Catholic Bishops: We Will Not Obey Immoral Obama HHS Mandate (Video)

If they are so intent on breaking the law, strip them of their tax free status and fine them.
I am not surprised. If a christian feels like man's law goes against God's law than they should obey God's law even if they get in trouble in this world.
Sorry, but an individual's freedom of religion supercedes a corporation's freedom to ram their own religion down everyone's throat. The catholic bishops are from the same crew that brought us the Inquisition.
Look on the bright side, it is a good oppurtunity for the Catholic church to do that prison outreach they are commanded to do in the good book.
Civil disobedience is fine for race, sexual orientation, but not religion? What else is not ok for civil disobedience?
Those companies that do not want to pay for the birth control or abortions should close. Fire everyone and close. Move to another country with more religious freedom. There is none here.

John Adams said that the Constitution was written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly unsuitable for the governance of any other. It is obvious that we have become the kind of people that exceeds the scope of the Constitution. We put people in prison for what they say, and punish people who follow the principles of their religion. Absolutely and positively objecting to paying for someone else's decisions does not at all interfere with those decisions.
If they are so intent on breaking the law, strip them of their tax free status and fine them.

Ya just IGNORE the 1st Amendment and do some more unconstitutional shit. We all see how you support illegal unconstitutional actions.

Those who uphold "the law" today will complain the loudest when tomorrow the law being upheld is shariah law.

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