Chevy Volt Economics and Obamanomics. Whats The Dif?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Spendin 89 thou to produce a car that sells for 40 thou. Only in the age of Obama could such an event occur. We definitely now know the inmates are in charge of the asylum back in DC with these numbers. We should have known the inmates were in charge back in the era of the "Arab Spring" when DNI Clapper stood up in front of the Congress and told us the Muslim Brotherhood was mostly a secular operation. Have you seen the words that have come out of Egyptian President Morsi's mouth of recent. Now, nobody could be so stupid as to have said what Clapper said and deep down inside really meant it, so Clapper was obviously lying through his teeth to all Americans trying to pull the wool far enough down over their eyes to obfuscate Obama's treasonous intentions. But here's the economic wonder of the Chevy Volt for all to peruse. Obama be hidin and lyin about everthin else. If they keep this up for long, we'll be bailing GM out a second time.]

" ”But that probably isn’t a good thing for the automaker’s bottom line.” Even though the environmentally friendly Volt’s base price is about $40,000, says Reuters, production costs per vehicle run a stratospheric $89,000 — given the car’s pricey lithium-polymer batteries, hybrid gas-electric engine, and next-age electronics. That means GM is losing $49,000 for each Volt it sells. Worse: GM has been offering two-year leases for a mere $5,000 to get customers hooked, which is eating deeply into its profits."

GM Production Cost For The Chevy Volt An Astronomical $89,000 Per Car, Company Loses $49,000 For Each Volt It Sells… | Weasel Zippers
Mostly secular Muslim Brotherhood leader and Egyptian President Morsi on display. DNI Head Clapper must have been playing the three monkeys game, 'Hear, see, do no evil" just before he made that comment. Even a blind man would be able to see with this. Largely secular indeed. I suppose thats what you tend to hire when you're also advocating building a car that cost $89,000 to build, but you have to sell for $40,000 and think that's a fine idea. Are we sure that Obama even earned a 2.6 GPA with lots of incompletes.

Egypt’s Ruling Muslim Brotherhood Slams Israel As “Racist State” And “Zionist Occupier” For Defending Itself From Hamas Rocket Attacks… | Weasel Zippers

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