Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill

Fine....Don't carry insurance and save up for your own potential medical services.

Who in hell made it a right to have a third party pay for your medical bills??
thats not even close to the truth
they provide the coverage they agreed to provide in the contract

Oh, and if you still don't believe me:

Health insurers refuse to limit rescission of coverage - Los Angeles Times
Executives of three of the nation's largest health insurers told federal lawmakers in Washington on Tuesday that they would continue canceling medical coverage for some sick policyholders, despite withering criticism from Republican and Democratic members of Congress who decried the practice as unfair and abusive.

The hearing on the controversial action known as rescission, which has left thousands of Americans burdened with costly medical bills despite paying insurance premiums, began a day after President Obama outlined his proposals for revamping the nation's healthcare system.

An investigation by the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations showed that health insurers WellPoint Inc., UnitedHealth Group and Assurant Inc. canceled the coverage of more than 20,000 people, allowing the companies to avoid paying more than $300 million in medical claims over a five-year period.

It also found that policyholders with breast cancer, lymphoma and more than 1,000 other conditions were targeted for rescission and that employees were praised in performance reviews for terminating the policies of customers with expensive illnesses.

But they would not commit to limiting rescissions to only policyholders who intentionally lie or commit fraud to obtain coverage, a refusal that met with dismay from legislators on both sides of the political aisle.
Late in the hearing, Stupak, the committee chairman, put the executives on the spot. Stupak asked each of them whether he would at least commit his company to immediately stop rescissions except where they could show "intentional fraud."

The answer from all three executives:


But hey, keep defending these companies, but god forbid if you get cancer (I hope that never happens) go and see what these companies do.
Tough shit....Go on Medicare/Medicaid.

They're miracles....Haven't you heard??
Tough shit....Go on Medicare/Medicaid.

They're miracles....Haven't you heard??

Dude, stop being such a asshole. Honestly, we already know that Medicare/Medicaid aren't perfect. I can understand that you don't give a shit whether these people live or die.
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of fiscally conservative House Democrats, said Wednesday a House plan to overhaul the U.S. health-care system is losing support and will be stuck in committee without changes.

"Last time I checked, it takes seven Democrats to stop a bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee," Ross told reporters after a House vote. "We had seven against it last Friday; we have 10 today."

Three House committees are slated to begin considering the $1 trillion-plus bill this week, but the Energy and Commerce looms as the biggest challenge. That's because it counts among its 36 Democratic members seven members of the Blue Dog Coalition, a fiscally conservative bloc that is opposing the House Democrats' effort

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill



Now hopefully there will be some form of honest debate and compromise on the bill.

Oh wait, this is Congress we are talking about. Scratch the honest part and hope for compromise.

Election years, candidates won't vote for an expensive and comprehensive bill. Democrats have to get this through this year if they are going to ever.

The debate is fine, get something less expensive, more efficient, whatever but big insurance is driving people to the poorhouse. Perhaps not you all here yet but at some point, you might be hoplessly at the mercy of the insurance companies.

Maybe you'll wish that they didn't have quite so much power over your health and the decisions you need to make.
Fine....Don't carry insurance and save up for your own potential medical services.

Who in hell made it a right to have a third party pay for your medical bills??

Not really sure who or if it really even is but I think it's wrong to deny the sick medical care. I think that we as a society should be able to come up with a way to ensure all those who need care get it. How that can be accomplished efficiently is something I don't have the answer to but I would like to see that goal reached. Your attitude seems to be somewhere along the lines of "fuck 'em."

Not really sure who or if it really even is but I think it's wrong to deny the sick medical care. I think that we as a society should be able to come up with a way to ensure all those who need care get it. How that can be accomplished efficiently is something I don't have the answer to but I would like to see that goal reached. Your attitude seems to be somewhere along the lines of "fuck 'em."

All those who need medical care can get it now even if they don't have medical insurance. For routine care and testing, there are free and sliding scale clinics available from the US Health Service, most teaching hospitals and a variety of non profits in virtually every city and every rural area, and for treatment of more serious illnesses, anyone can qualify for Medicaid once they spend down their income and assets. The whole focus of the House bill and the Kennedy-Dodd bill is to shift the cost of care for uninsured people from them to other taxpayers, not to provide health care that is already available.
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of fiscally conservative House Democrats, said Wednesday a House plan to overhaul the U.S. health-care system is losing support and will be stuck in committee without changes.

"Last time I checked, it takes seven Democrats to stop a bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee," Ross told reporters after a House vote. "We had seven against it last Friday; we have 10 today."

Three House committees are slated to begin considering the $1 trillion-plus bill this week, but the Energy and Commerce looms as the biggest challenge. That's because it counts among its 36 Democratic members seven members of the Blue Dog Coalition, a fiscally conservative bloc that is opposing the House Democrats' effort



wait. what are the Lefties gonna do with no republicans to blame for this?

When you guys say "dems are no better", you are referring to people like this Mike Ross.

Health Care: The Public Plan Option

These Democratic Senators have NOT agreed to support it:
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)

Senator Tom Carper (D-DE)

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)

Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT)

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)

Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN)

Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR)

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT)

These names are reported by The Hill here and here

Update: Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) says she supports a public option.
Update: Senator Jeff Binghaman (D-NM) says he supports a public option.
half those 50 million are either in transition to other jobs or recently unemployed
and many in the other half have access to it but they just choose not to get

you know, i know that's what the repubs are trying to say, but I've seen not one iota of proof of that.

do you really think it's logical that people would CHOOSE not to avail themselves of medical coverage if it were available?
Fine....Don't carry insurance and save up for your own potential medical services.

Who in hell made it a right to have a third party pay for your medical bills??

Not really sure who or if it really even is but I think it's wrong to deny the sick medical care. I think that we as a society should be able to come up with a way to ensure all those who need care get it. How that can be accomplished efficiently is something I don't have the answer to but I would like to see that goal reached. Your attitude seems to be somewhere along the lines of "fuck 'em."

All those who need medical care can get it now even if they don't have medical insurance. For routine care and testing, there are free and sliding scale clinics available from the US Health Service, most teaching hospitals and a variety of non profits in virtually every city and every rural area, and for treatment of more serious illnesses, anyone can qualify for Medicaid once they spend down their income and assets. The whole focus of the House bill and the Kennedy-Dodd bill is to shift the cost of care for uninsured people from them to other taxpayers, not to provide health care that is already available.

True, but you aren't addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system. Pre existing conditions, the fact that we pay more and get less. Most bankruptsies are due to healthcare costs, poor people go to emergency rooms and get free healthcare at our expense, etc.

For profits should not be in charge of healthcare. Its not a good fit. They will keep raising their prices to max profits. They don't care about the sick. The sick cut into their profits. Blablabla.
Not really sure who or if it really even is but I think it's wrong to deny the sick medical care. I think that we as a society should be able to come up with a way to ensure all those who need care get it. How that can be accomplished efficiently is something I don't have the answer to but I would like to see that goal reached. Your attitude seems to be somewhere along the lines of "fuck 'em."

All those who need medical care can get it now even if they don't have medical insurance. For routine care and testing, there are free and sliding scale clinics available from the US Health Service, most teaching hospitals and a variety of non profits in virtually every city and every rural area, and for treatment of more serious illnesses, anyone can qualify for Medicaid once they spend down their income and assets. The whole focus of the House bill and the Kennedy-Dodd bill is to shift the cost of care for uninsured people from them to other taxpayers, not to provide health care that is already available.

True, but you aren't addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system. Pre existing conditions, the fact that we pay more and get less. Most bankruptsies are due to healthcare costs, poor people go to emergency rooms and get free healthcare at our expense, etc.

For profits should not be in charge of healthcare. Its not a good fit. They will keep raising their prices to max profits. They don't care about the sick. The sick cut into their profits. Blablabla.

Again, health care is available to everyone now even if you don't have health insurance and under the present plan, it costs taxpayers trillions of dollars less than it would under the Dem plans. The Dem plans are good news for uninsured people who get sick and have to spend down their incomes and assets to qualify for Medicaid and bad news for everyone else.

Private insurance companies may or may not care about sick people but with very few exceptions they do live up to the terms of their policies. Virtually every new piece of equipment and every new technology available to your doctor has been paid for with insurance money because the insurance companies are bound by their policies to cover efficacious new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

If you are uninsured for any reason, you can get fairly comprehensive routine medical and dental care, even for mild to moderate chronic condition like diabetes, at a variety of free clinics located throughout the US. For example, if you go to a US Health Service clinic, you will be seen by a physician, provided with basic diagnostic tests such as blood work and x-rays and in most cases given prescribed medications and small medical devices all for free or for a sliding scale fee depending on the financial information you provide. The problem with this system is that if you develop a more serious illness that requires tests and treatments beyond the scope of the clinic, you might have to spend down your assets and income to the point of poverty before you would qualify for Medicaid.

Again, medical care is already available to the uninsured, and the Dem bills only really address the issue of whether the uninsured pays for it or other taxpayers do. If we decide other taxpayers should pay for it, doesn't the government owe it to those other taxpayers to provide this financial relief to the uninsured in the least expensive way that is likely to produce good health outcomes? The federal government can do this by starting a public service program that encourages uninsured people to get their routine care from already existing free clinics, providing tax incentives for people who increase their charitable giving to help fund these clinics and by providing sliding scale subsidies to uninsured who honestly cannot afford to buy their own insurance for any reason to buy catastrophic health insurance that will only kick in when their needs go beyond what can be provided at the free clinics. This would provide universal health care without requiring anyone to go broke to get it at a cost hundreds of billions of dollars less for taxpayers than the Obama-Dem bills will.
addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system.
All those who need medical care can get it now even if they don't have medical insurance. For routine care and testing, there are free and sliding scale clinics available from the US Health Service, most teaching hospitals and a variety of non profits in virtually every city and every rural area, and for treatment of more serious illnesses, anyone can qualify for Medicaid once they spend down their income and assets. The whole focus of the House bill and the Kennedy-Dodd bill is to shift the cost of care for uninsured people from them to other taxpayers, not to provide health care that is already available.

True, but you aren't addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system. Pre existing conditions, the fact that we pay more and get less. Most bankruptsies are due to healthcare costs, poor people go to emergency rooms and get free healthcare at our expense, etc.

For profits should not be in charge of healthcare. Its not a good fit. They will keep raising their prices to max profits. They don't care about the sick. The sick cut into their profits. Blablabla.

Again, health care is available to everyone now even if you don't have health insurance and under the present plan, it costs taxpayers trillions of dollars less than it would under the Dem plans. The Dem plans are good news for uninsured people who get sick and have to spend down their incomes and assets to qualify for Medicaid and bad news for everyone else.

Private insurance companies may or may not care about sick people but with very few exceptions they do live up to the terms of their policies. Virtually every new piece of equipment and every new technology available to your doctor has been paid for with insurance money because the insurance companies are bound by their policies to cover efficacious new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

If you are uninsured for any reason, you can get fairly comprehensive routine medical and dental care, even for mild to moderate chronic condition like diabetes, at a variety of free clinics located throughout the US. For example, if you go to a US Health Service clinic, you will be seen by a physician, provided with basic diagnostic tests such as blood work and x-rays and in most cases given prescribed medications and small medical devices all for free or for a sliding scale fee depending on the financial information you provide. The problem with this system is that if you develop a more serious illness that requires tests and treatments beyond the scope of the clinic, you might have to spend down your assets and income to the point of poverty before you would qualify for Medicaid.

Again, medical care is already available to the uninsured, and the Dem bills only really address the issue of whether the uninsured pays for it or other taxpayers do. If we decide other taxpayers should pay for it, doesn't the government owe it to those other taxpayers to provide this financial relief to the uninsured in the least expensive way that is likely to produce good health outcomes? The federal government can do this by starting a public service program that encourages uninsured people to get their routine care from already existing free clinics, providing tax incentives for people who increase their charitable giving to help fund these clinics and by providing sliding scale subsidies to uninsured who honestly cannot afford to buy their own insurance for any reason to buy catastrophic health insurance that will only kick in when their needs go beyond what can be provided at the free clinics. This would provide universal health care without requiring anyone to go broke to get it at a cost hundreds of billions of dollars less for taxpayers than the Obama-Dem bills will.

Healthcare was out of control when the GOP were in charge and they did nothing about it. Most likely because the healthcare companies paid them to leave it alone. Now the healthcare companies are bribing Democrats to obstruct progress.

Healthcare is bankrupting too many Americans

When you are old and in a retirement home, do you want a healthcare professional taking care of you or a minimum wage high school kid or illegal alien taking care of you? Because ultimately, for profits will cut any and all costs that they can.

The current system will cost the rich less than the Dems plan, but not everyone. When you say "taxpayers", you mean the rich. And it isn't 'bad news" for everyone else. Thats just the for profits and rush limbaugh talking.

For profits do live up to the terms. Just make sure you read the small print. And part of the terms is that they can deny you or take you off the program. Maybe not your plan, but many plans aren't as good as yours.

You're just worried about you. Thank god the founding fathers weren't like you.

Bottom line is that you don't grasp just what a mess our healthcare is. It needs reforming. But the insurance companies and their lap dogs (you) will do everything you can to keep it the way it is. Maybe you'll wake up in 10 years when you can't afford it. Better how the Dems have the power in all three houses then. Its rare.

And if the healthcare's win now, we are doomed.
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of fiscally conservative House Democrats, said Wednesday a House plan to overhaul the U.S. health-care system is losing support and will be stuck in committee without changes.

"Last time I checked, it takes seven Democrats to stop a bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee," Ross told reporters after a House vote. "We had seven against it last Friday; we have 10 today."

Three House committees are slated to begin considering the $1 trillion-plus bill this week, but the Energy and Commerce looms as the biggest challenge. That's because it counts among its 36 Democratic members seven members of the Blue Dog Coalition, a fiscally conservative bloc that is opposing the House Democrats' effort

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill


This is the first piece of good news I've heard since before bush signed off on the first round of bailouts (it seems like things went downhill fast once he did that dumbass move).

Thank you for posting it
addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system.

Waaa Obama is a socialist! Waaaa he's going to ruin America!!! Waaaaa we have to give the corporations more tax breaks because I'm a house slave and I got it good.

Yes life got worse for the house slave after slavery was abolished, but life got better for the field slaves, and there were a lot more field slaves than house slaves. And consider this. If the house slave would have had his way, black people would still be slaves.
Yay! Everything's going to stay the same! 50 Million People still won't have healthcare! And insurance companies are going to keep fucking you in the ass! Isn't that awesome?

Good job, guys. *thumbs up*

No one is cheering for the status quo. What Obama doesn't seem to get yet, is that it isn't enough to just to something, anything about it. It needs to be the right solution and as a lefty his first idea for a solution for a problem is going to be let goverment handle it.
half those 50 million are either in transition to other jobs or recently unemployed
and many in the other half have access to it but they just choose not to get

you know, i know that's what the repubs are trying to say, but I've seen not one iota of proof of that.

do you really think it's logical that people would CHOOSE not to avail themselves of medical coverage if it were available?
when you were between 18 and 25 did you have medical coverage?
and if so, were YOU the one paying for it?
addressing the problems that we have in our healthcare system.

Waaa Obama is a socialist! Waaaa he's going to ruin America!!! Waaaaa we have to give the corporations more tax breaks because I'm a house slave and I got it good.

Yes life got worse for the house slave after slavery was abolished, but life got better for the field slaves, and there were a lot more field slaves than house slaves. And consider this. If the house slave would have had his way, black people would still be slaves.
You're a "house slave?"

I thought you were just a hack-in-the-box!
Yay! Everything's going to stay the same! 50 Million People still won't have healthcare! And insurance companies are going to keep fucking you in the ass! Isn't that awesome?

Good job, guys. *thumbs up*

No one is cheering for the status quo. What Obama doesn't seem to get yet, is that it isn't enough to just to something, anything about it. It needs to be the right solution and as a lefty his first idea for a solution for a problem is going to be let goverment handle it.

Exactly. The system needs work as its not perftect and the medicine for profit aspect causes problems with affordable care.

Its just obama's "Let the govt provide a coverage/control option" is ludicris. They cant even get social security right and thats just a simple savings plan.

Some stuff needs to be done but not this drastic craziness the President and the Congress are presenting to us.

EDIT: Up until I was 30 I chose to not pay for health insurance, i didn't really think I needed it...you know the "i'm invincible" years. Now, at least in my state, if I choose not to get it to save myself some money I end up getting fined by the govt.....so in reality I no longer have the freedom to choose whether or not I want health insurance.
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