Catholic priest busted for allegedly dealing crystal meth. Cross-Dresser! Sex


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2013
"The Catholic priest busted for allegedly dealing crystal meth was suspended after church officials discovered he was a cross-dresser who was having sex in the rectory at Bridgeport's St. Augustine Cathedral.

Monsignor Kevin Wallin was relieved of his duties in May, but the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport had continued to pay him a stipend until his Jan. 3 arrest -- a day he was planning to fly to London on vacation.

Now dubbed "Msgr. Meth" by some, Wallin seemed to live a life that easily could have been ripped from the script of "Breaking Bad," the popular AMC series about a high school chemistry teacher turned crystal methamphetamine producer. At one point, Wallin was selling upwards of $9,000 of meth a week, according to his indictment."

"While pastor of St. Augustine's, sources said he often disappeared for days at a time; and rectory personnel became concerned and notified diocese officials when Wallin, sometimes dressed as a woman, would entertain odd-looking men, some who were also dressed in women's clothing and engaging in sex acts."

"In his post-priesthood, Wallin, 61, bought an adult specialty and video store in North Haven called Land of Oz that sells sex toys and X-rated DVDs. Investigators believe the shop helped him launder thousands of dollars in weekly profits."


Sources: Cross-dressing meth priest liked sex in rectory - Connecticut Post

Happy New Year....2013 going to be a good year! The Land of Oz! God's "Msgr. Meth" was on the JOB!:lmao:
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So what? The Police did the right thing and the Catholic church did the right thing. Who has more influence on the future of the United States, an obscure Catholic priest or a congressman who was the chairman of the house banking committee? Barney Frank had a homosexual prostitution ring operating out of his apartment and the democrat party did nothing.
They need protection. Arm the Altar boy's. The priest & dealers can be raped or robbed!
So what? The Police did the right thing and the Catholic church did the right thing. Who has more influence on the future of the United States, an obscure Catholic priest or a congressman who was the chairman of the house banking committee? Barney Frank had a homosexual prostitution ring operating out of his apartment and the democrat party did nothing.

Well. Gods ignorant devotee's I say! but is not church and state separate? I DON'T see goverment is telling igonrants they must believe in a GOD? And if we are to follow god's words. Why only some?
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Granny says dey oughta defrock him...
US priest pleads guilty to drug dealing charges
2 April 2013 - Kevin Wallin was suspended from his diocese in May
A Catholic priest has pleaded guilty to selling methamphetamine from his flat in the US state of Connecticut. Kevin Wallin admitted making more than $300,000 (£200,000) from drugs sent to him from California. The 61-year-old bought an adult video and sex toy shop, Land of Oz and Dorothy's Place, to launder the drug money, prosecutors said.

Wallin is due to be sentenced on 25 June. The sentence, already agreed, is between 11 and 14 years in jail. Prosecutors said Wallin had sold nearly 4lb (1.8kg) of methamphetamine. He was the pastor of St Augustine Parish in Bridgeport, Connecticut, for nine years, before he resigned in June 2011, citing personal and health reasons.


'Monsignor Meth'

He was given a sabbatical, but the Diocese of Bridgeport suspended him as a minister last May. Church officials accused Wallin of sexually inappropriate behaviour with other men in the church rectory. Earlier, he was the pastor at St Peter's Church in the town of Danbury for six years until 2002. Wallin was arrested in January after an undercover agent bought 23g (0.8oz) of methamphetamine for more than $3,400 on six separate occasions.

Wallin was dubbed Monsignor Meth by some media. Prosecutor David Fein said the arrest shut down "a significant methamphetamine distribution organisation that spanned from California to Connecticut". Charges against four other people arrested in the case are pending.

BBC News - US priest pleads guilty to drug dealing charges
how is it that this guy owned a sex shop and the church didn't know? Time for the Catholic church to pay better attention to what it's priests do. Considering I recieved salvation at this church, it's very sad for me to hear about it having problems of this nature.
how is it that this guy owned a sex shop and the church didn't know? Time for the Catholic church to pay better attention to what it's priests do. Considering I recieved salvation at this church, it's very sad for me to hear about it having problems of this nature.

I dont think the Church monitors the daily actions of anyone, not even the priests. They are adults after all.
Keep in mind that NAMBLA has a lot of influence in the democrat party.
how is it that this guy owned a sex shop and the church didn't know? Time for the Catholic church to pay better attention to what it's priests do. Considering I recieved salvation at this church, it's very sad for me to hear about it having problems of this nature.

I dont think the Church monitors the daily actions of anyone, not even the priests. They are adults after all.

But they should keep basic tabs on these guys. A man takes a vow to serve the church he agrees to submit to it's rules. Shouldn't somebody be making sure that he actually is adhereing to them? I would think that would be the job of some head priest or other local heirarchy. Can it be 100%? No, but this guy was making meth,cross dressing and owned a sex shop,you'd think it would have been caught sooner. If there isn't something in place to prevent this and other abuses then the church needs to address the problem and come up with solutions.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for people will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unholy, unthankful, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; from such turn away. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 *may not be verbaitim, but it's KJV

I don't think this says anything against the faith, but about the people and the prophecy they are fulfilling. Mainly the portion that I emphasized.

As well as

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thessalonians 2:3


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