CCP Espionage Facilitator Nancy Pelosi Is Distributing CCP Propaganda To House Offices - Called Out By GOP Frosh To STOP!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
China Daily

Freshman representative Ashley Hinson (R., Iowa) petitioned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) to stop distributing a Chinese Communist propaganda paper to House offices on Capitol Hill.

Hinson, who was elected in November, said she is "appalled" that lawmakers receive unsolicited copies of China Daily, a Chinese state-controlled newspaper that has been designated as Communist propaganda by the State Department. China Daily has been delivered to congressional offices each morning for many years despite outrage among some members who view its circulation as inappropriate.

Is it any wonder that so many Democrats are compromised agents of the CCP with Speaker Pelosi and Democrats acting as the CCP's 'propaganda paper boy', delivering their CCP marching orders directly to Congressional offices every morning.

Diane Feinstein was exposed as a CCP compromised agent who had been facilitating CCP espionage for decades...and then protected as the spy was allowed to return to China.

GOP Member McCarthy gave a press conference in which he exposed the latest exposure of a Democrat Manchurian Politician - Eric Swalwell. Despite being briefed along with Congress that the CCP was aggressively attempting to recruit US politicians, Swalwell screwed a CCP spy, hired another as an inner office staff member, and hid the information from everyone, to include House Speaker Pelosi, who appointed the CCP espionage facilitator to the House Intel Committee. As a member of the Committee, Swalwell has access to the nation's most classified information...that he has passed to the CCP and continues to do so. Pelosi found out about Swalwell's cooperation with CCP spies in 2015...and she has allowed him to remain on the House Intel Committee ever since. It was revealed not long after the Swalwell story broke months ago that Pelosi, despite knowing Swalwell had been compromised, was still thinking of appointing him as CIA Oversight.

So it only makes sense that Pelosi continues to have OFFICIAL CCP PROPAGANDA delivered every morning to Congressional offices.

The challenge to Speaker Pelosi from Freshman GOP Rep Ashley Hinson (R., Iowa) to STOP spreading CCP propaganda will go ignored.

China Daily

Freshman representative Ashley Hinson (R., Iowa) petitioned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) to stop distributing a Chinese Communist propaganda paper to House offices on Capitol Hill.

Hinson, who was elected in November, said she is "appalled" that lawmakers receive unsolicited copies of China Daily, a Chinese state-controlled newspaper that has been designated as Communist propaganda by the State Department. China Daily has been delivered to congressional offices each morning for many years despite outrage among some members who view its circulation as inappropriate.

Is it any wonder that so many Democrats are compromised agents of the CCP with Speaker Pelosi and Democrats acting as the CCP's 'propaganda paper boy', delivering their CCP marching orders directly to Congressional offices every morning.

Diane Feinstein was exposed as a CCP compromised agent who had been facilitating CCP espionage for decades...and then protected as the spy was allowed to return to China.

GOP Member McCarthy gave a press conference in which he exposed the latest exposure of a Democrat Manchurian Politician - Eric Swalwell. Despite being briefed along with Congress that the CCP was aggressively attempting to recruit US politicians, Swalwell screwed a CCP spy, hired another as an inner office staff member, and hid the information from everyone, to include House Speaker Pelosi, who appointed the CCP espionage facilitator to the House Intel Committee. As a member of the Committee, Swalwell has access to the nation's most classified information...that he has passed to the CCP and continues to do so. Pelosi found out about Swalwell's cooperation with CCP spies in 2015...and she has allowed him to remain on the House Intel Committee ever since. It was revealed not long after the Swalwell story broke months ago that Pelosi, despite knowing Swalwell had been compromised, was still thinking of appointing him as CIA Oversight.

So it only makes sense that Pelosi continues to have OFFICIAL CCP PROPAGANDA delivered every morning to Congressional offices.

The challenge to Speaker Pelosi from Freshman GOP Rep Ashley Hinson (R., Iowa) to STOP spreading CCP propaganda will go ignored.

The entire swath of California elected dems and some CA GOP are all owned by much more proof do we need....spies in Di Fi's office Swallel and Adam Shift both mingling with Chinese spies....even the retire Boxer was caught with Chinese spies in her office...of course the China owned FBI says nothing....
So you want Pelosi to censor all mail coming into Congress?

You are the only ass-clown so far who has said anything about censoring 'all MAIL'. I'm talking about State Department-designated CCP propaganda.

This pathetic attempt of yours to defend it is a complete FAIL.
This is about Congressional free newspapers. You don't remember it is your OP...
So you want Pelosi to censor all mail coming into Congress?

You are the only ass-clown so far who has said anything about censoring 'all MAIL'. I'm talking about State Department-designated CCP propaganda.

This pathetic attempt of yours to defend it is a complete FAIL.
This is about Congressional free newspapers. You don't remember it is your OP...

Your attempts to cover your own fu@k-ups / mis-fired comments are hilarious.

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