Cash crop: The real reason cannabis approval is so slow is because big pharma wants to patent it


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Cash crop: The real reason cannabis approval is so slow is because Big Pharma wants to patent it
(Natural News) The fact that Big Pharma has been a driving force behind marijuana prohibition is hard to ignore — especially when it comes to the number of opioid manufacturers that have spent thousands of dollars fighting against medical marijuana. The plague of opioid addiction has struck the United States hard, leaving countless numbers of overdoses, deaths and destroyed families in its wake. And yet, the people who pushed these highly addictive drugs onto the unsuspecting public are suddenly playing martyr, spending nearly a billion dollars to keep opioids on the market and fight cannabis legalization, under the alleged pretense of public safety. It just doesn’t add up, does it?


Well no surprise there , they just have to get their greedy hands on this money make why they can bilk billions out of it all for their greedy pathetic selves. All while poisoning the shit out of too with their GMO BS.
Cash crop: The real reason cannabis approval is so slow is because Big Pharma wants to patent it
(Natural News) The fact that Big Pharma has been a driving force behind marijuana prohibition is hard to ignore — especially when it comes to the number of opioid manufacturers that have spent thousands of dollars fighting against medical marijuana. The plague of opioid addiction has struck the United States hard, leaving countless numbers of overdoses, deaths and destroyed families in its wake. And yet, the people who pushed these highly addictive drugs onto the unsuspecting public are suddenly playing martyr, spending nearly a billion dollars to keep opioids on the market and fight cannabis legalization, under the alleged pretense of public safety. It just doesn’t add up, does it?


Well no surprise there , they just have to get their greedy hands on this money make why they can bilk billions out of it all for their greedy pathetic selves. All while poisoning the shit out of too with their GMO BS.
Wow! I can't believe I'm doing this, but MindWars, BRAVO :clap::clap::clap:

The bullshit has gone on long enough. LEGALIZE IT ALREADY!
Cash crop: The real reason cannabis approval is so slow is because Big Pharma wants to patent it
(Natural News) The fact that Big Pharma has been a driving force behind marijuana prohibition is hard to ignore — especially when it comes to the number of opioid manufacturers that have spent thousands of dollars fighting against medical marijuana. The plague of opioid addiction has struck the United States hard, leaving countless numbers of overdoses, deaths and destroyed families in its wake. And yet, the people who pushed these highly addictive drugs onto the unsuspecting public are suddenly playing martyr, spending nearly a billion dollars to keep opioids on the market and fight cannabis legalization, under the alleged pretense of public safety. It just doesn’t add up, does it?


Well no surprise there , they just have to get their greedy hands on this money make why they can bilk billions out of it all for their greedy pathetic selves. All while poisoning the shit out of too with their GMO BS.

It does add up. Always follow the money. All strains of marijuana which currently exist are unpatented. If big pharma held a patent on these plants they would be demanding legalization of a life saving plant.
It does add up. Always follow the money. All strains of marijuana which currently exist are unpatented. If big pharma held a patent on these plants they would be demanding legalization of a life saving plant.
There is no way Big Pharma can patent marijuana. Nature already patented it long ago. But they are doing their best to maintain marijuana prohibition for as long as they can, which they manage to do by bribing lawmakers, because if it is legalized marijuana will blow an increasingly massive hole in Pharma's profits.

Same with the liquor industry, the drug-testing industry, the Prison Industrial Complex and the legal profession, all of which stand to lose substantially if (when?) pot becomes legal. What amazes me is how government manages to keep it illegal with all the available evidence that proves everything negative ever said about marijuana is false. Everything. Still millions of Americans are arrested or cited and criminally charged every year for simple possession.
WRONG. Once Joo Pharma gets in the game they will add a few add---itives to "enhance it" make it "safer" More " effective".
And kill your stupid asses ala Monsanto and that shit you idiots eat that you think is food.........
No replies. No surprise. murkinz HATE the truth

They will def. make some GMO shit out of it without a doubt, or some bs pesticides anything this pos EPA FDA, BIG PHARMA get their hands on they destroy it.
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?

If black markets were publicly known they wouldn't be blackmarkets just saying. =)
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?

If black markets were publicly known they wouldn't be blackmarkets just saying. =)

There is truth to that, but there seems to be little evidence here in Colorado that there is any significant black market. Consider the growth in revenue-
Colorado passes a milestone for pot revenue
Revenue from taxes and fees has increased each year, from $76 million in 2014 to $200 million last year, and the state is on track to beat that this year, according to VS Strategies, which used state revenue data in its report Wednesday.
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?

If black markets were publicly known they wouldn't be blackmarkets just saying. =)

There is truth to that, but there seems to be little evidence here in Colorado that there is any significant black market. Consider the growth in revenue-
Colorado passes a milestone for pot revenue
Revenue from taxes and fees has increased each year, from $76 million in 2014 to $200 million last year, and the state is on track to beat that this year, according to VS Strategies, which used state revenue data in its report Wednesday.

I agree, most people can pick up on them in some form or other.
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?

CNN has a black market in marijuana? Or are you saying they reported a black market somewhere? How about a link rather than just 3 letters.
it's been declared the savior of our economy

ironically some places are putting such a heavy tax on it that the black market is beginning to thrive again.

I live in Colorado and it doesn’t seem the black market has any real market here. Where are they experiencing black market sales?

CNN has a black market in marijuana? Or are you saying they reported a black market somewhere? How about a link rather than just 3 letters.
I heard about it on npr

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