CDC Official After Influx of Illegal Alien Minors: Obama Worst Pres Ever, Amateur, Marxist


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama allows in all these kids and then houses them like pigs in a pig stye. what a disgusting human beings Progressive/Democrats are. and you are going to vote FOR THIS? and you're all worried over something Trump said about Mexico and illegal immigrants.


“Leave No Child on the other Side of the Border Policy”
Mark Tapson

immigration_4.jpg (JW) reports that, in the wake of the influx of illegal immigrant minors from Central America last summer, an official at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) described Barack Obama as “the worst pres we have ever had,” an “amateur,” and “Marxist,” according to internal emails uncovered as part of a JW investigation.

Tens of thousands of Central Americans came into the U.S. through the Mexican border last summer, and contagious diseases—many previously thought eradicated in the U.S.—became a serious concern. The CDC, which operates under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), responded by opening an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to deal with the barrage of illegal alien minors and to monitor and coordinate response activities to eminent public health threats.

JW launched a probe into the operations when the Obama administration embraced the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) with open arms. JW even sued the Department of Homeland Security for planning records involving the border crisis as well as information relating to the solicitation of “on-demand escort services” for the 65,000 UACs that remain in the U.S. Last year JW also reported that the illegal immigrant minors have brought in serious diseases, including swine flu, dengue fever, possibly Ebola virus and tuberculosis.

From the article:
all of it here:
CDC Official After Influx of Illegal Alien Minors Obama Worst Pres Ever Amateur Marxist Truth Revolt
Somebody's crazy, right-wing, chain-emailing, am radio listening uncle works for the cdc and repeats the attacks of the day.

Why is that news?
"Possibly ebola virus"

They possibly brought in flying monkeys. Where is the evidence to support the hypothesis?
He loses all credibility as having an unbiased opinion by calling Obama a Marxist.

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