Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer'

No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Because there aren't many true communist countries left.

China is a capitalist country these days, buddy. It's a very corrupt, pro-business, free enterprise country with a totalitarian government. Not unlike the U.S.
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Because there aren't many true communist countries left.

China is a capitalist country these days, buddy. It's a very corrupt, pro-business, free enterprise country with a totalitarian government. Not unlike the U.S.

So in effect they have adopted Capitalism and rejected this Global Warming mumbojumbo.

This pretty much tells the story.

Only a nut or an angry radical would intentionally hamper the economy with Climate Change regulations.
Former WVU Tech chief talks Cap and Trade, "Bayless said a recent analysis showed that every one of 928 recent scientific studies documented global warming, while 53 percent of articles in the "popular press" questioned its existence."

Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer And Hoping It Will Get Better'


As former CEO of two major power companies in West Virginia, Charles Bayless may not seem like the poster boy for climate change advocacy. Yet in the wake of Obama’s unprecedented Georgetown speech, Bayless is using his position as a major player in a coal-producing state to speak in favor of the president’s agenda.

"If you're a West Virginian and a coal company and you're denying climate change, it's sort of like denying you've got cancer and hoping it will get better,” the Public News Service quoted Bayless as saying. “It won't. And the longer you deny it, the worse the fall will be.”

I don't know anyone who denies that the climate changes.

I just don't believe it's the biblical catastrophe that you Chicken Little, Sheep think it is.
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Because there aren't many true communist countries left.

China is a capitalist country these days, buddy. It's a very corrupt, pro-business, free enterprise country with a totalitarian government. Not unlike the U.S.

And there it is, the obligatory "true communist" remark given by every lefty when shown the shortcomings of the manifesto...

Yes, yes we know, communism is perfect it's just nobody actually does true communism.. Sure, and the fact that it won't work might have something to do with that?? Maybe??

Here's the problem you lefties aren't getting. Communism won't work because people are just a few hundred years away from drawing on cave walls. We still covet, we still suffer from jealousy, we still want things we don't need, and we still have crimes of passion. When those things are no longer a factor, when we evolve to the point we aren't driven towards those things maybe, MAYBE then it might work. But even then it would require a unified global change by everyone, and that's not likely any time soon. As long as one country or group doesn't go along with it, we will have that country taking an unfair advantage and soon the other countries will want that as well.

You people need to grow up and stop living in your idealistic fantasy world.
More and more the AGW Cult shows how totally batshit fucking Heaven's Gate Jim Jones Kool Aid insane they are

Who an I supposed to believe: 97% of scientists who actually study this topic, or some guy on an internet forum who calls himself Crusader Frank and thinks science is the equivalent of a suicide cult?
Another fruitcake throwing around that fake 97% number like it's gospel!

Post #12 strikes again! :lol:
More and more the AGW Cult shows how totally batshit fucking Heaven's Gate Jim Jones Kool Aid insane they are

Who an I supposed to believe: 97% of scientists who actually study this topic, or some guy on an internet forum who calls himself Crusader Frank and thinks science is the equivalent of a suicide cult?

Stop getting your information from Old Rocks and Rdean, they're just wrong
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Because there aren't many true communist countries left.

China is a capitalist country these days, buddy. It's a very corrupt, pro-business, free enterprise country with a totalitarian government. Not unlike the U.S.

And there it is, the obligatory "true communist" remark given by every lefty when shown the shortcomings of the manifesto...

Yes, yes we know, communism is perfect it's just nobody actually does true communism.. Sure, and the fact that it won't work might have something to do with that?? Maybe??

Here's the problem you lefties aren't getting. Communism won't work because people are just a few hundred years away from drawing on cave walls. We still covet, we still suffer from jealousy, we still want things we don't need, and we still have crimes of passion. When those things are no longer a factor, when we evolve to the point we aren't driven towards those things maybe, MAYBE then it might work. But even then it would require a unified global change by everyone, and that's not likely any time soon. As long as one country or group doesn't go along with it, we will have that country taking an unfair advantage and soon the other countries will want that as well.

You people need to grow up and stop living in your idealistic fantasy world.

Even if human beings were perfect angels, communism still wouldn't work. One reason is that economic calculation becomes impossible under communism. In order for firms to produce efficiently to meet consumer demands, they have to know the relative cost of their inputs, but these become a fiction under a communist government. In a market economy, the price of a good or material is determined by the higgling of the market, by supply and demand. Under communism, prices are determined by government fiat. Bureaucrats have no way to know if the prices they set have any real economic meaning. The end result is that a communist economy might end up producing 10 times the number of condoms consumers want and 1/10 the number of color televisions they want.
Former WVU Tech chief talks Cap and Trade, "Bayless said a recent analysis showed that every one of 928 recent scientific studies documented global warming, while 53 percent of articles in the "popular press" questioned its existence."

Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer And Hoping It Will Get Better'


As former CEO of two major power companies in West Virginia, Charles Bayless may not seem like the poster boy for climate change advocacy. Yet in the wake of Obama’s unprecedented Georgetown speech, Bayless is using his position as a major player in a coal-producing state to speak in favor of the president’s agenda.

"If you're a West Virginian and a coal company and you're denying climate change, it's sort of like denying you've got cancer and hoping it will get better,” the Public News Service quoted Bayless as saying. “It won't. And the longer you deny it, the worse the fall will be.”

Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer And Hoping It Will Get Better'

What is denying that "wasting $80 trillion to drop the temperature 0.2 degrees in 2080 is a good idea" like?
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No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?
It tells us that once again the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood is on the same side as America's enemies.
Poor ed is so confused. He now forgets that Nancy Pelosi's nephew benefitted when Solyndra went belly up and investors went home with a pile of money thanks to her extracting it out of taxpayers ahead of time in legislation most people never even heard of. Edthe cannot acknowledge that Pelosi is a Democrat and all the people who got their grubby little greedy fingers on all that free money were Demmies. After all, some people believe everything the spinners say. :rolleyes:

Demmies take home an army of armored cars filled with giv-a-mint cash every time they write up a ream of paper into a bill so nobody will know what is going to happen until it has already passed and can then read it. :rolleyes:
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Given all the action China is taking, it tells me that you don't get any info from outside of your cult bubble. Hence the reason you're a denialist.

China becoming global climate change leader, study says

It's essentially impossible for an intelligent, honest and well-informed person to be a denialist. At most, a denialist can have 2 out of those 3.
Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

Given all the action China is taking, it tells me that you don't get any info from outside of your cult bubble. Hence the reason you're a denialist.

China becoming global climate change leader, study says

It's essentially impossible for an intelligent, honest and well-informed person to be a denialist. At most, a denialist can have 2 out of those 3.

China becoming global climate change leader


Yes they are........:lol:
Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.

I predict, whether the climate warms or cools, whether it gets wetter or drier, warmists will blame humans. I further predict that their solution will be ever larger government control over our lives.

The nice thing about my prediction, you can back-test it over the last 40 years and see that I'm right already.
Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.
Oh, you mean like the planet has been getting warmer the past 17 years, despite there being no significant warming?

You call that credible?

Because normal people don't.
Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.

I predict, whether the climate warms or cools, whether it gets wetter or drier, warmists will blame humans. I further predict that their solution will be ever larger government control over our lives.

The nice thing about my prediction, you can back-test it over the last 40 years and see that I'm right already.


One particularly loony one:

British UFO sightings at 'bizarre' levels - Telegraph
The founder member of Strange Phenomena Investigations, added: "There has been an unusual number of sightings recently.

"Some experts believe it could be linked to global warming and craft from outer space are appearing because they are concerned about what man is doing to this planet."​

I predict, whether the climate warms or cools, whether it gets wetter or drier, warmists will blame humans. I further predict that their solution will be ever larger government control over our lives.

Ah, a fine 'tard rant about the socialist menace.

You know, when the point is how denialists are all such brainwashed political cultists, they might consider not always immediately leaping to confirm that point.
I predict, whether the climate warms or cools, whether it gets wetter or drier, warmists will blame humans. I further predict that their solution will be ever larger government control over our lives.

Ah, a fine 'tard rant about the socialist menace.

You know, when the point is how denialists are all such brainwashed political cultists, they might consider not always immediately leaping to confirm that point.

How much do we need to spend?
After we do, how much cooler will the planet be in 2080?
Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.

"The overwhelming majority of scientists believe global warming exists, while a major percentage of stories in the "popular press," quoting people like Glenn Beck, deny its existence, he [Charles Bayless] said.

Bayless said a recent analysis showed that every one of 928 recent scientific studies documented global warming, while 53 percent of articles in the "popular press" questioned its existence."

and-----and: "and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades. "


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