Cellphone cancer


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Uncle Ferd always wears his tin-foil hat when he uses his cellphone...
WHO Panel Cites 'Possible' Brain Cancer Risk from Cell Phone Use
May 31, 2011 - A scientific report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization concludes radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields - including those routinely emitted by mobile phones - are "possibly" carcinogenic to humans.
The World Health Organization and its subsidiary investigative panel, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC, stated today what many scientific studies have been suggesting for decades: that there is a possible connection between mobile phone use and malignant brain tumors. Dr. Jonathan Samet, who heads IARC's Working Group of 31 international scientists from 14 countries, made the announcement at the conclusion of the group's week-long meeting in Lyon, France. “The working group classifies the radio and electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans; that is within the classification used by the International Agency for Research on Cancer," he said.

The group advised that, because five billion people around the world currently use mobile phones, therefore, much further research in the subject is needed. The report places at most risk those with the greatest use of cell phones and exposure to other sources of radiation. ”We also carefully consider the sources of exposure of populations to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, the nature of these fields as they come from various devises, including wireless phones, and we look carefully at the physical phenomenon by which exposure to such fields may perturb biological systems and lead to cancers," he said. The IARC working group had gathered in France for the past eight days, reviewing all previous studies done on electromagnetic radiation's effects on humans and animals over the past decade.

Health advocacy groups that have been warning of possible cell phone-cancer links are praising the WHO pronouncement. Camilla Rees, the founder of a U.S. based group called Electromagnetic Health, says she is pleased but said much more needs to be done. ”They focused on brain cancer, and brain cancer includes a relatively small number of people. But we only have had this technology for about 15 years and most carcinogens will take several decades before they develop into a cancer. Early indicators from scientists are projecting a tsunami of brain cancer unless we do something to educate people to lower their exposure," she said.

Rees says there are many other health effects of radiation, including damage to human cell tissue, that the World Health Organization has yet to recognize. But for now, she believes the most urgent need is to begin a campaign to protect children from the effects of electromagnetic fields, and in particular, from cell phones.

New blood test can detect early signs of 8 kinds of cancer,,,

This new blood test can detect early signs of 8 kinds of cancer
18 Jan.`18 - Scientists have developed a noninvasive blood test that can detect signs of eight types of cancer long before any symptoms of the disease arise.
The test, which can also help doctors determine where in a person’s body the cancer is located, is called CancerSEEK. Its genesis is described in a paper published Thursday in the journal Science. The authors said the new work represents the first noninvasive blood test that can screen for a range of cancers all at once: cancer of the ovary, liver, stomach, pancreas, esophagus, colon, lung and breast. Together, these eight forms of cancer are responsible for more than 60% of cancer deaths in the United States, the authors said. In addition, five of them — ovarian, liver, stomach, pancreatic and esophageal cancers — currently have no screening tests. “The goal is to look for as many cancer types as possible in one test, and to identify cancer as early as possible,” said Nickolas Papadopoulos, a professor of oncology and pathology at Johns Hopkins who led the work. “We know from the data that when you find cancer early, it is easier to kill it by surgery or chemotherapy.”

CancerSEEK, which builds on 30 years of research, relies on two signals that a person might be harboring cancer. First, it looks for 16 telltale genetic mutations in bits of free-floating DNA that have been deposited in the bloodstream by cancerous cells. Because these are present in such trace amounts, they can be very hard to find, Papadopoulos said. For example, one blood sample might have thousands of pieces of DNA that come from normal cells, and just two or five pieces from cancerous cells. “We are dealing with a needle in a haystack,” he said. To overcome this challenge, the team relied on recently developed digital technologies that allowed them to efficiently and cost-effectively sequence each individual piece of DNA one by one. “If you take the hay in the haystack and go through it one by one, eventually you will find the needle,” Papadopoulos said. In addition, CancerSEEK also screens for eight proteins that are frequently found in higher quantities in the blood samples of people who have cancer.


Researchers have developed a blood test that allows earlier detection of eight common types of cancer.​

By measuring these two signals in tandem, CancerSEEK was able to detect cancer in 70% of blood samples pulled from 1,005 patients who had already been diagnosed with one of eight forms of the disease. The test appeared to be more effective at finding some types of cancer than others, the authors noted. For example, it was able to spot ovarian cancer 98% of the time, but was successful at detecting breast cancer only 33% of the time. The authors also report that CancerSEEK was better at detecting later stage cancer compared to cancer in earlier stages. It was able to spot the disease 78% of the time in people who had been diagnosed with stage III cancer, 73% of the time in people with stage II cancer and 43% of the time in people diagnosed with stage I cancer. “I know a lot of people will say this sensitivity is not good enough, but for the five tumor types that currently have no test, going from zero chances of detection to what we did is a very good beginning,” Papadopoulos said.

It is also worth noting that when the researchers ran the test on 812 healthy control blood samples, they only saw seven false-positive results. “Very high specificity was essential because false-positive results can subject patients to unnecessary invasive follow-up tests and procedures to confirm the presence of cancer,” said Kenneth Kinzler, a professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins who also worked on the study. Finally, the researchers used machine learning to determine how different combination of proteins and mutations could provide clues to where in the body the cancer might be. The authors found they could narrow down the location of a tumor to just a few anatomic sites in 83% of patients.

CancerSEEK is not yet available to the public, and it probably won’t be for a year or longer, Papadopoulos said. “We are still evaluating the test, and it hasn’t been commercialized yet,” he said. “I don’t want to guess when it will be available, but I hope it is soon.” He said that eventually the test could cost less than $500 to run and could easily be administered by a primary care physician’s office. In theory, a blood sample would be taken in a doctor’s office, and then sent to a lab that would look for the combination of mutations and proteins that would indicate that a patient has cancer. The data would then go into an algorithm that would determine whether or not the patient had the disease and where it might be. “The idea is: You give blood, and you get results,” Papadopoulos said.

This new blood test can detect early signs of 8 kinds of cancer
Check this stuff out too. It's an added bonus to our cancer rates don'tcha know. =) Don't forget there are links with in the article and plenty of videos.

I wouldn't trust that blood test for cancer if my life depended on it. It's probably full of it so you can be disqualified from health coverage due to a " pre existing" condition.

Humanity Is Under Full Scale Attack As Experts Warn: The Dangers Are Real

Back on July 23rd of 2017 we published a story on ANP titled "Experts Warn New Tech Will Create 'Invisible Killing Fields' Across America And 'Gestapo-Like Tactics' Are Being Used To Silence This Information" within which we warned the forthcoming rollout of 5G Wi-Fi across the country could lead to profoundly negative health effects and a massive cover-up of pertinent information was ongoing at the highest levels.

As we enter 2018 and move even closer to 5G radiation waves being used all across America, ANP reader 'Baconette' recently asked that we look a little deeper into 5G to find out what else we can learn about it and as we see detailed within this new ANP story, the fast-tracking of 5G across all 50 US states could lead to numerous serious health problems.

As the website My Daily Informer reported back on January 17th in their story titled "The Cooking Of Humanity - 5G ATTACK PLANS - And More Bad News", between chemtrails raining down upon our heads containing heavy metal toxins like aluminum and barium, big pharma poisons becoming the leading cause of death for younger Americans and nano fibers being forced into our bodies, the human race is under full scale attack as they race to replace us with AI.
High Levels of Cellphone Radiation Linked to Tumors...

High Levels of Cellphone Radiation Linked to Tumors in Rats, Study Says
February 02, 2018 - Male rats exposed to very high levels of the kind of radiation emitted by cellphones developed tumors in the tissues around their hearts, according to a draft report by U.S. government researchers on the potential health risks of the devices.
Female rats and mice exposed in the same way did not develop tumors, according to the preliminary report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), a part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The findings add to years of research meant to help settle the debate over whether cellphone radiation is harmful. However, NTP scientists and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were quick to say the findings could not be extrapolated to humans and that current safety limits on cellphone radiation are protective. The 10-year, $25 million studies — the most comprehensive assessments of health effects and exposure to radiofrequency radiation in rats and mice to date — do raise new questions about exposure to the ubiquitous devices.


A woman talks on her cellphone while walking along First Street in San Francisco. NTP scientists and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration say current safety limits on cellphone radiation are protective.​

John Bucher, a senior scientist with NTP, said the tumors seen in the studies are "similar to tumors previously reported in some studies of frequent cellphone users." Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, noted that the studies were negative for common tumors. "These draft reports are bound to create a lot of concern, but in fact they won't change what I tell people: The evidence for an association between cellphones and cancer is weak, and so far, we have not seen a higher cancer risk in people," he said in a statement on Twitter. Brawley said if cellphone users are concerned about this data in animals, they should wear an earpiece.

Different kind of radiation

Unlike ionizing radiation such as that from gamma rays, radon and X-rays, which can break chemical bonds in the body and are known to cause cancer, radiofrequency devices such as cellphones and microwaves emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing radiation. The concern with this type of radiation is that it produces energy in the form of heat, and frequent exposure against the skin could alter brain cell activity, as some studies have suggested. In the NTP study, rats and mice were exposed to higher levels of radiation for longer periods of time than what people experience with even the highest level of cellphone use, and their entire bodies were exposed all at once, according to the draft report. Cellphones typically emit lower levels of radiation than maximum levels allowed, the draft report said. NTP, a part of the National Institutes of Health, will hold an external expert review of its complete findings from these rodent studies on March 26-28. Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, head of the FDA's radiological health division, said there is not enough evidence to say cellphone use poses health risks to people.

"Even with frequent daily use by the vast majority of adults, we have not seen an increase in events like brain tumors," he said in a statement. "We believe the current safety limits for cellphones are acceptable for protecting the public health. Nevertheless, the findings are potentially a concern for device makers, especially the world's three biggest smartphone sellers, Apple Inc., Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and China's Huawei Technologies. The CTIA, the trade association representing AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., Apple Inc., Sprint Corp., DISH Network Corp. and others, said on Friday that previous studies have shown cellphone RF energy emissions have no known heath risks. "We understand that the NTP draft reports for its mice and rat studies will be put out for comment and peer review so that their significance can be assessed," the group said. Samsung and Apple did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

High Levels of Cellphone Radiation Linked to Tumors in Rats, Study Says
Granny says as much as Uncle Ferd's g/f talks onna cellphone, she gonna get the Big C...

Can Cellphones Cause Cancer? Experts Surprised By Latest Tests
March 29, 2018 – Can cellphones really cause cancer? It’s been a question that’s dogged researchers for years.
However, a group of experts say the results of some tests are pretty surprising. Millions of people constantly call, text, click, take pictures and play on cellphones. Even the top cellular radiation researchers from around the world have a hard time untethering. But, they gathered recently in North Carolina to talk about cellphone concerns and whether they really do increase the chances of developing cancer. The panel voted that the results from years of testing on mice and rats were more significant than originally thought.

They say they found clear evidence that phone radiation caused tumors in the hearts of rats, which were similar to tumors in people. “In humans, it’s seen in the vestibular nerve, in the ear, the acoustic nerve. We found it in the heart, although our animals were exposed in their whole body condition,” John Bucher said. “While a given animal is not making a cellphone call, they are, throughout their short two-year lifetime getting the same exposure that we expect people to get in their 70-plus years of life,” Dr. Devra Davis, of Environmental Health Trust, said.

Activists are now calling for more protections, citing separate studies from France and Italy. “Many brain tumor lawsuits going on right now that are waiting for a study like this to prove that people’s brain tumors were caused by their cellphone radiation,” Kevin Mottus, of the California Brain Tumor Association, said. There are new concerns on the horizon as 5G, which is a stronger broadband system, is about to debut.

Some activists say the government has a responsibility to increase regulations. “And I think it’s the responsibility of the ones making the phones to make them as safe as possible, and I’m sure they can do better than what we actually have,” Dr. Annie Sasco said. Both activists and researchers agree that people can minimize any risk by holding phones away from the body when in use and not putting them in your pocket.

Can Cellphones Cause Cancer? Experts Surprised By Latest Tests
It's important to keep perspective. If using a cell phone for 70+ years leads to a higher risk of a tumor....maybe the correct response is, "Who cares?"

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