Cat Stevens Gets Plane Diverted! For Terrorism Watch List

CSM said:
Ali is more interested in getting a rise out of people than he is in honest debate. I expect we shall begin the usual name calling very soon.
Honest debate? Each time I make a point, you lot change the subject or refuse to answer.

As for name-calling, see Sir Evil's post right after yours! Hahahahaaha you were so right!
Ali said:
So, are you saying that the torture and humiliation of prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay is wrong? I would have to agree with you there.

I agree that the torture of prisoners is wrong. Then I take it that you agree the kidnapping and beheading of people in the name of Allah is wrong as well as blowing up innocents with car bombs, suicide bombers, etc. The few who performed the torture at Abu Grhaib are being tried under courts martial. what do you suggest we do about the Islamic fanatics?
Ali said:
Honest debate? Each time I make a point, you lot change the subject or refuse to answer.

As for name-calling, see Sir Evil's post right after yours! Hahahahaaha you were so right!

I did not miss the little blurb under you name much earlier where you tried to slur SE.
CSM said:
I agree that the torture of prisoners is wrong. Then I take it that you agree the kidnapping and beheading of people in the name of Allah is wrong as well as blowing up innocents with car bombs, suicide bombers, etc. The few who performed the torture at Abu Grhaib are being tried under courts martial. what do you suggest we do about the Islamic fanatics?
They are not doing it in the name of Allah, they are doing it for political reasons. Mixing politics and religion is wrong, killing and torture is wrong. What I suggest you do about the Islamic fanatics is get out of Iraq and stop supporting the Israeli government.

Ali said:
They are not doing it in the name of Allah, they are doing it for political reasons. Mixing politics and religion is wrong, killing and torture is wrong. What I suggest you do about the Islamic fanatics is get out of Iraq and stop supporting the Israeli government.


How stupis is that? They sit there chanting to Allah while they cut off heads!!!! They are idiots. The U.S. and our great President Bush will NOT be scared off by finatics or let them dictate who our friends are!!!!
CSM said:
I did not miss the little blurb under you name much earlier where you tried to slur SE.
But you did miss the blurb when he called me a Turbin Terror, didn't you? It's tough to have an intelligent conversation when you are being harrassed by the Moderator/Owner all the time. S.E. please quit messing with my profile?
Sir Evil said:
you are wrong as usual Ali! you are just trolling our board like you have been from day 1!!! I would suggest you change your attitude fast.. I will continue my tirade on you so long as you continue to troll!

:bow2: :rotflmao:
Sir Evil said:
How many times have they stated it was in the name of Allah? you are a fool!
You only joined this board to be a troll but you know your times is limited so you will continue with this rediculous shit in your support on terrorism!
READ MY POST you imbecile. I said it is WRONG TO MIX RELIGION AND POLITICS. Does that sound like I support terrorism? I joined this board to have intelligent debate with people who have opposing viewpoints to me. You are the fukn troll, Sir Weevil. You accuse me of being a troll because I don't agree with you and waste time and space calling me stupid names instead of intelligently defending your point of view.

There, now you've made me go and flame you dammit :blowup:
jimnyc said:
Goodbye. Go eat a shit sandwich and enjoy the rest of your pathetic life.

User "Ali" - History.

ty----after watching the beheading it was perfect timing !!!!! too bad we can't do worse than banning !
Sir Evil said:
Ali will no longer be joining us, he found his way to being - :banned:

I wonder if he found 72 Virginians waiting for him on his new board?
Sir Evil said:
Sumbitch, that was my troll! :laugh:

i nearly :piss2: ed myself when i read that.... god you cultivated him for a while didn't you? there'll be more though,especially with the election coming up and the january iraq elections.
NATO AIR said:
i nearly :piss2: ed myself when i read that.... god you cultivated him for a while didn't you? there'll be more though,especially with the election coming up and the january iraq elections.

Are you trying to tell me that teh moderators on these boards troll for trolls?!?
ha, yikes

the trolls ask for it... i swear if i hear "america is evil too! you invade iraq for wrong reasons and now you will fail" one more time i'm gonna adopt a toby keith persona for the next 4 years.
jimnyc said:
Goodbye. Go eat a shit sandwich and enjoy the rest of your pathetic life.

User "Ali" - History.
:dance: Thank God! It about made my skin crawl just seeing his name!! :bang3:
Ali said:
I'm sure he was as shocked as everybody else

Nice huh? Maybe you'd like to have that as wallpaper, or post it on your sister site

Wow , I hadn't seen pictures as disturbing as those related to Abu, but...

maybe you should make a new thread if you want to talk about Abu and think you have something to say that hasn't been said 1000 times already here.

This is unrelated to this thread.
Lookout, the real big dog is back and I smell doodoo. :read:
From what I understand Cat Stephens is a Muslim who gave money to a Masque and other charities, nothing to get in a twist about really. Unfortunately a few of those charities were fronts for Hamas (yes that is somthing to get in a twist about.

He may or may not have known. I don’t know.
So my 2 cents, too early to jump to conclusions, but suspicions and surveillance are not out of the question.

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