Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer'

Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

And by repeating that crazy conspiracy lie, one that doesn't have a shred of evidence to back it up, you thus confirm the study's conclusions.

Does the denialist exist here who doesn't claim all the data is faked? No. Every single one of 'em is a conspiracy embracer, declaring that all the data is faked, and that the reviewers who say the data is good are also part of the conspiracy. The entire planet, except for them, is apparently part of the conspiracy.

Totally non-disprovable, marking it as pseudoscience. They can't even come together with one coherent theory. Some them deny any warming, and the rest have ten different theories as to what's causing the warming, none of which make any sense. If denialists want the same credibility that mainstream science has, they have to put forth an actual theory, make predictions based on it, and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades.

"The overwhelming majority of scientists believe global warming exists, while a major percentage of stories in the "popular press," quoting people like Glenn Beck, deny its existence, he [Charles Bayless] said.

Bayless said a recent analysis showed that every one of 928 recent scientific studies documented global warming, while 53 percent of articles in the "popular press" questioned its existence."

and-----and: "and see those predictions come to pass over and over for decades. "


Wow.. Bayless versus Beck..

An unstable energy barron with a portfolio to build or an unstable media pirate with Bipolar issues.. Who will I choose???

Hey Star --- go google Dr Roy Spencer or Dr. Judith Curry... There are 100s of TOP LEVEL scientists that say AGW is overstated..

Clowns don't count..
Charles E. Bayless - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles E. Bayless (born November 2, 1942) is a former President of West Virginia University Institute of Technology and a regional Vice-President of West Virginia University, United States. He retired from WVU Tech on June 30, 2008. Prior to that he was CEO of both Illinois Power and Tucson Electric Power.
He graduated from West Virginia University Institute of Technology in 1968 with a degree of Electrical Engineering. He received an MBA in finance from University of Michigan and Juris Doctor from WVU.[1][2] Bayless has been extensively involved with the Boy Scouts of America, being a recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, Silver Beaver Award, and Silver Antelope Award.[3]​

Odd. No mention of any degrees in meteorology, physics, any field that would make him an expert in climatology. Not even a merit badge.

So...the AGW cult will hold up anyone as expert as long as he chants the right catechism, huh?


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