Tennessee is trying to ban contrails from commercial aircraft

Characteristics of jet engine emissionsLike other combustion engines, jet engines produce volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as CO2, NOx, CO, SOx and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and particulate matter (PM) with associated PAH, and metals

just water vapor.

But it smells so good
You're mashing in fringe social right wing, dog whistle issues with grievance and projection. These are issues for you because your alt-right media masters drill it into your head day after day. You could just ignore it if it doesn't apply to you directly. :)

All of which has nothing to do with the whack-a-doodle hillbillies in the TN Senate passing a bill that outlaws jet vapor trails. :auiqs.jpg:
I mean, is this what white people in the TN Senate consider an important topic to their constituents?
Your sloganeering serves what purpose?

fringe social right wing, dog whistle issues with grievance and projection

You’re defining the Dem / Socialist agenda that is the retrograde woke politico-religious ideology. When did biology a ‘dog whistle’ issue?

Was it only white people in the senate causing the vote to pass? This is another symptom of the diseased, politico-religious ideology of woke that afflicts Dems / Socialists. It’s the “I blame whitey” syndrome.
Just when you think a state can't go more hillbilly....they go hillbilly, flat-earth scorched. :auiqs.jpg:
This is what the white members of the TN Senate think is important? :)
RINO RED would be more accurate. The contrail i$$ue was fostered be the state senate body below. Only six out of thirty three of those state senators identify with the 'D' brand. There is precious little difference now a days between the profe$$ional politician$ that make up the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP).

Senators - TN General Assembly
Just when you think a state can't go more hillbilly....they go hillbilly, flat-earth scorched. :auiqs.jpg:
This is what the white members of the TN Senate think is important? :)
There is a difference between chemtrails and contrails...

... but considering the constant shifting of weather patterns, I don't see how a single State outlawing chemtrails would ever be effective or even be enforced.

The clouds over TN this morning, were over Arkansas and Mississippi just a few hours ago.
Characteristics of jet engine emissionsLike other combustion engines, jet engines produce volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as CO2, NOx, CO, SOx and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and particulate matter (PM) with associated PAH, and metals

just water vapor.

Yes. Jet engines have always produced exhaust gasses. Nobody questiones that. The chemtrail mania claims there are specific chemicals unrelated to normal exhaust gasses secretly being sprayed from airplanes for nefarious purposes. Chemtrails are thought to be similar to secret harmful crop dusters. That just isn't happening.

Tennessee is trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes based on a wild conspiracy theory

“The chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that commercial aircraft spray chemicals into the atmosphere for malign purposes.”

Being a red state, it’s a safe bet that Tennessee would not ban contrails due to the toxic compounds they contain. It would take a half-baked conspiracy theory (not an environmental threat) to motivate those folks.

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Tennessee is trying to ban contrails from commercial aircraft?​


and in other news, Tennessee has charged science as being ungodly witchcraft
Your sloganeering serves what purpose?

You’re defining the Dem / Socialist agenda that is the retrograde woke politico-religious ideology. When did biology a ‘dog whistle’ issue?

Was it only white people in the senate causing the vote to pass? This is another symptom of the diseased, politico-religious ideology of woke that afflicts Dems / Socialists. It’s the “I blame whitey” syndrome.
Yes. Jet engines have always produced exhaust gasses. Nobody questiones that. The chemtrail mania claims there are specific chemicals unrelated to normal exhaust gasses secretly being sprayed from airplanes for nefarious purposes. Chemtrails are thought to be similar to secret harmful crop dusters. That just isn't happening.
I haven't commented on the conspiracy at all.
Only the false notion that jet exhaust is nothing but water vapor.

Arguing against a falsehood with another falsehood is pure stupidity.

Folks need a better argument than the "it's just water vapor" nonsense.
How is pollution a conspiracy?
Those chemicals are traits of all combustion engines.

"Contrails form when hot humid air from jet engines mixes with the surrounding air in the atmosphere which is drier and colder. The mixing is a result of turbulence generated by the jet engine exhaust. The water vapor in the jet exhaust then condenses and forms a cloud."

"What are the three types of contrails?"

Contrails | Center for Science Education

"Contrails last longer when there is a greater amount of water in the air; when all of the water in the clouds evaporates the contrail disappears. There are three types of contrails: short-lived, persistent non-spreading, and persistent spreading."
I haven't commented on the conspiracy at all.
Only the false notion that jet exhaust is nothing but water vapor.

Arguing against a falsehood with another falsehood is pure stupidity.

Folks need a better argument than the "it's just water vapor" nonsense.
The part that causes the visible cloud, and all the hystarics from chem trail nuts is just water vapor. Air turbulance from the plane causes the clouds seen behind behind jets.

Tennessee is trying to ban 'chemtrails' from planes based on a wild conspiracy theory

“The chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that commercial aircraft spray chemicals into the atmosphere for malign purposes.”

Being a red state, it’s a safe bet that Tennessee would not ban contrails due to the toxic compounds they contain. It would take a half-baked conspiracy theory (not an environmental threat) to motivate those folks.

View attachment 921209

All of the abortions and infants from unwed teenagers in African American communities with no father figure and grandma less than 30, great grandma at 45, and great great grandma at 60 is such a great way of civilization to last thousands and thousands of years. Remove the Prog Socialist revenue stream and we will see the love. The real love. Maturity is not part of this. And there are more lovable ways.

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