Capitalism: The Holy Grail of Economics

dear, that in our mixed-market economy, socialism bails out capitalism as business as usual, everyday.

Socialism has nothing but the authority to squeeze the life out of any economy. It certainly hasn't the resources to "bail out" anyone or anything once the value of the confiscated property reaches zero (see: Greece).

yes dear; every time we resort to the (other) Peoples' Tax monies, we are resorting to Socialism, not Capitalism.

Is that your way of admitting that socialism drains the profits of capitalism through taxation and followed to its logical conclusion will destroy any economy it encounters, Princess?
dear, that in our mixed-market economy, socialism bails out capitalism as business as usual, everyday.

Socialism has nothing but the authority to squeeze the life out of any economy. It certainly hasn't the resources to "bail out" anyone or anything once the value of the confiscated property reaches zero (see: Greece).

yes dear; every time we resort to the (other) Peoples' Tax monies, we are resorting to Socialism, not Capitalism.

Is that your way of admitting that socialism drains the profits of capitalism through taxation and followed to its logical conclusion will destroy any economy it encounters, Princess?
no dear; merely that Socialism starts with a social Contract. Only the right doesn't get it.
...socialism starts with a social Contract...

Socialism starts with the state confiscating personal wealth and ends when the money runs out.
dear, socialism starts with a social Contract; aren't you glad our Founding Fathers exercised such Good management when creating ours.

:lmao: Karl Marx is rolling in his grave! :lmao:
yes, at your diversions; he has a better sense of humor than myself.
dear, Only the right has lost its clue and its Cause, when it comes to a moral of "goodwill toward men"...
You still haven't figured out that speaking in your own language about your own "Cause" fools no one.

It does make clear that once you shoot your little anti-capitalism wad you have nothing of substance.
I make it clear that fine Capital morals from women can be had for five thousand dollars or less for an hour; social morals for free require socialism, not capitalism. Politicians are merely the second oldest professionals.

I've simply pointed out - as so many others before me - that you make precious little clear because ignorance and obfuscation are your only tools of trade.
dear, Only the right has lost its clue and its Cause, when it comes to a moral of "goodwill toward men"...
You still haven't figured out that speaking in your own language about your own "Cause" fools no one.

It does make clear that once you shoot your little anti-capitalism wad you have nothing of substance.
I make it clear that fine Capital morals from women can be had for five thousand dollars or less for an hour; social morals for free require socialism, not capitalism. Politicians are merely the second oldest professionals.

I've simply pointed out - as so many others before me - that you make precious little clear because ignorance and obfuscation are your only tools of trade.
dear, Only the clueless and the Causeless say that. Shill much?
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear, Only the right has lost its clue and its Cause, when it comes to a moral of "goodwill toward men"...
You still haven't figured out that speaking in your own language about your own "Cause" fools no one.

It does make clear that once you shoot your little anti-capitalism wad you have nothing of substance.
I make it clear that fine Capital morals from women can be had for five thousand dollars or less for an hour; social morals for free require socialism, not capitalism. Politicians are merely the second oldest professionals.

I've simply pointed out - as so many others before me - that you make precious little clear because ignorance and obfuscation are your only tools of trade.
dear, Only the clueless and the Causeless say that. Shill much?

true, daniel is a retarded liberal who speaks english as a third language
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear; it is a simple, market based metric to better ensure, full employment from Capitalists.
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear; it is a simple, market based metric to better ensure, full employment from Capitalists.

100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear; it is a simple, market based metric to better ensure, full employment from Capitalists.

100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
no capital gains distinction at all, for that.
6. "Brooks used the precipitous drop in poverty rates as a data point in his broader argument that work is one of the most important factors in generating happiness. And not just creative, fun work—any work, even Walmart jobs, he says. It doesn't matter if you make minimum wage or Brooks's own$645,000 salarythe important thing is experiencing "earned success," he explains, or "the belief that you're creating value with your life and that you're creating value in the lives of other people." Is America to Thank for the Global Decline in Poverty?

7. Let's look at the opposite doctrine....that of the fool/ideologue, Barack Obama: do away with the work requirement in the welfare bill:

"Obama kills welfare reform
Determined to destroy Bill Clinton’s signature achievement, President Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

On Thursday of last week, HHS issued regulations that modified — gutted — the work requirement. ... The regs say that “vocational educational training or jobsearch/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare benefits." Obama kills welfare reform
10. The lessons of history are clear: in the last century, the doctrines of communism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, bear responsibility for the deaths of over 100 million human being.

But "....the percentage of the world’s population living at starvation levels has declined by 80 percent! At least 2 billion people have been pulled out of absolute poverty.
It was not progressive para-state entities such as the United Nations that did this; it was American conservative ideas that spread around the world, such as globalization, free trade, property rights, rule of law, and entrepreneurship.

Conservatives .... ideas have radically improved the lives of millions of poor people around the world. Yet here at home, we aren’t trusted to fight for poor and struggling Americans. Part of the problem is what others say about us, but let’s be honest — we have done a terrible job telling people about what free enterprise has truly accomplished. The rapid reduction of poverty driven by conservative values is among the greatest achievements in the history of mankind, but conservatives often treat it as some kind of state secret."
Arthur Brooks's Conservative Heart | National Review Online
A working work requirement will make the unemployment numbers outrageous. It runs against the grain of doubling the minimum wage and forcing everyone who gets fired on to the welfare state.
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear; it is a simple, market based metric to better ensure, full employment from Capitalists.

100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
no capital gains distinction at all, for that.
100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.

100% stupid and liberal since, 1) raising taxes creates unemployment and 2) a business is managed for benefit of customers not employees.

Imagine a country that focused on employees and another that focused on customers.
Which would succeed???

See why we say the liberal will be stupid??
dear; it is a simple, market based metric to better ensure, full employment from Capitalists.

100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
no capital gains distinction at all, for that.
100% stupid!! raising taxes causes companies to move to China, not employ more people here.

full employment is natural under capitalism when the law of supply and demand is allowed to operate.
dear; is capitalism useless to you? the law is socialism. ending the capital gains distinction is a market based metric, recognizable, even to the Right.
i believe a work requirement is unlawful in any at-will employment State. Only the Right prefers wage slavery.

When Clinton turned "welfare as we know it" into workfare fully half decided that they were no longer poor.
We have a Commerce Clause; and it is about actually solving simple poverty instead of merely paying for a War on Poverty, endlessly.
We have a Commerce Clause; and it is about actually solving simple poverty instead of merely paying for a War on Poverty, endlessly.

dear stupid and liberal, Commerce Clause is about solving poverty through free trade between states and countries. And????????

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