CBO: Obamacare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
"If you want to make an omelet, you're going to have to scramble a few eggs."

So said an Obama administration official, when it was revelaed that a Border Patrol agent had been murdered with a gun sold to the Mexican drug cartels by an Obama administration version of a gun-running program called "Fast and Furious".

Looks like another million eggs are about to get scrambled.

Too bad, suckers. That's what you get for believing a Community Organizer, and voting for him.


ObamaCare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans | Fox News

ObamaCare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans

by Elizabeth Harrington
·Published June 10, 2014·
Washington Free Beacon

Roughly one million low-income Americans will pay a fine under ObamaCare, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The CBO estimated that four million people would pay the individual mandate penalty for not having health insurance by 2016 as a result of the president’s health care law, according to a report released last week,

“All told, CBO and [the Joint Committee on Taxation] JCT estimate that about four million people will pay a penalty because they are uninsured in 2016 (a figure that includes uninsured dependents who have the penalty paid on their behalf),” the report said. “An estimated $4 billion will be collected from those who are uninsured in 2016, and, on average, an estimated $5 billion will be collected per year over the 2017–2024 period.”

A chart accompanying the report revealed that 200,000 of those paying the penalty earn less than 100 percent of the poverty line. An additional 800,000 are considered low-income, earning between 100 and 199 percent of the poverty level.

President Barack Obama was once critical of an individual mandate precisely because of its effect on low-income Americans. During a primary debate against Hillary Clinton, then-candidate Obama criticized the idea of a mandate for imposing fines on people who could not afford health insurance.
President Barack Obama was once critical of an individual mandate precisely because of its effect on low-income Americans.

Maybe if he announces that we can all keep our doctor, that'll make it all better.

Yep, that'll do the trick.
so fake news is "reporting" what the CBO said?

lol... i'm pretty sure that like pretty much everything else they say it's half truth mixed with innuendo and disinformation.
so fake news is "reporting" what the cbo said?

Lol... I'm pretty sure that like pretty much everything else they say it's half truth mixed with innuendo and disinformation.

low income ?

their state should expand Medicare

the CBO can only project
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so fake news is "reporting" what the CBO said?

lol... i'm pretty sure that like pretty much everything else they say it's half truth mixed with innuendo and disinformation.

TRANSLATION: "I can't refute what the article said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll attack the messenger instead, call them names, and vaguely imply they said something wrong even though I can't fault any part of it; and hope that somebody believes my smears instead of their facts."
so fake news is "reporting" what the CBO said?

lol... i'm pretty sure that like pretty much everything else they say it's half truth mixed with innuendo and disinformation.

And I'm pretty sure your incurious and ideological attitudes prevent you from absorbing any information which doesn't adhere to your programmed world view.

It's incredibly easy to see this info reported by multiple sources, if one has the ability to use a search engine.

The CBO has the report posted as well.

Payments of Penalties for Being Uninsured Under the Affordable Care Act: 2014 Update - CBO
"If you want to make an omelet, you're going to have to scramble a few eggs."

So said an Obama administration official, when it was revelaed that a Border Patrol agent had been murdered with a gun sold to the Mexican drug cartels by an Obama administration version of a gun-running program called "Fast and Furious".

Looks like another million eggs are about to get scrambled.

Too bad, suckers. That's what you get for believing a Community Organizer, and voting for him.


ObamaCare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans | Fox News

ObamaCare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans

by Elizabeth Harrington
·Published June 10, 2014·
Washington Free Beacon

Roughly one million low-income Americans will pay a fine under ObamaCare, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The CBO estimated that four million people would pay the individual mandate penalty for not having health insurance by 2016 as a result of the president’s health care law, according to a report released last week,

“All told, CBO and [the Joint Committee on Taxation] JCT estimate that about four million people will pay a penalty because they are uninsured in 2016 (a figure that includes uninsured dependents who have the penalty paid on their behalf),” the report said. “An estimated $4 billion will be collected from those who are uninsured in 2016, and, on average, an estimated $5 billion will be collected per year over the 2017–2024 period.”

A chart accompanying the report revealed that 200,000 of those paying the penalty earn less than 100 percent of the poverty line. An additional 800,000 are considered low-income, earning between 100 and 199 percent of the poverty level.

President Barack Obama was once critical of an individual mandate precisely because of its effect on low-income Americans. During a primary debate against Hillary Clinton, then-candidate Obama criticized the idea of a mandate for imposing fines on people who could not afford health insurance.

How many of those are in conservative states that refused to expand Medicaid?

Who doesn't qualify for Medicaid if they're under the poverty line in the first place?
Fox News reports 1 million low income Americans will pay the penalty.

Of course they only focused on one part of the overall picture. This is a classic lie of omission.

Let's check another media outlet, shall we?

87% Of Uninsured Can Avoid ObamaCare Mandate Tax: CBO

Almost none of the uninsured will end up paying the ObamaCare mandate penalty, according to an updated analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that 87% will be able to claim an exemption.

According to the CBO's latest estimate, out of the 30 million people who will still be uninsured in 2016, just 4 million will end up paying any tax penalty, despite the law's requirement that everyone buy government-approved insurance. Two years ago, the CBO figured 6 million would pay the penalty.
And what's the cost of this to low income Americans (without conceding the story is even true)

compared to the kind of cuts in programs for low income Americans that Republicans /conservatives would make if they ever had the votes to do so?
Who doesn't qualify for Medicaid if they're under the poverty line in the first place?

Some states, I don't know how many, cannot afford to pay for Medicaid for all those who qualify, and so they have a lottery system.

Low income adults with no children are also denied Medicaid

ObamaCare provides money to the states so they can expand their Medicaid rolls to enroll all low income Americans. Quite a few red states turned down this money.
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So when the Republicans take control in 2016, and repeal Obamacare, 4 million won't have to pay the penalty,

and 10 million or more will get kicked off the affordable insurance they acquired under the ACA.
Massachusetts had an insurance mandate. The penalty was cheaper than buying insurance, but people ended up buying insurance anyway because when you pay the fine, you still don't have insurance. Better to buy the insurance and have something to show for it, rather than pay the fine and have nothing.
Who doesn't qualify for Medicaid if they're under the poverty line in the first place?

Some states, I don't know how many, cannot afford to pay for Medicaid for all those who qualify, and so they have a lottery system.

ObamaCare provides money to the states so they can expand their Medicaid rolls. Quite a few red states turned down this money.

So to a large extent conservatives are blaming Obama for a problem that conservatives created.
so fake news is "reporting" what the CBO said?

lol... i'm pretty sure that like pretty much everything else they say it's half truth mixed with innuendo and disinformation.

"Ad hominem circumstantial points out that someone is in circumstances such that they are disposed to take a particular position. Ad hominem circumstantial constitutes an attack on the bias of a source. This is fallacious because a disposition to make a certain argument does not make the argument false"

Second time in an hour you've done that, Jillian.
Fox News reports 1 million low income Americans will pay the penalty.

Of course they only focused on one part of the overall picture. This is a classic lie of omission.

Let's check another media outlet, shall we?

87% Of Uninsured Can Avoid ObamaCare Mandate Tax: CBO

Almost none of the uninsured will end up paying the ObamaCare mandate penalty, according to an updated analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that 87% will be able to claim an exemption.

According to the CBO's latest estimate, out of the 30 million people who will still be uninsured in 2016, just 4 million will end up paying any tax penalty, despite the law's requirement that everyone buy government-approved insurance. Two years ago, the CBO figured 6 million would pay the penalty.

Fox said only one million would end up paying the penalty. Your article says it's actually four. They say "Half of the 4 million now expected to pay the penalty will have incomes below $35,000, the CBO found." Where's the lie of omission? According to your article Fox has actually underestimated.
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