Capitalism: The Holy Grail of Economics

The Middle Class, of which I am a part, has to pay for Free Trade in the form of Corporate Subsidies, Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps and subsidizing the cost of living for the indigent.

dear, are you saying when 2 free people decide to trade they get poorer even though they engaged in the trade to get richer? Its fortunate that they have a LibNazi like you around to straighten them out!!

No asshole, I'm saying that history proves that when you inundate a nation with too many foreigners at once, it results in dire poverty for those already here.
And the worst part is when greedy assholes like yourself keep repeating to yourselves that every American but YOU is a lazy, unskilled piece of shit and must be replaced by the geniuses in India.
No asshole, I'm saying that history proves that when you inundate a nation with too many foreigners at once, it results in dire poverty for those already here.

This is why Republicans want to close the border. They don't want scummy liberals shipping 40 million jobs off shore and then inviting 20 million illegals in to take the remaining jobs and bid down wages.
Nothing's stopping our saintly republican capitalist job creators from taking one for the team and hiring back those 40 million regardless of the cost.

You know, to show those scummy liberals what's best for our country.
Nothing's stopping our saintly republican capitalist job creators from taking one for the team and hiring back those 40 million regardless of the cost.

dear, they would be happy to do that if only consumers would be happy to buy stuff regardless of the cost.

See why we say a liberal will be stupid?
Halloween Salesmanship: Folk Financial

Capitalism is dependent on marketing, and in socialist states marketing is restricted to state-themed fascist philosophies disseminated by the government.

Americans cherish Super Bowl ads about consumer treasures like Budweiser and Apple Computers.

Halloween, the populism-rich festival of ghoulish masquerade and candy, is derived from the pseudo-pagan Gaelic harvest-noir festival of Samhain and has become very popular in America and has gained sentimentalism iconography.

The popular American horror film franchise Halloween features a thriller-fest ghoul avatar named Michael Myers, an eerie masked stalker who haunts Halloween Eve in American places.

Michael Myers has become a household name, since Americans promote horror films as part of its cultural orientation towards populism outlandishness.

In America, we can make political cartoons with bubble-writing such as, "Witness the infamous Michael Myers selling useful Ginsu knives on this holiday season to Americans of all ethnic backgrounds!"

It seems that Marx was well-aware of the fact that socialism required a focused propaganda initiative.



No asshole, I'm saying that history proves that when you inundate a nation with too many foreigners at once, it results in dire poverty for those already here.

This is why Republicans want to close the border. They don't want scummy liberals shipping 40 million jobs off shore and then inviting 20 million illegals in to take the remaining jobs and bid down wages.
Nothing but socialism from the party of alleged capitalists? Why are we losing money on Commerce, well regulated, at our borders.
Nothing's stopping our saintly republican capitalist job creators from taking one for the team and hiring back those 40 million regardless of the cost.

You know, to show those scummy liberals what's best for our country.
The right isn't that capital. They prefer to socialize costs and drive down wages for labor but not capitalists.
Nothing's stopping our saintly republican capitalist job creators from taking one for the team and hiring back those 40 million regardless of the cost.

dear, they would be happy to do that if only consumers would be happy to buy stuff regardless of the cost.

See why we say a liberal will be stupid?
Why not simply end the capital gains distinction for income, whenever positions for labor go unfilled for more than a quarter.
1. As we live in an 'Alice in Wonderland' world....let's begin at the end.
This man, Barack Obama, is a fool.

And so are any others who hate success, and fail to recognize capitalism as the single greatest advance in the economic history of the human race.

Guided by the proven false beliefs of Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, and Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, Obama demands the right to take from the successful and give the spoils of said theft to those who can't or won't earn their own success....after government dips it's beak into said spoils.

2. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.”

But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes." From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

3. Obama: spread the wealth

4. Lest any are still deceived into believing that some iteration of goodness and charity are behind the versions of socialism, Marxism (communism), and its spin-off, Nazism, were foursquare behind coercion, oppression, andmass bullets, by state-engineered famine, by working prisoners to death....death to millions upon millions.

Yet....we have Barack Obama and the Democrats.

The secret knowledge is that even the Soviet Communists found out early on that "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." (Karl Marx) was a flawed concept.

Human nature demands that one's work be rewarded commensurate with one's worth. And different individuals are worth differences in recompense.

a. Communist Russia acquiesced to this view as a result of the Stakhanovite Revolution...

"On the night of August 31, 1935, it was reported that Stakhanov had mined a record 102 tonnes of coal in less than six hours (14 times his quota). This sparked the so-called Stakhanovite movement, encouraging the rise of worker productivity."
Aleksey Stakhanov – Russiapedia History and mythology Prominent Russians

b. " Anxious to reward any individual achievements in production that might serve as stimulus to other workers, the Party launched the Stakhanovite movement.... Output above the norm was remunerated at higher rates of pay according to a progressive system. In this way, earnings reached dizzying heights. Some conference participants indicated what sort of consumer goods they would buy with their earnings. "

Guess what that's called? Right....capitalism.
Get it?
They ditched "economic equality" as a goal in favor of success.

Guess who never learned this lesson?

Who was the dunce who said "spread the wealth around"?

Dear, it is Perfection in Capital Management that is the Holy Grail.

No ... it is the self-motivation of individuals and the freedom to pursue one's own best interests that are capitalism's Holy Grail, Princess.
6. "Brooks used the precipitous drop in poverty rates as a data point in his broader argument that work is one of the most important factors in generating happiness. And not just creative, fun work—any work, even Walmart jobs, he says. It doesn't matter if you make minimum wage or Brooks's own$645,000 salarythe important thing is experiencing "earned success," he explains, or "the belief that you're creating value with your life and that you're creating value in the lives of other people." Is America to Thank for the Global Decline in Poverty?

7. Let's look at the opposite doctrine....that of the fool/ideologue, Barack Obama: do away with the work requirement in the welfare bill:

"Obama kills welfare reform
Determined to destroy Bill Clinton’s signature achievement, President Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

On Thursday of last week, HHS issued regulations that modified — gutted — the work requirement. ... The regs say that “vocational educational training or jobsearch/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare benefits." Obama kills welfare reform
Clinton had the lowest unemployment in thirty years during that time period; it should Only be effective during the conditions that created it manifest themselves in our economy.

What created low unemployment in the 1990s were the gov't policies - put in place in the 1980s - which encouraged private capital investment.

It takes some time for seeds to bear fruit.
1. As we live in an 'Alice in Wonderland' world....let's begin at the end.
This man, Barack Obama, is a fool.

And so are any others who hate success, and fail to recognize capitalism as the single greatest advance in the economic history of the human race.

Guided by the proven false beliefs of Gracchus Babeuf’s Plebeian Manifesto, and Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, Obama demands the right to take from the successful and give the spoils of said theft to those who can't or won't earn their own success....after government dips it's beak into said spoils.

2. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.”

But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes." From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

3. Obama: spread the wealth

4. Lest any are still deceived into believing that some iteration of goodness and charity are behind the versions of socialism, Marxism (communism), and its spin-off, Nazism, were foursquare behind coercion, oppression, andmass bullets, by state-engineered famine, by working prisoners to death....death to millions upon millions.

Yet....we have Barack Obama and the Democrats.

The secret knowledge is that even the Soviet Communists found out early on that "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." (Karl Marx) was a flawed concept.

Human nature demands that one's work be rewarded commensurate with one's worth. And different individuals are worth differences in recompense.

a. Communist Russia acquiesced to this view as a result of the Stakhanovite Revolution...

"On the night of August 31, 1935, it was reported that Stakhanov had mined a record 102 tonnes of coal in less than six hours (14 times his quota). This sparked the so-called Stakhanovite movement, encouraging the rise of worker productivity."
Aleksey Stakhanov – Russiapedia History and mythology Prominent Russians

b. " Anxious to reward any individual achievements in production that might serve as stimulus to other workers, the Party launched the Stakhanovite movement.... Output above the norm was remunerated at higher rates of pay according to a progressive system. In this way, earnings reached dizzying heights. Some conference participants indicated what sort of consumer goods they would buy with their earnings. "

Guess what that's called? Right....capitalism.
Get it?
They ditched "economic equality" as a goal in favor of success.

Guess who never learned this lesson?

Who was the dunce who said "spread the wealth around"?

Dear, it is Perfection in Capital Management that is the Holy Grail.

No ... it is the self-motivation of individuals and the freedom to pursue one's own best interests that are capitalism's Holy Grail, Princess.

No dear; that is a Constitution; not Perfection in Capital Management under Any form of Capitalism.
6. "Brooks used the precipitous drop in poverty rates as a data point in his broader argument that work is one of the most important factors in generating happiness. And not just creative, fun work—any work, even Walmart jobs, he says. It doesn't matter if you make minimum wage or Brooks's own$645,000 salarythe important thing is experiencing "earned success," he explains, or "the belief that you're creating value with your life and that you're creating value in the lives of other people." Is America to Thank for the Global Decline in Poverty?

7. Let's look at the opposite doctrine....that of the fool/ideologue, Barack Obama: do away with the work requirement in the welfare bill:

"Obama kills welfare reform
Determined to destroy Bill Clinton’s signature achievement, President Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

On Thursday of last week, HHS issued regulations that modified — gutted — the work requirement. ... The regs say that “vocational educational training or jobsearch/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare benefits." Obama kills welfare reform
dear, Only the right has lost its clue and its Cause, when it comes to a moral of "goodwill toward men". It is why the social left has to pick up that ethical slack.

You still haven't figured out that speaking in your own language about your own "Cause" fools no one.

It does make clear that once you shoot your little anti-capitalism wad you have nothing of substance.
dear, you fail to understand that our form of socialism is the best in the world,
if you're trying to say that our mixed economy is mixed with more capitalism than most others and thus is the best in the world you are correct. Do you have any idea what you are trying to say??
dear, that in our mixed-market economy, socialism bails out capitalism as business as usual, everyday.

Socialism has nothing but the authority to squeeze the life out of any economy. It certainly hasn't the resources to "bail out" anyone or anything once the value of the confiscated property reaches zero (see: Greece).
6. "Brooks used the precipitous drop in poverty rates as a data point in his broader argument that work is one of the most important factors in generating happiness. And not just creative, fun work—any work, even Walmart jobs, he says. It doesn't matter if you make minimum wage or Brooks's own$645,000 salarythe important thing is experiencing "earned success," he explains, or "the belief that you're creating value with your life and that you're creating value in the lives of other people." Is America to Thank for the Global Decline in Poverty?

7. Let's look at the opposite doctrine....that of the fool/ideologue, Barack Obama: do away with the work requirement in the welfare bill:

"Obama kills welfare reform
Determined to destroy Bill Clinton’s signature achievement, President Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

On Thursday of last week, HHS issued regulations that modified — gutted — the work requirement. ... The regs say that “vocational educational training or jobsearch/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare benefits." Obama kills welfare reform
dear, Only the right has lost its clue and its Cause, when it comes to a moral of "goodwill toward men". It is why the social left has to pick up that ethical slack.

You still haven't figured out that speaking in your own language about your own "Cause" fools no one.

It does make clear that once you shoot your little anti-capitalism wad you have nothing of substance.
I make it clear that fine Capital morals from women can be had for five thousand dollars or less for an hour; social morals for free require socialism, not capitalism. Politicians are merely the second oldest professionals.
dear, you fail to understand that our form of socialism is the best in the world,
if you're trying to say that our mixed economy is mixed with more capitalism than most others and thus is the best in the world you are correct. Do you have any idea what you are trying to say??
dear, that in our mixed-market economy, socialism bails out capitalism as business as usual, everyday.

Socialism has nothing but the authority to squeeze the life out of any economy. It certainly hasn't the resources to "bail out" anyone or anything once the value of the confiscated property reaches zero (see: Greece).
yes dear; every time we resort to the (other) Peoples' Tax monies, we are resorting to Socialism, not Capitalism.
dear, you fail to understand that our form of socialism is the best in the world,
if you're trying to say that our mixed economy is mixed with more capitalism than most others and thus is the best in the world you are correct. Do you have any idea what you are trying to say??
dear, that in our mixed-market economy, socialism bails out capitalism as business as usual, everyday.

Socialism has nothing but the authority to squeeze the life out of any economy. It certainly hasn't the resources to "bail out" anyone or anything once the value of the confiscated property reaches zero (see: Greece).
yes dear; socialism bails out capitalism everyday with every social and capital program, paid for via taxes.

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