Chicken recall!


Oct 2, 2007
Haha...I'm using chicken to teach Mylo & Klaus to come when called...

So I have to carry a bag-o-chick with me everywhere. So far so good...we're refining and reinforcing the sit, eye contact, and gentle treat taking....and I'm using chicken to reward them when they come when called. It's working so far. I got Klaus to sit on the porch while Mylo was running along the fence barking at a jogger...and then I was able to call Mylo away from the jogger.

They really don't want to listen to the kids, which isn't surprising given the way the kids interact with them (like puppies). So I worked with the kids (and the chicken) and the dogs getting them to sit for the kids. They're (the dogs) are pretty resistant, they know they can just take the food from the kids, so we corrected that.

I need to see what other goodies I have in the freezer. They love venison, I think I have some pretty old stuff in there.
I've never seen a chicken that didn't come racing from wherever it was for food! They literally FLY to you...

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