quality in the entire world purchased by free people??

Based on forced and semi-force labor practices, China offers very low labor costs. China also has some of the worst quality in the world, which has a lot to do with why so many electronics concerns are abandoning China for Mexico and Latin America.
Based on forced and semi-force labor practices,
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?
. China also has some of the worst quality in the world, which has a lot to do with why so many electronics concerns are abandoning China for Mexico and Latin America.

totally stupid!! Foxconn and Apple( largest electronics concern in human history!) are there and the economy is growing at 6.7% a year!!
Based on forced and semi-force labor practices,
totally stupid!! 100's of millions are flooding into the cites for the super high paying jobs as opposed to staying in the country as barely surviving subsistence farmers!! Total ignorance!! What planet have you been on?

You lie.
I have friends who do business in China and must go there at least times a year for 2-4 weeks at a time.
They see what's going on.
You lie or you/re just plain stupid.

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