Capitalism: The Holy Grail of Economics

GB is Socialist. GB is NOT slaughtering its citizens.
YOU correlated the 2, not I.

dear, stupid and liberal. The PM is conservative, not socialist. They have lower corporate taxes than we do and depend less on top 1% for govt revenue than we do. GB is not socialist, although their labor party is now socialist.
GB is Socialist. GB is NOT slaughtering its citizens.
YOU correlated the 2, not I.

dear, stupid and liberal. The PM is conservative, not socialist. They have lower corporate taxes than we do and depend less on top 1% for govt revenue than we do. GB is not socialist, although their labor party is now socialist.

GB is Socialist despite the PM.
Just as the US practices Free Market Capitalism with a Democrat President.
You are DUMBER than dog shit.
I'm not in favor of Socialism but Conservatives comparing even the slightest touch of Civil intervention in their lives to Totalitarian Murderers is nothing short of pure arrogance.
GB is Socialist despite the PM.
how is that possible if we have higher corporate taxes,
and depend more on the top 1% than they do???

Stop the Sound Bites...
I'm not in favor of Socialism but Conservatives comparing even the slightest touch of Civil intervention in their lives to Totalitarian Murderers is nothing short of pure arrogance.

dear, why be so stupid all the time!! Our liberals spied for Stalin, gave him the bomb, elected Obama- despite 3 communist parents- and now support Sanders an open libcommie!!

Norman Thomas quotes: (American Socialist Party candidate for president)

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
I'm not in favor of Socialism but Conservatives comparing even the slightest touch of Civil intervention in their lives to Totalitarian Murderers is nothing short of pure arrogance.

dear, the world is tragically and relentlessly moving left to where it was before our genius Founders created America, the last best hope for freedom on earth.
I'm not in favor of Socialism but Conservatives comparing even the slightest touch of Civil intervention in their lives to Totalitarian Murderers is nothing short of pure arrogance.

dear, the world is tragically and relentlessly moving left to where it was before our genius Founders created America, the last best hope for freedom on earth.

Germany and Japan practice Fair Trade and seem to be doing fine.
Germany should drop out of to Eurozone.
ONLY the US has gone so insane with Free Trade; yes, ONLY the US.
And YES, EVERY nation, including the US, has enough sponges with enough votes to drive a working person insane.
And yes, those sponges include people who have NEVER worked and don't WANT to work.
But they vote just like CEOs write Legislation.
ONLY the US has gone so insane with Free Trade; yes, ONLY the US.

Dear, Ricardo says free trade is good regardless of the circumstances. Do you want to buy bananas at 5 cents/lbs from SA or grow our own and employ millions of Americans to produce $20/lbs bananas.
ONLY the US has gone so insane with Free Trade;.

only to a stupid libcommie is it insane to let 2 people be free to decide whether they want to buy and sell something.

You are stating that a nation should not have an Economic or Fiscal Policy...
This would result in nullifying a major facet of the Presidents duties.
You are stating that Contract Law is pointless and Civil Suits are without merit
You are, in effect, stating that Monetary Might makes Right (That's actually quite profound).

I don't even have to call you a Sociopath as your postings make that self evident.
Than expect, in a Representative Republic, to have what you call Liberals, running the country:boohoo:

want to try that in useful English?????????

Playing Dumb as Dogshit again?
Except you're not playing, you're the REAL Dumb as Dogshit.
You are so fucking stupid I can't believe you have a driver's license.

It's YOUR Policies that cause people to kick back and push Legislation that takes my Tax Dollars to pay Utility Bills for people who can't pay their own.
The Middle Class, of which I am a part, has to pay for Free Trade in the form of Corporate Subsidies, Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps and subsidizing the cost of living for the indigent.

You fucking moron.
Wait, I don't want to insult morons.
You fucking selfish, narcissistic, egocentric, bookworm retard.
The Middle Class, of which I am a part, has to pay for Free Trade in the form of Corporate Subsidies, Welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps and subsidizing the cost of living for the indigent.

dear, are you saying when 2 free people decide to trade they get poorer even though they engaged in the trade to get richer? Its fortunate that they have a LibNazi like you around to straighten them out!!

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