*Change of Heart* for CHRISTIAN Blogger Regardng Marriage Equality!

How nice that this gentleman realizes that the problems many times lie within the prejudiced person and then stood up to correct the wrong way of previously thinking. Wish more people would think like he does!

The Randy Report: Christian blogger apologizes for years of opposition to marriage equality
Sadly the devil's dwelling is within the walls of the church. I am glad to see that people are starting to recognize this and turn away from blind allegiance to the hypocrites that cry out to the Lord. This man will truly experience a community forgiving him as Christ would. Sadly it will not occur within the institution he has sworn allegiance too.
How nice that this gentleman realizes that the problems many times lie within the prejudiced person and then stood up to correct the wrong way of previously thinking. Wish more people would think like he does!

The Randy Report: Christian blogger apologizes for years of opposition to marriage equality
Sadly the devil's dwelling is within the walls of the church. I am glad to see that people are starting to recognize this and turn away from blind allegiance to the hypocrites that cry out to the Lord. This man will truly experience a community forgiving him as Christ would. Sadly it will not occur within the institution he has sworn allegiance too.
Yes, sad but true. Here's more evidence of this.

Churches contribute to gay suicides, most Americans believe ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Op-ed: How My Conservative Religion Almost Killed Me | Advocate.com

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