Chances for Dems. to take back the House just got much better....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There has been dozens of elected right wingers in the House who have chosen to "retire" and not run in the upcoming midterms.....Now, with spineless and clueless, Paul Ryan, exiting that do-nothing chamber of congress, chances for the Dems. to take over have skyrocketed.......Thank you Ryan.

Of course, we all know WHO should be seriously panicking about the House being turned over to the opposition party in the midst of the daily scandals, don't we???

Sanity is returning.
There has been dozens of elected right wingers in the House who have chosen to "retire" and not run in the upcoming midterms.....Now, with spineless and clueless, Paul Ryan, exiting that do-nothing chamber of congress, chances for the Dems. to take over have skyrocketed.......Thank you Ryan.

Of course, we all know WHO should be seriously panicking about the House being turned over to the opposition party in the midst of the daily scandals, don't we???

Sanity is returning.
I read it will most likely be K. McCarthy, (R) California. He has been "campaigning" for a while now. I don't know why you think this affects the midterms, though. Please explain.
if the dems want control they have to get off their ass and go vote - sitting home bitching about repubs wont get them squat.
He wasn't going to win anyways. There is a Veteran (I forget his name right now, Nick is his first name) who is running who at least on twitter is the preferred candidate of the Conservatives.
I read it will most likely be K. McCarthy, (R) California. He has been "campaigning" for a while now. I don't know why you think this affects the midterms, though. Please explain.

Well,my friend, Ryan was considered a "moderate" among republicans [albeit, a spineless, paper-pusher, at best].......and while he was around, other republican moderates had some form of "cover" for their inaction and their tacit support of Trump.......With Ryan soon to be gone, that cover no longer will exist and in purple states like WI, MI and MN, the choice for voters will be either all-out Trumpism, or a much-needed change in the House leadership.

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