Carpet Bombing ISIS Capitol Raqqa

Look for France and Russia to take the lead in the almost WWII style of carpet bombing the city of ISIS which serves as the Capitol of the Islamist Caliphate in Raqqa. Reports are coming in that it has already started.
In a week the entire city of Raqqa will be dust.
Bombing...unless you use not THAT efficient.

Really? Some thermobarics would work wonders.
How do those work against underground bunkers?
The Russian bombs and US bombs can be set to detonate upon impact. The shock wave basically vibrates the bunker into dust particles in a millisecond.
Look for France and Russia to take the lead in the almost WWII style of carpet bombing the city of ISIS which serves as the Capitol of the Islamist Caliphate in Raqqa. Reports are coming in that it has already started.
In a week the entire city of Raqqa will be dust.
Bombing...unless you use not THAT efficient.

Really? Some thermobarics would work wonders.
How do those work against underground bunkers?

About as well as they worked to kill bin Laden in caves. But who cares? As long as schools are destroyed, rabid RWs will love it.

Carpet bombing innocent people?

Sure. Why not? After all, it worked so well in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Where we didnt do any actual carpet bombings.
What is it with liberals and making shit up?
Remembering after 9/11, when nutters ran around killing innocent people they thought MIGHT be Muslim. All the right cared about was "bombing them back to the stone age" - even though that's where they already are. The difference between the right and left is that the left wants to kill terrorists. The right just wants to kill people.

This is why they hate Obama. He kills a lot of terrorists.

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