Catholic University going back to Single-Sex Dorms


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
to some it might sound like a duh moment, well, its "Catholic" Univ. But they have had co-ed dorms since 82.

I don’t know, I mean they are ‘adults’, if they choose to behave ‘morally’ or not is wholly their own issue, up to whatever individual conscience they possess, and college(s) unlike say, pre- 60’s no longer seems to place themselves or see themselves ‘In loco parentis’.

However as a parent, I must admit if my children had gone to dorm college, I would probably have felt better if they had separate dorms and in the end, even if a hurdle to bad behavior is minimal, it’s a plus. Opportunity doesn’t equal sin but it sure can help it along.

They will have plenty of time there after to engage in whatever behavior they may have avoided there after college if they are inclined.

Why We're Going Back to Single-Sex Dorms
Student housing has became a hotbed of reckless drinking and hooking up.


We may have been a little unusual in thinking it was the college's responsibility to worry about that too. But I believe that intellect and virtue are connected. They influence one another. Some say the intellect is primary. If we know what is good, we will pursue it. Aristotle suggests in the "Nicomachean Ethics" that the influence runs the other way. He says that if you want to listen intelligently to lectures on ethics you "must have been brought up in good habits." The goals we set for ourselves are brought into focus by our moral vision.

"Virtue," Aristotle concludes, "makes us aim at the right mark, and practical wisdom makes us take the right means." If he is right, then colleges and universities should concern themselves with virtue as well as intellect.

I want to mention two places where schools might direct that concern, and a slightly old-fashioned remedy that will improve the practice of virtue. The two most serious ethical challenges college students face are binge drinking and the culture of hooking up.

Alcohol-related accidents are the leading cause of death for young adults aged 17-24. Students who engage in binge drinking (about two in five) are 25 times more likely to do things like miss class, fall behind in school work, engage in unplanned sexual activity, and get in trouble with the law. They also cause trouble for other students, who are subjected to physical and sexual assault, suffer property damage and interrupted sleep, and end up babysitting problem drinkers.

Hooking up is getting to be as common as drinking. Sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox, who heads the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, says that in various studies, 40%-64% of college students report doing it.

The effects are not all fun. Rates of depression reach 20% for young women who have had two or more sexual partners in the last year, almost double the rate for women who have had none. Sexually active young men do more poorly than abstainers in their academic work. And as we have always admonished our own children, sex on these terms is destructive of love and marriage.

Here is one simple step colleges can take to reduce both binge drinking and hooking up: Go back to single-sex residences.

I know it's countercultural. More than 90% of college housing is now co-ed. But Christopher Kaczor at Loyola Marymount points to a surprising number of studies showing that students in co-ed dorms (41.5%) report weekly binge drinking more than twice as often as students in single-sex housing (17.6%). Similarly, students in co-ed housing are more likely (55.7%) than students in single-sex dorms (36.8%) to have had a sexual partner in the last year—and more than twice as likely to have had three or more.

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John Garvey: Why We're Going Back to Single-Sex Dorms -
Even before my time in college the first time around, co-eds were having sex. It wasn't as easy as with co-ed dorms and open visitation, but still happened. Truth to tell, while just shy of the openess, it hit perhaps 3 years before I entered the dorms, I was treated to my roomate and her lover for the night making love with me in the room on the dorm twin bed. It was so enlightening.

Would I have preferred no males on our floor? Yes. It was an infringement of my rights to enjoy my room and forced to keep my eyes and ears closed through their huffing and puffing.

Mind you, I was not and am not a prude. I just don't think sex is a spectator sport, at least in real time. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it. My parents were paying a good bit of their income for my inconvenience and uncomfortable position.
Even before my time in college the first time around, co-eds were having sex. It wasn't as easy as with co-ed dorms and open visitation, but still happened. Truth to tell, while just shy of the openess, it hit perhaps 3 years before I entered the dorms, I was treated to my roomate and her lover for the night making love with me in the room on the dorm twin bed. It was so enlightening.

Would I have preferred no males on our floor? Yes. It was an infringement of my rights to enjoy my room and forced to keep my eyes and ears closed through their huffing and puffing.

Mind you, I was not and am not a prude. I just don't think sex is a spectator sport, at least in real time. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it. My parents were paying a good bit of their income for my inconvenience and uncomfortable position.

serendipity.....a friend of mine, oh 2 weeks ago was telling me what his daughter witnessed in her dorm at , well, lets call it Big State U ( hat tip Ferguson), anyway, his daughter told him there is an internet site called something like hot dorm dares or some such, anyway, she says her friends got involved before bailing on a dorm room party, t5here is encouragement to party, where in the site offers like 5k for the 'best' dorm room sex video....supposedly its fairly popular and they don't lack for content..........a coed dorm room, young adults, cameras and booze and your life is ruined....saw this article and thought well, its a good start.
Universities should be encouraging chastity among unmarried students and sobriety among all students.
If parents raise their children right none of this is an issue. We don't want government in our personal lives, but our young adults lives is OK? These are not children anymore, and at some point you have to let them live on their own and make their own descisions, wether they are good or bad. Limiting the rights of others because you are not confident that you did a good enough job as a parent is unacceptable.
If parents raise their children right none of this is an issue. We don't want government in our personal lives, but our young adults lives is OK? These are not children anymore, and at some point you have to let them live on their own and make their own descisions, wether they are good or bad. Limiting the rights of others because you are not confident that you did a good enough job as a parent is unacceptable.

What on earth does the goernment have to do with this issue?
If parents raise their children right none of this is an issue. We don't want government in our personal lives, but our young adults lives is OK? These are not children anymore, and at some point you have to let them live on their own and make their own descisions, wether they are good or bad. Limiting the rights of others because you are not confident that you did a good enough job as a parent is unacceptable.

What on earth does the goernment have to do with this issue?

This is how and where it starts, when this turns into an arguement between two parties the government will be called in to settle the dispute. Then we will be able to tack this onto the list of moral issues we will be distracted with.
If parents raise their children right none of this is an issue. We don't want government in our personal lives, but our young adults lives is OK? These are not children anymore, and at some point you have to let them live on their own and make their own descisions, wether they are good or bad. Limiting the rights of others because you are not confident that you did a good enough job as a parent is unacceptable.

What on earth does the goernment have to do with this issue?

This is how and where it starts, when this turns into an arguement between two parties the government will be called in to settle the dispute. Then we will be able to tack this onto the list of moral issues we will be distracted with.

in otherwords: nothing
If it is a private university then they can do whatever the hell they want to do with their dorms. My freshman year, before quickly transferring, was at a private religious university with single sex dorms. Sure, more students ended up getting married so they could fuck each other with jokes aplenty about something being in the water but... so what. Don't like it? don't go.

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