Chelsea Clinton: “I Wish My Grandparents Had Planned Parenthood” (she said it again)

It's obvious that she meant that it would have been good has Planned Parenthood been around to help her troubled grandmother. This is another ignorance thread.

Unfortunately, girls and women get a lot of misinformation and mystical hokus-pokus about their bodies and reproductive health, and should have a place to go to to get nonjudgmental, honest, and realistic advice and help. The primitive cults want to make sure that females don't receive this kind of help and stay forced to rely on their hokus-pokus rather than being fully informed. The cults' insistence on ignorance is downright abusive.

When I was in college in the 70's, I used to visit a woman in her 80's. I loved talking with her over tea. She told me of having painful gynecological problems in her teens and her mother accusing her of having sex rather than helping her. This is the kind of crap that women have been forced to put up with.

My own mother (whom I had the misfortune as a teenager of accompanying to the Vatican) began her "sex talk" with me by referring to the Virgin Mary. As I teased her years later, the Virgin Mary got famous by not doing "it," so that was a bust. Fortunately, her sister was a nurse in the military. She sat me down and gave me the real deal. Many girls aren't so lucky.

Planned Parenthood has historically played an extremely important role in women's health care, all the while providing a much-needed balance to the cults' evil agenda. There are no "ugly truths" about Planned Parenthood. No wonder the cults want to shut it down.

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