Chi Com rape in concentration camps

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Sexual assault.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.


I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.

Topic is the ChiCom rape camps Biden is supporting.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Yeah, but at least the urban hoodlums have a steady supply of 'Brons to loot.
We are going to become much more primal and local in tribalism. Gangs are going to grow in huge ways as the extreme feminist control of our nation that has hindered our domination on the planet becomes unattainable in global competition.

None of you have yet to post about what you hope to achieve here, other than an authoritarian dictatorship. Trumpism has no goals, no plans, and no ambitions, other than violence against the left. You cannot sustain a country built on hatred of half your people.
Muh whataboutism orange man bad Red China good.

You're even dumber than you seem. There is no "whataboutism" in this post. You're so ill-informed you challenge a post properly, nor is there any "orange man bad".

I asked a reasonable question that you're incapable of answering, because you have no clue. What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
You are an idiot thread derailer commie scum that should be cleansed from Earth.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

No shock you want rape camps.
It isn't surprising that leftists don't seem to be bothered by rape indoctrination camps.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.

The deflector and derailer here is you, CCP rape camp aplogist.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Yeah, but at least the urban hoodlums have a steady supply of 'Brons to loot.
We are going to become much more primal and local in tribalism. Gangs are going to grow in huge ways as the extreme feminist control of our nation that has hindered our domination on the planet becomes unattainable in global competition.

None of you have yet to post about what you hope to achieve here, other than an authoritarian dictatorship. Trumpism has no goals, no plans, and no ambitions, other than violence against the left. You cannot sustain a country built on hatred of half your people.
Muh whataboutism orange man bad Red China good.

You're even dumber than you seem. There is no "whataboutism" in this post. You're so ill-informed you challenge a post properly, nor is there any "orange man bad".

I asked a reasonable question that you're incapable of answering, because you have no clue. What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
Does China having rape camps give you an erotic thrill, or are you just submissive to everything they want you to say?

Well you certainly seem to be getting off on it. Why weren't you outraged by the "rape camps" that Trump built on the US Border for refugee claimants? Where women were being sterilized by unnecessary medical procedures? I guess when Trump is doing the same or worse, it's all good.

Your post is like Q-anon and pedophilia. If you oppose Q, you're in favour of pedophilia. If you oppose the wall, you're in favour of open borders. It's these kinds of false equivalencies which expose the weakness of your positions.

And again you're deflecting from my question. Don't you have an answer? What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

No shock you want rape camps.
It isn't surprising that leftists don't seem to be bothered by rape indoctrination camps.

The last 4 Democrat Presidents were documented pervs. Biden and Clinton are accused Rapists, Obama had affairs with alleged She-males, Carter admitted the Lust in his heart in an interview in a porno rag.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.

The deflector and derailer here is you, CCP rape camp aplogist.

Your post is like Q-anon and pedophilia. If you oppose Q, you're in favour of pedophilia. If you oppose the wall, you're in favour of open borders. It's these kinds of false equivalencies which expose the weakness of your positions.

I'm responding to the questions raised in the OP>

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son. This hasn't got anything to do with President Joe. Stop listening to the fake news, it's rotting your brain.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Yeah, but at least the urban hoodlums have a steady supply of 'Brons to loot.
We are going to become much more primal and local in tribalism. Gangs are going to grow in huge ways as the extreme feminist control of our nation that has hindered our domination on the planet becomes unattainable in global competition.

None of you have yet to post about what you hope to achieve here, other than an authoritarian dictatorship. Trumpism has no goals, no plans, and no ambitions, other than violence against the left. You cannot sustain a country built on hatred of half your people.
Muh whataboutism orange man bad Red China good.

You're even dumber than you seem. There is no "whataboutism" in this post. You're so ill-informed you challenge a post properly, nor is there any "orange man bad".

I asked a reasonable question that you're incapable of answering, because you have no clue. What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
Does China having rape camps give you an erotic thrill, or are you just submissive to everything they want you to say?

Well you certainly seem to be getting off on it. Why weren't you outraged by the "rape camps" that Trump built on the US Border for refugee claimants? Where women were being sterilized by unnecessary medical procedures? I guess when Trump is doing the same or worse, it's all good.

Your post is like Q-anon and pedophilia. If you oppose Q, you're in favour of pedophilia. If you oppose the wall, you're in favour of open borders. It's these kinds of false equivalencies which expose the weakness of your positions.

And again you're deflecting from my question. Don't you have an answer? What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
Stop running cover for your chi com friends.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son. This hasn't got anything to do with President Joe. Stop listening to the fake news, it's rotting your brain.
Stop shielding your chi com friends.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Yeah, but at least the urban hoodlums have a steady supply of 'Brons to loot.
We are going to become much more primal and local in tribalism. Gangs are going to grow in huge ways as the extreme feminist control of our nation that has hindered our domination on the planet becomes unattainable in global competition.

None of you have yet to post about what you hope to achieve here, other than an authoritarian dictatorship. Trumpism has no goals, no plans, and no ambitions, other than violence against the left. You cannot sustain a country built on hatred of half your people.
Muh whataboutism orange man bad Red China good.

You're even dumber than you seem. There is no "whataboutism" in this post. You're so ill-informed you challenge a post properly, nor is there any "orange man bad".

I asked a reasonable question that you're incapable of answering, because you have no clue. What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
Does China having rape camps give you an erotic thrill, or are you just submissive to everything they want you to say?

Well you certainly seem to be getting off on it. Why weren't you outraged by the "rape camps" that Trump built on the US Border for refugee claimants? Where women were being sterilized by unnecessary medical procedures? I guess when Trump is doing the same or worse, it's all good.

Your post is like Q-anon and pedophilia. If you oppose Q, you're in favour of pedophilia. If you oppose the wall, you're in favour of open borders. It's these kinds of false equivalencies which expose the weakness of your positions.

And again you're deflecting from my question. Don't you have an answer? What is the end game of restoring Donald Trump to power. To do what??? What are your plans for the nation? What do you want, other than to burn it the government down?
100 Days of the Dragon!

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

No shock you want rape camps.
It isn't surprising that leftists don't seem to be bothered by rape indoctrination camps.

The last 4 Democrat Presidents were documented pervs. Biden and Clinton are accused Rapists, Obama had affairs with alleged She-males, Carter admitted the Lust in his heart in an interview in a porno rag.
Lol, that's all fake news designed to make you hate Democrats.

I the really real world the only president to be credibly accused of pedophilia is tRump, who is about to end up in court with a 13 year old.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.

Lol, it's your side cutting free speech and censoring different opinions. You support that, just wait till you're censored because they disagree with you supporting capitalism. You're next.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son. This hasn't got anything to do with President Joe. Stop listening to the fake news, it's rotting your brain.
Stop shielding your chi com friends.

Is this the only line of response you have. To accuse everyone who calls out your bullshit, a Chinese communist?

Your abject surrender is noted.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

Oh, I see. You want to shield your chi com friends from being held accountable for their horrific deeds.

Nice attempt at deflection a$$hat. Another FuckBoi who decides that a good offense is better than a weak defense, except you used a really fucking weak offence. I'm a dyed in wool left wing capitalist who loathes communism in all of its forms. I consider Xi the most dangerous communist leader since Stalin.

Anyone who foolishly goes around falsely accusing others of being sypathetic to the Chinese is both a traitor to the United State of America and is actively aiding and abetting the enemies of the USA in undermining your way of life. The Russians and the Chinese need do nothing to destroy the USA. The tribalism, lies, and attacks of the extreme right is doing all of their work for them.

The deflector and derailer here is you, CCP rape camp apologist.

Your post is like Q-anon and pedophilia. If you oppose Q, you're in favour of pedophilia. If you oppose the wall, you're in favour of open borders. It's these kinds of false equivalencies which expose the weakness of your positions.

I'm responding to the questions raised in the OP>
No you''re not.....You've been screeching BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUUUUUUMP?

Derailing, deflecting, and acting as a defacto apologist for CCP slavery and rape camps.

I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.

I can't believe you're still posting this bullshit about Joe Biden having ties to Xi and the Communist Chinese, or that you're using the rape of women in Chinese concentration camps and trying to tie Biden to these horrors.

You have no morals, no shame, and hate the USA, doing everything possible to undermine and destroy your own country. Shame on you, you lying piece of shit. No patriot acts like you fools do.

The fact that the Red Chinese passed Hunter a billion dollar check is documented.

As well as Biden signed an XO banning any references to the Coronavirus' origins in Red Chinese labs.

That never happened fool. You've swallowed yet another load of cum from Trump,'s cock. Unfortunately for you, there is no such documentation because it never happened. The Chinese APPROVED a hedge fund run by Hunter Biden.

If Hunter could find investors willing to put a billion dollars into his fund, he could have taken that sum out of China, but he didn't. The fund never held more than $3 million and 1/3 of that money was seed capital put up by Hunter Biden.

Now if you want to talk Presidential offspring taking favours worth millions from the Chinese communists. There's Ivanka's trade marks:

And a half billion for Junior:

No shock you want rape camps.
It isn't surprising that leftists don't seem to be bothered by rape indoctrination camps.

The last 4 Democrat Presidents were documented pervs. Biden and Clinton are accused Rapists, Obama had affairs with alleged She-males, Carter admitted the Lust in his heart in an interview in a porno rag.
Lol, that's all fake news designed to make you hate Democrats.

I the really real world the only president to be credibly accused of pedophilia is tRump, who is about to end up in court with a 13 year old.
Lol, Clinton is a known pervert. Obama is a card carrying member of men's world in Chicago a gay bathhouse and well by all the photos we have of Biden molesting little girls. He is a pedophile.
I can't believe that there were actually a few people who really did vote for Beijing Biden. Lefties just turn a blind eye to what Beijing Biden's business and political backers are doing.
And you think Trump gave a damn?

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