Chicago: 416 people shot, 91 killed in 2016; 115% increase from 2015; BLM malfunction.

"Chicago: 416 people shot, 91 killed in 2016; 115% increase from 2015; BLM malfunction."

And as usual racists on the reprehensible right attempt to exploit the deaths for some perceived partisan gain.
Yep. That is pretty stupid at this juncture to alienate Blacks in an election year by putting up numbers of homicides in Chicago and insinuating they are all Black without any evidence they are.
its ok for blacks to kill blacks cuz its not racist though.....
Are you making that up? None of the Blacks I know and associate with think it is ok any more than my White associates think it is ok for Whites to kill each other.
And how is it that some of you know that at least one half of the shooters were not exercising their god given and Constitutional right to carry a gun for self defense?

One half of those shootings could simply have been Defensive Gun Uses. After all there are 2.5 million DGUs per year. Someone has to be doing those and the people in Chicago have a large need to defend themselves evidentally.

You all call them murders. the shooters call them DGUs. Protecting themselves, their property or the lives of others.

I thought that was what you gun nutters said guns were for? Shooting vermin and things like that.

What is the problem?
its ok for blacks to kill blacks cuz its not racist though.....
Are you making that up? None of the Blacks I know and associate with think it is ok any more than my White associates think it is ok for Whites to kill each other.

THE msm, black leaders seem not to give a shit.
What Black leaders? Very few Blacks are in a position of legal authority. We ALL have the same government and the same politicians regardless of race. The responsibility to "do something" rests with the people we elect to handle these things. White people don't own local , state and federal governments... they are supposed to be serving ALL of us, Why do you think in such divisive terms as if decent Black citizens have some responsibility to take the law into their own hands while the White community ( having just as many murders or more to their credit) can sit back and let the police and politicians handle their nominal murder and crime rates?
And how is it that some of you know that at least one half of the shooters were not exercising their god given and Constitutional right to carry a gun for self defense?

One half of those shootings could simply have been Defensive Gun Uses. After all there are 2.5 million DGUs per year. Someone has to be doing those and the people in Chicago have a large need to defend themselves evidentally.

You all call them murders. the shooters call them DGUs. Protecting themselves, their property or the lives of others.

I thought that was what you gun nutters said guns were for? Shooting vermin and things like that.

What is the problem?

If half were defensive uses....that means they were being attacked in a manner that threatened their life...which is just as violent and still upholds my premise that Chicago has turned into a violent hell hole.
its ok for blacks to kill blacks cuz its not racist though.....
Are you making that up? None of the Blacks I know and associate with think it is ok any more than my White associates think it is ok for Whites to kill each other.

THE msm, black leaders seem not to give a shit.
What Black leaders? Very few Blacks are in a position of legal authority. We ALL have the same government and the same politicians regardless of race. The responsibility to "do something" rests with the people we elect to handle these things. White people don't own local , state and federal governments... they are supposed to be serving ALL of us, Why do you think in such divisive terms as if decent Black citizens have some responsibility to take the law into their own hands while the White community ( having just as many murders or more to their credit) can sit back and let the police and politicians handle their nominal murder and crime rates?

I think it's all the city burning and looting when a cop kills someone (very rare statistically, and almost always justified).......but yall seem not to give a fuck when other blacks kill each other at FAR higher frequency.

Let's see some looting and marching and city burning over the 91 murders in 7 weeks done mostly in Chicago's black hoods.
Chicago Homicides Nearly Double From Last Year |
FBI ranks St. Louis top US city for violent crime

Ah....yes. The BlackLivesMatter organization is getting what it wants.

Chicago has had 461 people shot, 91 dead, in the first 7 weeks of 2016. A 115% increase from 2015.
FBI just released America's Most Dangerous Cities annual awards. #1 is St Louis. #6 is Baltimore. usual...made the top 5.

Yep. BlackLivesMatter sure made the ghettos far better by getting cops to back off. Well done guys. You might have a higher chance now of getting shot in the brain.....but at the cops will leave you alone while you are doing it.
but....but....but....but...that damn R governor in Michigan poisoned the people with leaded water. Dirty bastard....needs to be imprisoned...:uhoh3:
Oh, poor you, if you could just ship those damn ******* home, in chains one more time...

In Chicago you have your wet dream of so called gun free zones. How is that working out stopping gun violence? I'm sure the criminals are listening to you quite well with all those shootouts.
The big problem with this is that there has been spillover to some of the better neighborhoods.

I agree. I don't care what happens in shitholes. But it's starting to spill into our communities now and we are not going to stand for that at all.
Oh, poor you, if you could just ship those damn ******* home, in chains one more time...

I don't want them being murdered. It's horrible.

You libs have 2 policies I wanna highlight....and the results:

1. Cop smearing. Results in chaotic murder rates in black communities.
2. Abortion. Results in the fact that 40% of all concieved black kids are aborted.

You say WE don't like black people? Your left wing faggots policies are causing the extinction of black people.

#1. Are you saying that crooked cops don't need to be called out?

#2. If abortion is leading to the "extinction" of black people as you claim, please explain how the black population has increased from 36.4 million in 2000 to 42 million in 2014? | POPULATION
A good cleansing and thinning of the herd.

In most of those cases it is innocent people getting killed. Are you celebrating that?

Chill pardner and learn to roll with the leftists get your panties in a wad far too easily

How am I a leftist when I am against gun control you idiot.

Run along, your panties are in a twist

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