Cat experts..Help!

Gracie, cats can live a long time with Feline Leukemia...and she is young.

How many litter boxes do you have? I was told ideally, to have one more than the number of cats ... maybe an extra somewhere?

For a while I had a stray cat who just showed up, and never seemed to manage to make it in the litter box, always right next to it. I put newspapers around the box but still...frustrating. Then I read some cats do not like covered boxes...they worry about being ambushed. So I Removed the hood. His aim improved but not enough. Then I noticed he had short, I thought maybe the box was to high and got him the shallowest I could, big improvement but not 100%. I never got around to trying different litters, as I found a home for him.

I would check for a UTI though, a soothers suggested. When my old guy, Sylvester has one, he pees in the bathtub or bowls.
Abby. She is just so damn weird. well, she does have lymphoma so maybe its affecting her thought waves?
Anyway..she USED to use the litter box in the bedroom. Then she stopped using it and begain to pee in the bathrub right over the drain hole. Now she is peeing on the throw rug in the kitchen, and under the table on the bare floor. So I put a new cat box under the kitchen table with the same litter Ive been using since I got her, and she stands in front of it, and peeing OUTISIDE the box. She got in it once or twice, but now her new pee spot is smack dab in front of it. All she has to do is take 2 more steps with her back legs and she is in, but nope. She makes her puddle in front of it.
I finally put a cookie tray in front of the cat box and laid 4 paper towels on it. THAT worked. For now anyway.

I order puppy training pads from amazon to put there instead of the cookie tray but I think I will continue to use it and put the pads in the tray.Eventually the vinyl fake wood floor is going to discolor and stink I presume, so the best protection I can do is the plan. But my main question is WHY is she refusing to step inside the little box? It isn't one of those high stepping fancy jobs. Just a plain jane one I got at the dollar store. Is it the tray itself? Anyone know why she is RIGHT THERE but won't go another 3 inches to get INSIDE with the litter?
Something in the box is bothering her. Sore paw, maybe? Peeing over the tub drain isn't marking behavior, but under the table and on the rug is. Maybe there's more than one thing going on here.
I'd definitely call the vet and ask.
I remember an episode from My Cat From Hell (Animal Planet) that dealt with the peeing just outside the litter box thing. Can't remember what the fix was, but of course it worked. Maybe some of the old episodes are free? You might want to check that out, too.
Abby. She is just so damn weird. well, she does have lymphoma so maybe its affecting her thought waves?
Anyway..she USED to use the litter box in the bedroom. Then she stopped using it and begain to pee in the bathrub right over the drain hole. Now she is peeing on the throw rug in the kitchen, and under the table on the bare floor. So I put a new cat box under the kitchen table with the same litter Ive been using since I got her, and she stands in front of it, and peeing OUTISIDE the box. She got in it once or twice, but now her new pee spot is smack dab in front of it. All she has to do is take 2 more steps with her back legs and she is in, but nope. She makes her puddle in front of it.
I finally put a cookie tray in front of the cat box and laid 4 paper towels on it. THAT worked. For now anyway.

I order puppy training pads from amazon to put there instead of the cookie tray but I think I will continue to use it and put the pads in the tray.Eventually the vinyl fake wood floor is going to discolor and stink I presume, so the best protection I can do is the plan. But my main question is WHY is she refusing to step inside the little box? It isn't one of those high stepping fancy jobs. Just a plain jane one I got at the dollar store. Is it the tray itself? Anyone know why she is RIGHT THERE but won't go another 3 inches to get INSIDE with the litter?
Does she dig?
No. She is a stray. Feral. Or rather, WAS feral. She pees and poops and then walks away. So far she has no pooped in any little box or in the house. She only does that outside.
I hate the idea of a little box under the kitchen table, so every time she is immediately remoed to the outside trash.

I found her across the alley, under a bush. She was about 8 months old at the time. She started getting curious and was hungry, so I would put out food for her. Then my other cat Evie began to hang out with her. Evie hates every cat she meets...except Abby. One day I left the door open so Abby could follow Evie in the house. Took about 4 months for her not to run from me even when I had a plate of food in my hands for her. Then she discovered my lap and chest. One boob is gone (mastectomy), so thats where she plants her ass....her chest on my real boob, her head against my neck and under my chin. Thats her spot, lol.
Took her to vet. Thats how I know her health problems now. Evie also has Feline Leukemia. But Evie is a bit healthier than Abby. Poor skinny thing. But...I'll hang on to her as long as she can deal with her ailments. When she begins to be more miserable than she already is....then I will send her off. Which I dread.
I wouldn't go moving the litter box from place to place. Consistency is important for developing habits. You say that she used to go in the litter box and now she doesn't. I'd call that backsliding. Backsliding is not uncommon, even in human babies. Just when you're confident the baby is potty trained, the next thing you know she announces, "Daddy I poop my pants".

I would just keep using the same method you used to litter train her before the backslide. Just the stress of being sick can trigger backsliding too, as can any social dominance issues with the other cat(s). But consistency is key.

Don't move the litter box. And don't have more than one litter box.
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I'm sure you've consulted your vet, checked for UTI. Is she declawed? You already know it but declawed cats often have litter box "issues".

About having her put down - how is her coat? Animals will often show they're closer to the end with an almost over night change in their coat. Sometimes called "going light".

You're giving her a good, decent ending. That's worth a lot. I've always believed that part of our responsibilty to them is a decent end and that often included putting them down.
That happens to cats when some sneaky bastard uses their name to register them to vote as Democrats. They get to thinking they ARE one.
Aww, Gracie, reading all these posts from beautiful people, warms my heart. We all do share at least one thing in common; we love our animals and some of us, any and all animals. I feel terrible about what you and Abby are going through. I have never had those experiences with any of my 20 or more cats over the years. Old age sends them over the rainbow bridge along with portions of my heart and thank goodness they live in my memory bank as I draw upon them on occasion, especially Laci, my little love of 15 years. We were as hand and glove and communicated on a loving level I have never experienced with a pet.

As to my suggestion for something to try for Abby, have you considered relocating any of her bodily function eliminations to another box located in another part of a room? I have often read to have two litter boxes for one cat as Coyote suggested though I have never had to do that. I did have two cats at the same time for a few years and kept three litter boxes, emptying them twice a day. They each used either box and both boxes were covered.

I use Arm and Hammer SLIDE for Multiple Cats, litter. It covers odors so well and clumps clean and easy and slides ( therefore the name ) right out of the box when it is time to change the litter. I am wondering if you should use two different litter brands, the one you currently have and one other? Or first, try the same brand but in two boxes and one with the eliminations from the floor or bathtub.

Gracie, my heart is with you as you try everything imaginable to help the poor kitty you are trying to save. You have been a loving mom to so many four-paws. :smiliehug:
Gracie, cats can live a long time with Feline Leukemia...and she is young.

How many litter boxes do you have? I was told ideally, to have one more than the number of cats ... maybe an extra somewhere?

For a while I had a stray cat who just showed up, and never seemed to manage to make it in the litter box, always right next to it. I put newspapers around the box but still...frustrating. Then I read some cats do not like covered boxes...they worry about being ambushed. So I Removed the hood. His aim improved but not enough. Then I noticed he had short, I thought maybe the box was to high and got him the shallowest I could, big improvement but not 100%. I never got around to trying different litters, as I found a home for him.

I would check for a UTI though, a soothers suggested. When my old guy, Sylvester has one, he pees in the bathtub or bowls.
I have two litter boxes. One in the bedroom and one now under the kitchen table. So far, she is using the cookie sheet and paper towels. I change the litter every time either one uses either box. Both used to use the one in the bedroom. Then this newest thing Abby is doing...well....Evie rarely uses either one. But once we have to move to the apt we are waiting for, both will HAVE to use them because cats there cannot be in and out door cats. If they go outside..they have to be on a leash. Abby will NOT accept a leash. Evie...doubtful but she is more tolerant of me attempting it here to get her used to it. Abby jumps around like a bronco and it scares her too much.

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