Changing Jockeys Helps Democrats


Sep 23, 2010
Judge Judy Pirro is correct in everything she says except the call for impeaching this president:

[ame=]Benghazi: Judge Pirro Calls for Impeachment of Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]​

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro has launched a scathing, on-air indictment of President Barack Obama, calling for his impeachment from office.

Judge Jeanine unleashed: Impeach Obama
'You, Mr. President, have defrauded the American people'
Published: 14 hours ago
by Joe Kovacs

Fox News star unleashed: Impeach Obama

There is no disputing Judge Judy’s list of Barack Taqiyya’s crimes. I am not certain he can be nailed within the framework of the Constitution:

Article II

Section 4
The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Presidents cannot be impeached for incompetence, destructive policies, for doing evil or for lying. (Clinton lied under oath and was declared not guilty in his Senate trial.) I think of this president’s crimes in relation to Al Capone. Everybody knew Big Al was guilty of everything, but they only got him for income tax evasion.

As near as this average American understands the law, impeaching Taqiyya for treason is the only constitutional avenue to removing him from office —— NOBODY is going to touch that one. If they did every member of Congress along with every federal judge that empowered, or even recognized the legitimacy of the United Nations in any way, would have to be impeached. That also includes impeaching everyone no longer in office; UN-loving former presidents for example.

The facts as I understand them show that Taqiyya the Liar has not been connected to any of the lies about the Benghazi coverup. Basically, there is no proof that will stand up in a Senate trial. Hell, nobody can prove where he was while the attack was in progress let alone prove what he was told, what he said, or what orders he issued to the military.

Even if Taqiyya can be removed in accordance with Article II it ain’t going to happen so long as the Democrats hold the Senate. That’s why I cringe every time I hear conservatives calling for impeaching Barack Taqiyya.

Here is the major problem with talking about impeaching Barack Taqiyya. Turning out the vote in the midterms is always critical to the party in trouble. Right now Democrat voters are nowhere near being motivated like conservatives because of the Affordable Care Act. Impeachment talk might be enough to bring out the Democrat base in Senate races.

Now, let’s say the Republicans win the Senate this year. Impeaching Taqiyya next year gives the country Joe Biden. Changing jockeys before 2016 only helps Democrats. Even if Biden takes over for one day only, every Democrat candidate will swear the new Democrat broom swept the place clean.

NOTE: Remember 2008 when Democrats said they would end the culture of corruption. Democrats always claim they are going to clean the place. The record shows that they always make it dirtier.

Finally, there is no practical reason to talk about impeaching this president before the midterms. Regardless of Taqiyya’s many crimes against the American people there is no justification for handing the presidency to Biden. It’s better to let them both drown in the cesspool they made until their term expires.

Serendipitously, maintaining the status quo forces Hillary Clinton to campaign on sweeping the place clean with the broom she rides.

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You folks are just plain nuts.

To George Costanza: I’m impressed. Your profound response shows how much thought you gave to the topic. Here’s a bit more for you to digest:

I never considered the following viable reasons for impeachment:

Sale of a Senate seat; hostile takeover of two automobile companies and gifting them to political donors; circumvention of department review to issue energy grants to political donors; violation of export restrictions and Mexican sovereignty to fabricate a straw purchase and gun running crisis; strong-arming banks to borrow TARP funds; using the IRS to harass political opposition; the use of executive orders to undermine or undo existing statutes and act as a dictator: these are just a few of Obama's high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Except for the dictates, about which Obama proudly boasts, all of these have been traced back to the White House and various cabinet members.

The only, and Constitution prescribed, option for such high crimes and misdemeanors is impeachment and removal from office, but this option seems far off the radar. Even should the House of Representatives Impeach Obama, it is highly unlikely that enough Senate Democrats would agree that these are crimes or actions serious enough to remove Obama.

May 5, 2014
What Difference at this point Does It Make?
By Anthony J. Ciani

Articles: What Difference at this point Does It Make?

No one will ever be impeached for stealing. American voters elect, and reelect, known crooks. Stealing is so commonplace, and accepted, accused crooks could legitimately cry entrapment if anyone tried to impeach them.
You folks are just plain nuts.

To George Costanza: I’m impressed. Your profound response shows how much thought you gave to the topic. Here’s a bit more for you to digest:

I never considered the following viable reasons for impeachment:

Sale of a Senate seat; hostile takeover of two automobile companies and gifting them to political donors; circumvention of department review to issue energy grants to political donors; violation of export restrictions and Mexican sovereignty to fabricate a straw purchase and gun running crisis; strong-arming banks to borrow TARP funds; using the IRS to harass political opposition; the use of executive orders to undermine or undo existing statutes and act as a dictator: these are just a few of Obama's high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Except for the dictates, about which Obama proudly boasts, all of these have been traced back to the White House and various cabinet members.

The only, and Constitution prescribed, option for such high crimes and misdemeanors is impeachment and removal from office, but this option seems far off the radar. Even should the House of Representatives Impeach Obama, it is highly unlikely that enough Senate Democrats would agree that these are crimes or actions serious enough to remove Obama.

May 5, 2014
What Difference at this point Does It Make?
By Anthony J. Ciani

Articles: What Difference at this point Does It Make?

No one will ever be impeached for stealing. American voters elect, and reelect, known crooks. Stealing is so commonplace, and accepted, accused crooks could legitimately cry entrapment if anyone tried to impeach them.

What do you expect responses to be to an OP that refers to President Obama as "Barack Taqiyya"? If you want some credibility and/or serious responses to your posts, I would humbly suggest that you bring yourself within the realm of reason and reality.
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What do you expect responses to be to an OP that refers to President Obama as "Barack Taqiyya"? If you want some credibility and/or serious responses to your posts, I would humbly suggest that you bring yourself within the realm of reasons and reality.

To George Costanza: What I expect is half wits learning that I’m not going to stop calling their messiah Barack Taqiyya to suit them.

What I want is halfwits not reading my messages.
What do you expect responses to be to an OP that refers to President Obama as "Barack Taqiyya"? If you want some credibility and/or serious responses to your posts, I would humbly suggest that you bring yourself within the realm of reasons and reality.

To George Costanza: What I expect is half wits learning that I’m not going to stop calling their messiah Barack Taqiyya to suit them.

What I want is halfwits not reading my messages.

Yeah . . . um . . . right . . . whatever you say . . . :cuckoo:

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