Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
I remember #MeToo scam where more as 10.000 females testified against one politician.
The story is fishy, was the guy falsely accused?

Chaim Walder, an Israeli haredi Orthodox children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage girls, was found dead Monday in an apparent suicide.

His body was found in a cemetery in Petah Tikva, in central Israel, after a passerby heard a gunshot and called police, according to Israeli news reports.

Walder’s death came a day after the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that a rabbinical court in Safed had heard testimony from 22 young women about alleged abuse at Walder’s hands. The abuse dated as far back as 25 years ago and as recently as six months ago, reported Haaretz, which shook up the Orthodox world last month when it first revealed a smaller set of allegations against Walder.

Walder, who was 53, had a wildly successful career as a columnist, radio host, teacher, public speaker and most notably, author of the successful children’s book series “Kids Speak.” In addition to his writing, Walder also worked as a therapist and was honored in 2003 with the Israeli prime minister’s “protector of the child” award. Several women accused him of initiating sexual relationships with them when they approached him for counseling, according to Haaretz.


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