Carnage (Super-Villain): 'TrumpUSA' Dentistry


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Marvel Comics super-villain Carnage was a 'normal' psychopath (named Cletus Kasady) who merged with a transforming and strength-enhancing alien entity known as the 'Symbiote' and became an uncontrollable force of anarchistic rage, terror, and urban mayhem for the valiant superhero Spider-Man to challenge.

Carnage obviously represents malice, mischief, anti-social instincts, and terrorism. More than anything, Carnage symbolizes the awful reality of criminal urges and unchecked criminality (e.g., Holocaust, Jack the Ripper, Los Angeles Riots of 1992, etc., etc.).

We can consider how Carnage is iconic for our modern age of urbanization-claustrophobia, immigration-related crime/corruption, and of course, general human crime. For this age of commerce and consumerism gauged politics (i.e., Wall Street, European Union, NATO), Carnage may 'prey' on our complacency regarding 'cholesterol-culture' morality degradation.

So how does Carnage fit into our new TrumpUSA 'news-blizzard chaos' (e.g., street-protests, Hurricane Harvey/Irma, North Korea nuclear-tests, ISIS, etc.)?


Carnage was ravenous about 'TrumpUSA.' Not satisfied with just being a 'plain' psycho, Cletus had absorbed the metaphysical energy of the Symbiote and became the purely anti-social entity we know and dread as the malicious and mad Carnage. Carnage used his mighty tendrils and extending-flesh to topple police-cars during an anti-TrumpUSA protest in Washington, D.C. following news of North Korea's nuclear-tests surrounding Labor Day weekend.

The anti-TrumpUSA protesters simply did not trust the American government's 'agenda' to use South Korea trade vitality to encourage more geopolitical sanity in that area of the globe to promote peace. However, Carnage was there just to create panic and mayhem. As Carnage ripped cop cars in half and threw them against the side of skyscrapers, the heroic Spider-Man swooped in to deal with him. Spider-Man wrapped Carnage's legs with strong cobwebs and then wrestled him into submission before he was carried off into a maximum-security prison.

SPIDER-MAN: Why do you despise America, Cletus?
CARNAGE: I hate Starbucks...enough said (and call me Carnage!).
SPIDER-MAN: If you're cynical about commerce/consumerism, how would terror help?
CARNAGE: Humanity needs an apocalyptic shock...
SPIDER-MAN: You can't force 'fate' onto others; that's not democracy!
CARNAGE: Is Wall Street democracy, Spider-Man?
SPIDER-MAN: Consumerism, at least, promotes peaceful trade.
CARNAGE: Maybe eBay is 'cute,' but capitalism promotes warfare.
SPIDER-MAN: Malice is the road to hell.
CARNAGE: I'm sorry, but the World Bank is not 'heaven.'
SPIDER-MAN: Anti-capitalism terrorism is a 'termite' on the soul of geopolitical negotiations.
CARNAGE: It's capitalism that creates prostitution, piracy, and pestilence.
SPIDER-MAN: Americans are not guilty of the tragedy of Chernobyl.
CARNAGE: We'll see if 'TrumpUSA' can edify British Petroleum.



Pretty sure carnage represents what a awful childhood can do to a human mind when he/she matures with its long lasting effects.

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