Cat Stevens Gets Plane Diverted! For Terrorism Watch List

CSM said:
It might also have something to do with his support of the call for Rushti's death some time back. He has since apologized for that.

Didn't know he apologized. That's good. But let me ask you this, if I called for your death based on something you wrote that I disagreed with and then apologized for it sometime down the road... what would you think of me then?

I believe in forgiveness and all that, but if you toy with the idea of murder and support terrorists... you need to stay the fuck away from me and my country.

Maybe a bit of a simplistic, generalized view we can't take chances with people REPEATEDLY in support of terrorists. Right?

Job well-done up in Maine. Hope they're keeping the box-cutters to minimum as well.
nycflasher said:
Didn't know he apologized. That's good. But let me ask you this, if I called for your death based on something you wrote that I disagreed with and then apologized for it sometime down the road... what would you think of me then?

I believe in forgiveness and all that, but if you toy with the idea of murder and support terrorists... you need to stay the fuck away from me and my country.

Maybe a bit of a simplistic, generalized view we can't take chances with people REPEATEDLY in support of terrorists. Right?

Job well-done up in Maine. Hope they're keeping the box-cutters to minimum as well.

OMG Flasher, have you been away at reprogramming school? Welcome back! You going to give DK a run for "I'm a liberal!" but really being a 'conservative?' :laugh:
deaddude said:
From what I understand Cat Stephens is a Muslim who gave money to a Masque and other charities, nothing to get in a twist about really. Unfortunately a few of those charities were fronts for Hamas (yes that is somthing to get in a twist about.

He may or may not have known. I don’t know.
So my 2 cents, too early to jump to conclusions, but suspicions and surveillance are not out of the question.

Agreed. Too early to know the full story. I don't know the details yet, but I'm still pissed about that whole Satanic Verses bullshit. The Ayatollah's position back then was similar in many ways to how these other brutal governments--Iran, Saddham's Iraq, Somalia, etc.--operate: stealing from their people, starving them or charging them for stolen food we paid for, murdering them indescriminately, etc.

Cat fucking Stevens sang beautiful songs until he decided to worship at the alter of murderous psychopaths. Very sad. But I'm rambling...
Kathianne said:
OMG Flasher, have you been away at reprogramming school? Welcome back! You going to give DK a run for "I'm a liberal!" but really being a 'conservative?' :laugh:

Ha-ha!!! My father told me that struggling financially might turn me into a conservative. But he was kidding, I think, and no way! You all are off your rockers half the time, blinded by this charming chimp in the Whitehouse.
I love you dearly, though. :rock:
nycflasher said:
Ha-ha!!! My father told me that struggling financially might turn me into a conservative. But he was kidding, I think, and no way! You all are off your rockers half the time, blinded by this charming chimp in the Whitehouse.
I love you dearly, though. :rock:

You just called him, charming! I knew it! :dev1:
NATO AIR said:
ha, yikes

the trolls ask for it... i swear if i hear "america is evil too! you invade iraq for wrong reasons and now you will fail" one more time i'm gonna adopt a toby keith persona for the next 4 years.


America is evil. But we are perhaps the lesser of all evils and bound by a Constitution that respects humanity. We MAY have invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons and we MAY fail. Well, no, we won't fail but things could get worse before they get better. We are a country at war both in in Iraq and amonst ourselves.

Just thought I'd remind you of that, but to heck with trolls. :firing:

err... what were we talking about?
nycflasher said:

America is evil. But we are perhaps the lesser of all evils and bound by a Constitution that respects humanity. We MAY have invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons and we MAY fail. Well, no, we won't fail but things could get worse before they get better. We are a country at war both in in Iraq and amonst ourselves.

Just thought I'd remind you of that, but to heck with trolls. :firing:

err... what were we talking about?
We were talking about this:

A London-to-Washington flight carrying the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens was diverted to Maine and the singer was removed from the plane. Stevens had recently been placed on a government "no-fly" list after U.S. authorities received information indicating associations with potential terrorists, a government official said Wednesday.

The flight was diverted to Bangor, Maine, on Tuesday afternoon after U.S. officials who checked the passenger list learned the singer was aboard. Federal agents met United Airlines Flight 919 and interviewed Stevens, whose name now is Yusuf Islam.

The government official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said Islam was placed on a watch list after multiple intelligence sources in recent weeks indicated the peace activist may have associations with potential terrorists.

Airlines have access to watch lists and are supposed to screen passengers to make sure those deemed direct threats to aviation do not board planes. The official said it was unclear why United Airlines personnel allowed Islam to get on the flight in London.

A call to the airline was not immediately returned.

Homeland Security Department spokesman Dennis Murphy said Islam was "denied admission to the United States on national security grounds" and was expected to be sent back to London on Wednesday.

A second government official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said U.S. authorities think donations from Islam may have ended up helping to fund blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

In July 2000, Islam was deported hours after arriving in Jerusalem. A local paper reported then that the government claimed he had delivered tens of thousands of dollars to Hamas during a visit in 1988. Islam denied ever knowingly supporting Islamic terrorists...
Kathianne said:
You just called him, charming! I knew it! :dev1:

Um, before you get too excited, what I meant was that he charmed you and half the country(aprox.) into voting him into the Whitehouse.

I suppose I do find him kind of charming for a monkey on acid, though.
Like, that hallucination/delusion he has where he thinks that he needs to protect my marriage by stopping gays from marrying. Defense of Marriage/Ammend the constitution my ass. What, do you not have enough war overseas that now you want to battle with the homosexuals, George?

Yeah he's real charming ;-)
nycflasher said:
Um, before you get too excited, what I meant was that he charmed you and half the country(aprox.) into voting him into the Whitehouse.

I suppose I do find him kind of charming for a monkey on acid, though.
Like, that hallucination/delusion he has where he thinks that he needs to protect my marriage by stopping gays from marrying. Defense of Marriage/Ammend the constitution my ass. What, do you not have enough war overseas that now you want to battle with the homosexuals, George?

Yeah he's real charming ;-)

You called him charming, again! :clap1:
Kathianne said:

Is Stevens/Islam/Cat in the Cradle, whatever still a US citizen?
I would think that the US government should need a bit more intel than a suggestion that he "perhaps" knowingly funded terrorists in order to prevent him from returning to his homeland. By all means investigate, but...

then again this is the day and age where we can lock people away indefinitely(or so it seems) until we sort it out. If Yusef Islam is an Iraqi citizen or something, okay, but I believe him to be American.
Kathianne said:
You called him charming, again! :clap1:

Hitler, apparently, was a bit charming.
Where are we going with this?

A crackhead on the street can charm the pants off of your for 50 cents towards the next crack or liquor purchase. I probably wouldn't vore for them though. :bang3:
nycflasher said:

America is evil. But we are perhaps the lesser of all evils and bound by a Constitution that respects humanity. We MAY have invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons and we MAY fail. Well, no, we won't fail but things could get worse before they get better. We are a country at war both in in Iraq and amonst ourselves.

Just thought I'd remind you of that, but to heck with trolls. :firing:

err... what were we talking about?

flasher, i agree but there are people/trolls out there who act like only america is evil, they're apologists for terrorists and the french and the chinese. they'd support anything except the US, just because they hate the US. anti-americanism is unfortunately the "in thing" and i'm sick and f---ing tired of it
Kathianne said:
I heard on the radio, on my way to school, that he'd given money to 'charities' tied to terrorism.

So that is the reason he is alleged to have terror ties???
Bonnie said:
So that is the reason he is alleged to have terror ties???

Go to one a bit futher along:

Homeland Security Department spokesman Dennis Murphy said Islam was "denied admission to the United States on national security grounds" and was expected to be sent back to London on Wednesday.

A second government official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said U.S. authorities think donations from Islam may have ended up helping to fund blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

In July 2000, Islam was deported hours after arriving in Jerusalem. A local paper reported then that the government claimed he had delivered tens of thousands of dollars to Hamas during a visit in 1988. Islam denied ever knowingly supporting Islamic terrorists...
NATO AIR said:
flasher, i agree but there are people/trolls out there who act like only america is evil, they're apologists for terrorists and the french and the chinese. they'd support anything except the US, just because they hate the US. anti-americanism is unfortunately the "in thing" and i'm sick and f---ing tired of it

No doubt. A troll is a troll and perhaps should be treated to one of their favorite Middle Eastern country's punishments, like chopping off the hand.

Or perhaps they would like Somalia. Another story from an ex-marine buddy who served in Mogadishu(sp?) involved the random draggings of suspected prostitutes into the streets(well, maybe they were already in the street) where they were beheaded. Or maybe they would like Somalia since all the aid we were sending the people was being stolen and then sold back to them. Actually, over their they shoot people like we take shits so a troll should definitely enjoy.

My favorite policy, though, is the condoned murder of wives SUSPECTED of adultery. That is really cool and I agree it is a shame we don't live like that in The U.S. :splat:
He gave to charities that then gave a percent to Hamas; the question then is whether he knew where it was going. Put him under surveillance, deportation seems a little rash at this point, but suspicion and surveillance do not.

ps Sir Evil good to see the old Avatar

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