Tennessee is trying to ban contrails from commercial aircraft

The contrails led me to grow horns and bleep like a sheep
You're mashing in fringe social right wing, dog whistle issues with grievance and projection. These are issues for you because your alt-right media masters drill it into your head day after day. You could just ignore it if it doesn't apply to you directly. :)

All of which has nothing to do with the whack-a-doodle hillbillies in the TN Senate passing a bill that outlaws jet vapor trails. :auiqs.jpg:
I mean, is this what white people in the TN Senate consider an important topic to their constituents?

Contrails are certainly loaded with chemicals.

Conspiracy theorists have nicknamed contrails "chemtrails" because they suspect that governments are taking advantage of this scientific phenomenon to secretly release other substances into the atmosphere.

read his post #30 - he has no point to make other than trolling
My point is that there is far more than water vapor emitted from jets, for the infinitely dense such as yourself.

The sheer irony of dante calling anyone else a troll is priceless.
Thanks for the laugh.

Tennessee is trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes based on a wild conspiracy theory

“The chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that commercial aircraft spray chemicals into the atmosphere for malign purposes.”

Being a red state, it’s a safe bet that Tennessee would not ban contrails due to the toxic compounds they contain. It would take a half-baked conspiracy theory (not an environmental threat) to motivate those folks.

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Your title is deceptive and it's impossible to ban contrails, you moron.
My point is that there is far more than water vapor emitted from jets, for the infinitely dense such as yourself.

The sheer irony of dante calling anyone else a troll is priceless.
Thanks for the laugh.
'far more?' not according to the science. You troll. You look to be noticed with contrarian bs. Your far more shit is truthful hyperbole.

You rarely or ever address what has been posted in links that show there is more than

Visible contrails are long, thin
“condensation trails” composed
primarily of tiny ice particles that
sometimes form behind aircraft at
higher altitudes. Their formation
requires water vapor emissions, cold
ambient temperatures, and high relative
humidity. At lower humidity, contrails
may not form or may evaporate quickly.

Burning aviation fuel releases
atmospheric emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H20),
with smaller amounts of carbon
monoxide (CO), volatile organic
compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides
(NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), carbon soot
and trace metals. These emissions occur
all along the aircraft flight path, but are
most concentrated at ground level close
to major airports. VOC and NOX
contribute to the formation of ozone
pollution; NOX, SOX and soot contribute
to formation of fine particles (PM2.5);
and older piston engine aircraft are a
decreasing but significant source of
airborne lead (Pb) emissions.
Aviation fuel combustion contributes a
relatively small fraction of Vermont
emissions of the pollutants indicated
above, accounting for less than 2% of
VT’s total greenhouse gas emissions and
less than 0.5% of VT’s CO, NOX, and
PM2.5 emissions in 2011. There are no
indications of any substantial increases
in VT aviation traffic or aviation fuel
consumption over the past 10 years, and
measured VT air quality trends for CO,
NOX, ozone, SOX, soot, PM2.5 and Pb
have all been improving in recent years.
I made it above in post 30.
Are you paying attention?

I said nothing about bans.
You did.
You made up a false notion that literally NO ONE was arguing, with your 'jet exhaust is nothing but water vapor' nonsense. :rolleyes:

So, I don't know what the fuck you're prattling on about. :dunno: Do you require more straw for that MAN you're building?
You made up a false notion that literally NO ONE was arguing, with your 'jet exhaust is nothing but water vapor' nonsense. :rolleyes:

So, I don't know what the fuck you're prattling on about. :dunno: Do you require more straw for that MAN you're building?
Apparently you missed the reply to me showing a glass of water.
So yes, the argument of only water vapor was made.
Are you always this oblivious?

You folks are sounding like climate deniers.
From your article:
About 65% of jets flying at cruising altitudes of 30,000 to 38,000 feet create contrails, but most of those contrails dissipate within a few minutes and have little warming effect, according to Delta. About 10% of those are "persistent" contrail formations, hanging around for hours
We have a higher risk of extinction by carbon monoxide coming out of our tailpipes then by planes creating contrails (clouds, water vapor) thousands of feet in the air. :rolleyes: Pointless argument.

You folks are sounding like physics deniers.
Thread title is false, lies about what the linked article said. Please remove.

From the linked article. They believe that chemicals and other control agents are being sprayed out by jet engines. And they linger in the humidity.
Yeah, they say it could lower emissions, but that's not the point of this conspiracy theory led bill. :)
  • A Tennessee state bill is trying to ban chemtrails and references a conspiracy theory.
  • The trails released by aircraft are formed of water vapor and linger in high humidity.
  • The wording of the bill means it could actually lower climate emissions.

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