
Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mythbusters | Mythbusters Mailbag: Contrails or Chemtrails

Question: "The trails seen behind airplanes are not actually contrails, but are in fact "chemtrails," a part of a conspiracy by the government to poison its own population. Is this really happening?"

Status: Busted!

You can blame the X-Files, you can blame Orson Welles, or you can blame the JFK theorists: conspiracy theories, even the ones that are patently ridiculous, have a stranglehold on popular culture.

Add the chemtrail conspiracy to this list.

This conspiracy holds that the contrails thrown off by commercial jets contain chemicals that serve to dumb down the population, or at the very least control it. The theorists noticed that some con
trails don't behave the way they are supposed to, forming strange shapes as they diffuse.

Randall Martin, an atmospheric scientist at Dalhousie University, offers two reasons that suggest this conspiracy is nothing more than hot air.

First, he points out that adding a payload of chemicals to a jetliner costs money, "which would certainly undermine profitability."

Most importantly, Martin stresses that scientists like him are very interested in what's in the atmosphere. "I'm involved in a large number of experiments," he said. "We measure the suite of pollutants in the atmosphere down to the trillionth of a millimeter. If an aircraft were intentionally polluting, we would notice it."

Gotta love them nutters.
Chemtrails are caused by Globull Climate Warming Disruption Change.

True story. :thup:


I enjoy living by the airport and breathing it all in. The duck-shaped moles on my neck are a small price to pay for the high I get.
I think chemtrail is done by the refregirant spreaded by the special plane. When air is cooled by refregirant, the vapour solidify into small water drops like cloud. People on ground saw white trail.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.
Most sane people realize that jet exhaust is a inevitable product of air travel and it is not a conspiracy by the government to poison us. That having been said, I have seen days when the sky is nothing but con-trails merged into a haze. Since jet planes burn about 100 gallons of fossil fuel per minute in a relatively dirty system it's reasonable to assume that planes rather than cars or coal plants or diesel trucks are the primary polluters.
I think chemtrail is done by the refregirant spreaded by the special plane. When air is cooled by refregirant, the vapour solidify into small water drops like cloud. People on ground saw white trail.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.
Ummm...there's really no need to spray refrigerant when an airliner spends most of its time in air that's already below freezing.
Ummm...there's really no need to spray refrigerant when an airliner spends most of its time in air that's already below freezing.
Back off dude you're dealing with a legend, the most batshit crazy person on the entire internet.
Do you know how many states have weather modification laws? Do you know govt has admitted this? do you know how many "conspiracy theories" have proven to be true?
Most sane people realize that jet exhaust is a inevitable product of air travel and it is not a conspiracy by the government to poison us. That having been said, I have seen days when the sky is nothing but con-trails merged into a haze. Since jet planes burn about 100 gallons of fossil fuel per minute in a relatively dirty system it's reasonable to assume that planes rather than cars or coal plants or diesel trucks are the primary polluters.

Turbines burn pretty completely, considering all the excess air that is carried along with the combustion. Plus inefficient burn means less thrust which means more fuel per mile, which cost more.

The only reason you see contrails is that atmospheric conditions react with the hot jet exhaust to condense water vapor into cloud like structures.
I think chemtrail is done by the refregirant spreaded by the special plane. When air is cooled by refregirant, the vapour solidify into small water drops like cloud. People on ground saw white trail.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.
Ummm...there's really no need to spray refrigerant when an airliner spends most of its time in air that's already below freezing.
there you go with facts.....sheesh....
this is a big thing on DemocratUnderground especially when was Bush was president

I stopped in there occasional to watch the nuts... that must be who luddy is talking about
I think chemtrail is done by the refregirant spreaded by the special plane. When air is cooled by refregirant, the vapour solidify into small water drops like cloud. People on ground saw white trail.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.
Ummm...there's really no need to spray refrigerant when an airliner spends most of its time in air that's already below freezing.

Refrigerant can make the air temperature lower than the normal . there is a 30 degree diference between -30F to 0F. All below freezing point. But the temperature difference will cause the movement of the air mass. The control of air movement is the foundation of climate war. Just like you melt iron. You won't say it's over boiling point. The standard for iron and water is different.
I think chemtrail is done by the refregirant spreaded by the special plane. When air is cooled by refregirant, the vapour solidify into small water drops like cloud. People on ground saw white trail.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.
Ummm...there's really no need to spray refrigerant when an airliner spends most of its time in air that's already below freezing.

Refrigerant can make the air temperature lower than the normal . there is a 30 degree diference between -30F to 0F. All below freezing point. But the temperature difference will cause the movement of the air mass. The control of air movement is the foundation of climate war. Just like you melt iron. You won't say it's over boiling point. The standard for iron and water is different.
Mythbusters | Mythbusters Mailbag: Contrails or Chemtrails

Question: "The trails seen behind airplanes are not actually contrails, but are in fact "chemtrails," a part of a conspiracy by the government to poison its own population. Is this really happening?"

Status: Busted!

You can blame the X-Files, you can blame Orson Welles, or you can blame the JFK theorists: conspiracy theories, even the ones that are patently ridiculous, have a stranglehold on popular culture.

Add the chemtrail conspiracy to this list.

This conspiracy holds that the contrails thrown off by commercial jets contain chemicals that serve to dumb down the population, or at the very least control it. The theorists noticed that some con
trails don't behave the way they are supposed to, forming strange shapes as they diffuse.

Randall Martin, an atmospheric scientist at Dalhousie University, offers two reasons that suggest this conspiracy is nothing more than hot air.

First, he points out that adding a payload of chemicals to a jetliner costs money, "which would certainly undermine profitability."

Most importantly, Martin stresses that scientists like him are very interested in what's in the atmosphere. "I'm involved in a large number of experiments," he said. "We measure the suite of pollutants in the atmosphere down to the trillionth of a millimeter. If an aircraft were intentionally polluting, we would notice it."

Gotta love them nutters.

Contrails are best thought of when you think of the air as a liquid. Only difference here between air and water, is water molecules are perfectly interlinked and can't become any more perfect (can't compress water et al.) Whereas you can comrpess air as in scuba tanks. So if you think of a jet flying through water, it's going to leave a wake or disturbing water behind it just as it does travelling through the air. When a contrail forms, it indicates that at that altitude there's enough moisture in the air to visually see that turbulence or wake.

Chemtrails are only chemical trails in the sense they contain traces of the jet's fuel. But claiming the government is poisoning us with them is absurd when everyone knows the government's poisoning us in the air with unclean energy producing methods likecoal plants. Why bother with chemtrails when coal burning plants is so much better? :) If we complain so much we get those plants closed down, our energy bills go up. So we don't complain.

While it's true disease is the USA's greatest industry and money-maker, we poison ourselves enough without any assistance from the government.
LOL......there are a lot of suckers on this planet........they dont even have to try hard anymore!!!:coffee:

This clearly is just a private company rented by a guy who wanted to have written in the sky, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"


Who cant see that??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Shits been going on for decades!!!!
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The government doesn't call it "Chemtrails", they call it Weather Modification and they've been doing it since at least the late 60's. China opened a Weather Modification Branch in about 2007.

[ame=]Dr. Michio Kaku admits Gov't Weather Control... - YouTube[/ame]

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