Charlotte Figi, the girl who inspired a CBD movement, has died at age 13


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

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Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.
(CNN) She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​

Very sad this young girl has passed.

I wonder how many more people are being counted as COVID-19 cases based solely on symptoms without testing positive for CV.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.
(CNN) She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​

Very sad this young girl has passed.

I wonder how many more people are being counted as COVID-19 cases based solely on symptoms without testing positive for CV.

Yes, we've seen the conspiracy theories. She's being tested and it will be confirmed one way or another if it hasn't already. Everyone being treated in hospitals gets tested for COVID. The more likely scenario are people who die without a diagnosis because there weren't enough tests.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

I wasn't aware of the Nixon thing. What a DICK move (quite literally ;-)
Don't understand why Obama didn't fix that FUBAR in his first couple of years.

Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

Some states still consider weed as a schedule 1 narcotic, and a Class C felony. Draconian measures.

I am sad the young girl passed. Her parents were all in for her.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

Some states still consider weed as a schedule 1 narcotic, and a Class C felony. Draconian measures.

I am sad the young girl passed. Her parents were all in for her.

When I was in Boise, there was a doctor who had a daughter with Dravet who had to move his family to Colorado because the Gov had his head up his ass on CBD oil. Twice as I recall, the legislature passed its use and Governor Otter vetoed it.

Cowboy Butch had two claims to fame. He once won a tight jeans contest and he married into the Simplot family.

So we ended up losing a well respected physician. Idiots allow the lotions but to my knowledge, still won't sell the oil.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

I wasn't aware of the Nixon thing. What a DICK move (quite literally ;-)
Don't understand why Obama didn't fix that FUBAR in his first couple of years.


you dont know why?.....
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

I wasn't aware of the Nixon thing. What a DICK move (quite literally ;-)
Don't understand why Obama didn't fix that FUBAR in his first couple of years.


you dont know why?.....

Unlike Dithering Donnie, Obama could walk and chew gum at the same time. It could have been done with a simple executive order.
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

(CNN) Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, passed away Tuesday at age 13.​
Charlotte had recently been hospitalized due to pneumonia, breathing problems and seizures. She was treated as a likely case of Covid-19, her mother, Paige Figi, said Wednesday, although she tested negative for the virus.​
"Charlotte is no longer suffering. She is seizure-free forever," a family friend wrote on Paige Figi's Facebook page, announcing Charlotte's death. "Thank you so much for all of your love."​
Charlotte became a symbol of the possibilities of CBD after CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta told her story in the documentary "Weed." In the film, Charlotte was shown to be a playful child who was overcome by horrific seizures, which were quelled with Charlotte's Web, a marijuana strain named in her honor.​
Charlotte had Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy which was not controlled by medication. The Stanley brothers, marijuana growers in Colorado, were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana high in CBD and low in THC, its psychoactive ingredient. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn't before.​

For those who missed the Gupta "Weed" specials - and Charlottes Web. Well worth a look.

I've been following her since her story came out in the news.

I'm a medical marijuana patient too.

When I learned about the strain developed for her with low THC and high CBD, I tried it.

It's a miracle for nerve damage. That's what I use it for. I don't have to experience getting high but get the relief of the nerve damage pain.

I also use it for the damage chemo did to my stomach.

I wish all states would legalize marijuana. I won't go to a state that will put me in prison for using a medication that actually works.

Those who use marijuana for any reason aren't criminals anymore than someone who drinks alcohol is a criminal or someone who uses a prescription for a medication is a criminal.

I wish this nation would grow up and get out of the dark ages instead of running as fast as we can back to those dark ages.

The idiocy of the federal government still classifying weed as Schedule One, makes it nearly impossible to do medical research. Marijuana is legal for adults in 11 states; medical marijuana is legal in 33. That makes the current scheduling even more ridiculous.

I moved from Idaho to Oregon last year. Such a relief to walk into a dispensary, and walk out with goods for dog and myself without worrying about getting popped.

My state was the second state to legalize it for medical purposes. Behind California but only by a year. We legalized it for medical in the 1998 election by our votes.

We are tied as the first state to legalize it for recreational purposes. We legalized it for recreational the same way we legalized it for medical. By the vote of the people at the ballot box. We did that in the 2012 election.

Yes it's a big relief to know that I can go to the store up the street to buy my medication and no one will put me in prison for it.

nixon had marijuana classified as a schedule 1 substance. Not for scientific or medical purposes but to be able to arrest people who were protesting him. He couldn't arrest them for protesting but he could change the federal law to arrest them for smoking marijuana. So he had his attorney general, I think it was mitchell, classify it as schedule 1.

The nation has been suffering from that ever since.

I wasn't aware of the Nixon thing. What a DICK move (quite literally ;-)
Don't understand why Obama didn't fix that FUBAR in his first couple of years.


you dont know why?.....

Unlike Dithering Donnie, Obama could walk and chew gum at the same time. It could have been done with a simple executive order.

thats not it at all.....he was a hypocrite just like the 2 guys before him......trump aint no different than them.....
Very sad - Cool little kid. Anyone with a CBD story? My little dog started having a 5 minute seizure around once every 3 weeks when she was about 2. I put her on a pure CBD oil - 5 drops under the tongue once a day - shortly after which she continues to use. Not only did it cut them back immediately to around one every three MONTHS, the duration and intensity have dropped dramatically. I haven't found it to be helpful for my peripheral neuropathy (feet - not diabetes related) but it's been a Godsend for the pup!

Yes I do use it. Helps especially with anxiety and panic.

My little dog is 16, next order some CBD for him too.

As a pup he had seizures and my older Blue Heeler. I read the FDA food coloring can cause them. Like colored milkbones, liversnaps. Dogs don't care! Anyway, quit colored treats, no more siezures. Immediately.

I make my dogs treats the last 12 years, all organic. Make their food too, eat like I do but the right stuff for a dog.

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